Leaked Report Fingers Mueller, Intel Community and News Media for Plot to Railroad Gen. Flynn

What’s even more shocking and disturbing is that these so-called “swamp creatures” may be planning to frame others they deem political targets.
An investigative reporter who is seen almost daily on the Fox News Channel’s Sean Hannity Show along with fellow journalist Sara Carter, John Solomon — who is a frequent Fox News National Security Analyst and the Vice President of Digital Video for The Hill news magazine — exposed this scheme to frame an innocent warrior who has done more to upgrade national cybersecurity than any of the so-called top spies such as James Clapper or John Brennan.
“In police jargon, what [Special Counsel] Mueller did with his band of Democrats and Deep State swamp-dwellers was to ‘flake’ a former decorated military commander who spoke out about the abuses of the Obama administration’s illegal use of the nation’s intelligence community. To ‘flake’ someone is police jargon for falsely accusing an innocent person and framing them for something they didn’t do,” said former homicide detective Barry Lorenson.
One of the disturbing elements of Solomon’s probe is the fact that for close to two years, the U.S. intelligence community has concealed exculpatory evidence in the Russia-collusion case that directly undercuts the portrayal of retired Army general and former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn as a Russian stooge.
That silence was maintained even when former acting Attorney General Sally Yates publicly claimed Flynn was possibly “compromised” by Moscow. And when a Democratic senator, Al Franken of Minnesota — who resigned in disgrace after being seen in a video fondling a sleeping woman on a plane — suggested the former Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) chief posed a “danger to this republic.”
Officials from the Pentagon gave a classified briefing to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) in May 2017, but then the Pentagon refused to comply with Senator Grassley’s entering his plea to the Pentagon three months later to make at least some of that briefing at least some of the information available to the public.

“It appears the public release of this information would not pose any ongoing risk to national security. Moreover, the declassification would be in the public interest, and is in the interest of fairness to Lt. Gen. Flynn,” Grassley wrote in August 2017.
Had the information Sen. Grassley requested been made public, America would have learned this, according to my sources:
Before Flynn made his December 2015 trip to meet Russian officials in Moscow — as a retired military general and then-adviser to Donald Trump’s presidential campaign — he made certain he informed the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) which he once commanded during the Obama administration.
He then attended a “defensive” or “protective” briefing before he ever sat alongside Russian President Vladimir Putin at a dinner held by the government-supervised news service Russia Today (RT) , or before he talked with then-Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak.
The briefing educated and sensitized Flynn to possible efforts by his Russian host to compromise the former high-ranking defense official and prepared him for conversations in which he could potentially extract intelligence for U.S. agencies such as the DIA.
When Flynn returned from Moscow, he spent time briefing intelligence officials on what he learned during the Moscow contacts. Between two and nine intelligence officials attended the various meetings with Flynn about the RT event, and the information was moderately useful, about what one would expect from a public event, according to Solomon.
If special counsel Mueller and director Comey oh so good then how are my Witnesses being killed?
I have been connected to FBI agents for 30 years, around me it’s a slaughterhouse.
They completely missed events behind and leading to San Bruno, the sniper attack, Fresno explosion fires in Santa Rosa, Napa and Sonoma plus the deadly fire in Paradise.
You should check judge alsup calendar where you will see sealed federal indictments on Tuesday
I will post on my blog pgewitness.com or check #pgewitness watch the video of the gas can man exiting the fire in 2011 with two gas cans.
It is all domestic terrorism from the Caldecott Tunnel to the Oklahoma City bombing to the world trade Center, the 1993 bombing and others.
A very common theme spoken buy many of the suspects is I didn’t do it.
I have doubts about many incidents.
Keep digging these up these are great I will repost to my numerous blogs
Don’t trust artificial intelligence to run your life until the day Google voice can compose your letter without a single typo.
Somedays dumb as a brick.