Epstein Teen Sex Trafficking Case: Bill Clinton May Face New Sex Crimes Charges
On the pages of Britain’s Daily Mail and other European and Internet news outlets, it was reported on Monday, Nov. 20, 2017 — more than 16-years after leaving the White House — President Bill Clinton is being accused of new charges of sexual assault by four women, according to the Red State news and commentary website. In addition, along with the news and commentary below, there are videos of interest to those searching for answers to questions the news media elites fail to ask. Now that both Hillary and Bill have lost much of their power and Party support, they may find themselves wanting for news media protection.
The latest case appears to be an impending lawsuit to be filed civil against the 71-year-old former Commander in Chief — whose legacy appears to be his ability to stay out of prison for charges of sexual misconduct or perjury. This time around, the charges being made are 16 years after he left office in 2001 to become a “bagman for his own phony charity” which was an alleged “pay to play” organization especially when his wife served as the Secretary of State.
The individual attorneys representing the four women are coordinating their cases and have already served notice to Clinton that they’re writing their briefs in order to file four separate lawsuits against him.
So far, the women’s attorneys are urging pretrial settlements involving millions of dollars in return for the women’s silence which may mean signing binding non-disclosure agreements.
According to the Daily Mail news story written by former New York Times Magazine editor Ed Klein: “The new allegations refer to incidents that took place more than 10 years ago, in the early 2000s, when Clinton was hired by Ron Burkle, the playboy billionaire investor, to work at his Yucaipa companies.”
Klein also reported that Clinton helped Burkle generate business and flew around the world with a flock of beautiful young women on Burkle’s private jet, which was nicknamed ‘Air F**k One.’ The four women, who have not yet revealed their identities, were employed in low-level positions at the Burkle organization when they were in their late teens and claim they were sexually assaulted by the former president.”
While the U.S. news media on Sunday breathlessly covered the unproven charges against a number of Republicans some media outlets were quick to drop — or ignore — any stories that might politically harm America’s own version of a royal family: the Clintons. In fact, during the course of hawking her new book on TV and radio, Hillary Clinton continued to add to her list the names of people who cheated her out of her rightful place in the White House. And the mainstream news media allowed her to go unchallenged except for a handful of real journalists. (See Rita Cosby’s interview on Conservative Base.)

A perfect example of media amnesia was a news story being covered overseas or by Internet news/commentary web sites regarding allegations that former President Bill Clinton visited one of his super-rich pals, convicted pedophile and professional cad Jeffrey Epstein, at his so-called “orgy island.” A teenager who slept with a number of Epstein’s guests claims that the former U.S. Commander in Chief arrived at Epstein’s sexual-fantasy island with two teenage girls from New York City. According to the now 31-year-old woman, she was a bright-eyed teenager at the time she met former President — and wannabe First Gentleman — Clinton, and she is quick to admit she did not personally have sex with him, but that other youngsters her age were provided to him.
Virginia Roberts, who’s accused the ultra-wealthy Epstein of turning her into a “sex slave” while still a teenager, has told European and Internet reporters that Jeffrey Epstein forced her and other teens to have sex with his powerful guests. She claims that Clinton stayed in one of the many villas on Epstein’s U.S. Virgin Islands estate, where sex orgies were as common as handshakes.
“I remember asking Jeffrey, ‘What’s Bill Clinton doing here?’ kind of thing, and he laughed it off and said, ‘Well, he owes me a favor,’ ” Roberts told her lawyers in deposition. “He never told me what favors they were.”
Roberts says she was introduced to Epstein by Ghislaine Maxwell, daughter of disgraced British media mogul Robert Maxwell. In 1991, Maxwell’s lifeless body was mysteriously found at sea after going missing from his yacht. British news outlets claimed he was billions of dollars in debt at the time.
“Slick Willie” — the nickname given to Clinton by conservatives — was accompanied by two of Epstein’s “regulars and two young girls that I could identify,” Roberts claimed. “I never really knew them well [sic] anyways. It was just two girls from New York,” she said.
Bill Clinton took repeated trips on the private passenger jet owned by Epstein with a porn movie actress identified in Epstein’s records under an entry for “massages,” according to flight logbooks obtained by Gawker ezine. The logs also allegedly revealed that Clinton had flown about a dozen time with a woman who federal prosecutors had investigated as a woman who recruited underage girls for Epstein’s “kiddie stable” and that she acted as a possible co-conspirator” in his sex crimes.
There have also been allegations that Hillary Clinton, while a member of the U.S. Senate, had visited Epstein island, but there are no reports of what she did there or with whom she did it.
Several law enforcement officers who specialize in sex crimes and pedophilia believe this whole sexual-fantasy-island is a perfect example of political hypocrisy. “Here you have a bunch of teenagers being sexually exploited by so-called liberals like Clinton, Epstein, and attorney Alan Dershowitz who accuse American conservatives of unequal treatment of women,” stated a former police sex crimes unit member.”
“These were children, for crying out loud. These supposed pillars of the community took advantage of children,” scolds former sex crimes unit Detective Isabel Cortez. “What is equally disturbing is how the so-called unbiased news media ignored the Clinton story on Epstein’s sexual Disneyland and no one even asks Hillary Clinton about her connection to Jeffrey Epstein,” Det. Cortex added.
According to Epstein’s flight manifest, Clinton flew on the billionaire’s private Boeing 727, which actually had a special bedroom for kinky sex. “It was a lot of the same things that went down on the ground,” she claimed. “There would be sexual conduct; there would be foreplay. There was a bed in there, so we could basically re-enact exactly what happened in the house. It would start off with massaging or we would start off with foreplay. Sometimes it would lead to, you know, orgies,” said Roberts.
While the Clinton surrogates jumped into their “damage-control mode” and attacked yet another in a long list of “bimbo eruptions,” Roberts frequently told reporters and talk show hosts that she never had sex with that man… Bill Clinton. She also openly stated that she had not witnessed him having sex with anyone.
But the stunning young woman said she was involved in group sex with Epstein, British royal family member Prince Andrew, as well as eight other teen girls. And she did call Epstein “a pimp for his prominent pals” and that he would brag about gathering information on people such as Bill Clinton is case he needed to blackmail them later, Roberts alleged in a new affidavit. “Epstein required me to describe the sexual events that I had with these men, presumably so that he could potentially blackmail them,” she added.