Iranian Provocations: The Muslim State More Dangerous Than Plastic Straws and Climate Change

Besides having to endure the Deep State’s shenanigans with their loyal helpers controlling the major news organizations, President Donald Trump must also contend with a laundry list of alleged un-American actions and decisions made by a Democratic Party that’s become unhinged. Thanks to the generosity of former President Barack Obama to the radical Islamist-run nation of Iran, President Trump — and the American people — are facing a non-stop, overt military buildup by the world’s chief benefactor of Muslim terrorists.  But what are U.S. officials and news outlets concerned about? Donald Trump’s taxes and his intent to make America greater, more powerful and more secure. Quite simply, they have become deranged.

Iranian leaders have plainly admitted that since the U.S.-Iran nuclear deal — the brainchild of Obama and his Secretary of State John Kerry — went into effect, their military services are spending enormous amounts of cash that the U.S. released under the agreement.

The Iranian’s American-provided windfall enabled them to purchase of new military equipment and other armaments from a number of sources. Iran made multi-million dollar arms deals with Russia since economic sanctions were nixed as part of the deal. They even purchased a missile defense system that’s been compared to the Israel’s Iron Dome.  To make matters worse, Iran provided the Palestinians with thousands of mortar rounds, rockets, and short-distance missiles.

Below is a chart developed by The Clarion Project, a think-tank specializing in national security and counterterrorism which provides a brief summary of Iran’s saber-rattling after conning the Obama administration out of billions of dollars.

NACOP Chiefs of Police - James Kouri

Jim Kouri is a member of the Board of Advisors and a former vice president of the National Association of Chiefs of Police, Inc. a 501 (c) (3) not-for-profit organization incorporated in Florida in May 1967. The Association was organized for educational and charitable activities for law enforcement officers in command ranks and supervisory agents of state & federal law enforcement agencies as well as leaders in the private security sector. NACOP also provides funding to small departments, officers and the families of those officers paralyzed and disabled in the line of duty.

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