Justice Dept. corruption: Hillary Clinton’s DOJ donors prove ‘fix is in’
Democratic Party presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton’s chief aide, Cheryl Mills, and her attorney reportedly stormed out of her interview by FBI agents regarding Hillary’s privately installed and utilized email system and Internet server. The Washington Post claims that one of the FBI agents asked Mills a question and she left the interview complaining the question was inappropriate.
The newspaper also claims that after a brief meeting between Cheryl Mills and Beth Wilkinson, her legal counsel, the two women returned to the interview room. Also it has been intimated by law enforcement insiders that Mills and Wilkinson requested several breaks from the interview in order to confer privately.
According to Conservative Base law-enforcement source Laurence McCaffrey, he was led to believe that the interview question that caused Mills and Wilkinson to walk out had to do with the procedure used to produce emails for possible public release by the State Department.
Mills refused to answer questions about it because her attorney and Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s Justice Department attorneys agreed it was confidential and therefore FBI agents were prevented to delving into the allegations about private server.

The FBI has continued investigating possible gross mishandling of classified information and Clinton’s use of an unsecured personal account exclusively for government business. Investigators have already interviewed two of Clinton’s top aides, Mills and Huma Abedin, and hope to be able to interview Clinton herself as they wrap up the case. There are also allegations of illegal activity at the so-called Clinton family charity the Clinton Foundation.
“Based on these latest reports, I would say the FBI is being handcuffed by Justice Department lawyers in order to protect the Democrats’ heir apparent to the White House,” said Laurence McCaffrey, a former criminal investigator specializing in white-collar crime and corporate espionage. “There is evidence that the ‘fix is in’ at the Justice Department, a department that openly allowed its lawyers and investigators to donate money to the Clinton campaign,” he added.
According to the Washington Free Beacon, Hillary Clinton garnered $75,000.00 in political donations from taxpayer-paid Justice Department workers so far. “This is the department which will determine whether there should be criminal charges leveled against the Clinton and others for using an unauthorized private e-mail server,” said political strategist Michael Baker.
The Justice Department workers’ political donations to the Clinton campaign exceed the amount of money they gave to her rivals Democrat Bernie Sanders and Republican candidate Donald Trump. Clinton received $73,437 from over 200 Justice Department employees. Twelve of the DOJ staff are reported to have donated the maximum $2,700 to Hillary for President coffers.
Dave Bossie, leader of the watchdog group Citizens United, claims he’s far from being surprised. “I’m not surprised in the least to see more evidence that shows the politicization of the Justice Department,” Bossie said. “How can Democrat political appointees fairly investigate someone who is about to become their nominee for president? That’s why last July I called on Attorney General Lynch to appoint an impartial special counsel to investigate the private Clinton email server.”
They will when hell freezes over
We have known for some time that the DOJ is corrupt to the core. I’m not saying everyone who works there is corrupt but they know what is has been happening for the past several years. Evidently they are powerless to intervene or being the good Americans that they are, they would have done so.
The FBI is an entirely different matter. They have always been one of America’s finest agencies and for all intents and purposes probably remains one of the last still standing. If their high level people still have the integrity, decency and patriotism they are known for, nothing will stop them from doing the job they are paid to do. Nothing ! There are some things money can’t buy, the FBI used to be one of them. I still have faith in them, we shall see if they still have what it takes to be one of of governments finest.
They’ll never charge her with anything