Minnesota Republican Declares His Candidacy to Remove Radical Muslim Rep. Ilhan Omar
Featured Photograph: Rep. Omar is loved by the depraved Democrats and the news media.
“Why would Muslims in the U.S. favor the Deep State, New World Order and One World Government? Because, I believe, they view the global takeover as being easier to achieve through international jihad than having to fight individual countries.” – Nicholas Pendalton, Counter-Terrorism Task Force (Ret.).
It appears that not a week goes by without U.S. Representative Ilhan Omar (D-Minnesota) uttering something that is shocking or repulsive about the President of the United States, the Jewish State of Israel, or her support for illegal immigrants, even those who are murderers, rapists, robbers, drug traffickers, and child predators.
With her fellow freshman congresswomen – dubbed The Squad by their giddy news media fans – she is also a neo-Marxist who despises capitalism as much as the Democratic Party’s establishment.
While the corrupt news media continues assaults on President Donald Trump, local police departments, immigration enforcement agents, and patriotic Americans in the Republican Party, a GOP candidate has thrown his hat into the ring to campaign against Rep. Omar.
In July, 40-year Minneapolis resident Lacy Johnson announced his intention to seek the Republican nomination for Congress in order to unseat the anti-Semite, radical-leftist Ilhan Omar.

Originally from Mississippi. Lacy moved to Minnesota to attend the University of Minnesota. While he didn’t finish with only two credits left, he decided to pursue starting another Microsoft and become a billionaire. Long story short, he says he got a job as a tech writer which got him a position with a computer engineering firm. He ended up going back to school for computer engineering completed his studies at Brown Institute. He spent about 40 years in computer engineering.
“I live in North Minneapolis, which is considered like “the hood.” I’ve been here for over 35 years. And really what motivated me, and I’m not a politician, I just kept seeing the same problems decade-after-decade. Same amount of suffering, people’s lives weren’t getting any better,” he told The Federalist.
“I saw that black Americans were voting 80 to 85 percent Democrat. I also saw that Democrats wasn’t doing anything to help our situation. I don’t agree with the Democrat principles. I agree with the Republican principles of free enterprise, responsibility, fiscally conservative. There are some issues I’m socially conservative on because of my Southern Baptist background,” Lacy said.
U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar and Radical Islam
In last week’s Conservative Base, editor Jim Kouri reported on U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar, latest anti-American act: Calling the United Nations to take action in the illegal alien crisis at the United States’ southern border.
The controversial Muslim activist is pushing – along with many other Democrats – a complete revamp of the nation’s handling of immigration, including a more compassionate foreign policy, plus the involvement and oversight from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.
“Once again a Democratic politician slips and tells the truth. What Omar is asking for is the U.S. bowing to the U.N. which has morphed into a precursor for a Global Government and a New World Order,” argues former military intelligence analyst and Nevada state police lieutenant, Philip Drake.
“The U.N. is very popular in the Muslim world since it usually favors Islamic countries over Israel and its best friend the United States,” Drake added.
Speaking at an gathering in her district in south Minneapolis, the freshman Democrat said the country will abandon our morality on the issue under the Trump administration.
“What we face is not an invasion,” Omar said, referring to the president’s rhetoric on the issue. “This is not an invasion, it’s an immigration crisis.”
“There is no good way to detain immigrants,” she said, recalling a visit to a facility used by ICE in Sherburne County. “We are treating people like criminals when they have not committed a crime.”
“Whether or not Omar and her ilk believe illegal aliens do commit crimes when they break immigration laws, many of them commit murders, assaults, burglaries, robberies and sex crime.
“Listen, folks. We’re really losing our moral high ground,” she stated. “It doesn’t make any sense for us to be committing these kind of human rights violations, to have these policies in the way we interact with migrants and asylum seekers if we want to continue to be the kind of country that condemns countries in Africa, in Asia or Latin American countries for its treatment of refugees and asylum seekers.”
Democratic freshman congresswoman Ilhan Omar of Minnesota put the patriotism of American-born citizens into question. Omar claimed that she “probably love[s] this country more than anyone born in the U.S.”
According to Capt. Matthew Harken, a New Mexico police commander. “Omar participated in foreign policy symposium at the far-left Netroots Nation conference in Philadelphia when she made her comment. Omar began her remarks by making light of the backlash that has resulted from her past anti-Semitic comments.”
Ilhan Omar has repeatedly attacked Israel, sympathized with terrorists, attacked President Trump, and shown zero patriotism towards our great country.
Lacy Johnson will stand up against this type of blatant Anti-Americanism and return Minnesota to sanity.