Iranian Provocations: The Muslim State More Dangerous Than Plastic Straws and Climate Change

Besides having to endure the Deep State’s shenanigans with their loyal helpers controlling the major news organizations, President Donald Trump must also contend with a

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Presidential Wannabe, Marxist Activist Bernie Sanders Hires Radical Muslim As Surrogate

  Doublespeak is language that deliberately distorts or even reverses the meaning of words. For example, when critics of radical

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Open Season on Cops? Statistics Show Increase in Number of Officers Killed in Line of Duty

More than 100 law enforcement officers were killed in the line of duty last year, an increase from 2017, according

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FBI Intel Chief Admits Hillary Clinton Emails Discovered in the Obama White House

A top public-interest legal firm has informed the nation that an upper-echelon FBI official admitted — both in written statements

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