Pelosi and the Left Go Unhinged: They Are Censoring President Trump for Telling the Truth to American Patriots.

The Silicon Valley elites (executives at Facebook, Twitter, Google) and the fake news media (CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, etc.)

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Radical Congresswoman Ilhan Omar Calls for Sharia and Flogging of Her Critics

Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, D-Minnesota, along with presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-New York, and more than 30

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Intel Analyst Provides CORVID-19 Report from Johns Hopkins Univ. Infectious Diseases Professor

“The following information is for analysis and consideration only.  Said information, while presented by a physician whose daughter is an

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Speaker Pelosi and House Democrats Sneak Pro-Abortion Provision into Coronavirus Legislation

During her weekly press conference on Thursday, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosii said, “Lives are at stake. This is not

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