Lawmakers: Reforms needed to end lying Obama national security advisers
Rep. Mac Thornberry, R-Texas, Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, on Wednesday unveiled a proposal to totally revamp the National Security Council (NSC). During the Obama administration, the NSC has been repeatedly criticized for distorting the work and accomplishments of America’s national security institutions. Many security and intelligence experts claim the NSC has become a place to dump political hacks who could never get past a Senate confirmation hearing.
“Ben Rhodes is nothing but a young wiseguy who is a political ‘spin doctor’ and more of communications director than a national security expert. He’s never been in the military, never served in the intelligence community but is a graduate school brainchild who knows politics,” said former U.S. Marine intelligence operation and police commander Sid Franes.

Franes said: “Rhodes recently bragged about how he and the Obama team misled journalists regarding the U.S. negotiations for the Iran nuclear agreement. He actually admitted conning young, inexperienced reporters to sway public opinion to seal the deal. The lies were told in concert with Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry.”
“Not only did Obama and his minions lie and connive in order to achieve what amounted to a pyrrhic political victory, but they are boasting about taking advantage of the mentally-challenged news media,” Franes quipped.
Chairman Thornberry’s proposed amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) limit the number of NSC staff at 100 people. The GOP panel members believe 100 men and women is enough to coordinate activity and advise the President.
Under the amendment, if a President wished to have a larger NSC with exceeding 100 staff, it would be possible but then the National Security Adviser position would require confirmation by the Senate same as when confirming a nominee for a cabinet post.
According to Thornberry, the NSC currently has a staff of about 400, but Susan Rice never had to endure a confirmation hearing and was simply appointed by the man for whom she lied on national television when she blamed the 2012 Battle of Benghazi on the Muslims response to a YouTube video, which was a lie concocted in the White House.
In filing the amendment, Thornberry said, “All of President Obama’s former Defense Secretaries have complained about micromanagement by the NSC. I have personally heard from troops on the frontlines who have received intimidating calls from junior White House staffers. The current NSC has grown so large that the White House cannot even give us a clear estimate of how many people actually work for it. Now we hear reports of NSC staffers [such as Susan Rice and Ben Rhodes] running misinformation campaigns targeted at Congress and the press.”
“I believe the traditional role filled by the NSC — of coordinating policy and offering advice to the President — is essential and should continue. History proves that 100 people are enough to get that job done. However, if the President wants an NSC modeled after the current one — an NSC that makes operational decisions, builds misinformation campaigns, and absorbs most national security functions within the White House — it will come with accountability and oversight from Congress,” said the veteran GOP politician.