Corrupt journalism: Maine’s GOP governor being ‘framed’ as racist by media
Maine’s GOP governor is being railroaded by the news media and race-baiting activists for actually stating the truth that just about every law enforcement officer in the nation understands: drug traffickers and dealers with hip-hop music names such as “D-Money” often impregnate young white girls while selling their products be it heroin, cocaine or methamphetamine.
“These are guys with the name D-Money, Smoothie, Shifty … these types of guys … they come from Connecticut and New York, they come up here, they sell their heroin, they go back home,” the Portland Press Herald. quoted Gov. Paul LePage, a moderate Republican in a state not known for its conservatism.
“Half the time they impregnate a young, white girl before they leave, which is a real sad thing because then we have another issue we have to deal with down the road,” LePage stated.
Within minutes, reporters in Maine jumped into their “frenzy mode” to insinuate the GOP politician’s statement was racist, although he never mentioned the race of the drug traffickers. “Believe it or not, any cop worth his salt knows that there are a number of young, white males who use ‘tags’ like Swifty Pete, Cold Man, Smooth Flow, etc. The reporters need to educate themselves about the ‘streets,'” said former NYPD police detective Michael Snopes, who has worked on anti-drug task forces.
One the biggest names in rap music, Snoop Dogg, is a founding member of the Los Angeles gang The Crips, and he’s been open about his past on the streets of L.A., according to Sid Franes, a former black police detective who opposes the politically correct orthodoxy.
LePage’s spokesman said in a statement that Maine’s governor was “not making comments about race.””The governor is not making comments about race. Race is irrelevant,” Peter Steele said.

“What is relevant is the cost to state taxpayers for welfare and the emotional costs for these kids who are born as a result of involvement with drug traffickers. His heart goes out to these kids because he had a difficult childhood too. We need to stop the drug traffickers from coming into our state,” he stated.
Not allowing a race-baiting opportunity to slip by, Democratic presidential Hillary Clinton’s minions sent out a statement on her behalf that same night slamming LePage for his “racist rants.”
“LePage’s racist rants sadly distract from efforts to address one of our nation’s most pressing problems,” said the campaign’s Marlon Marshall. “Sadly, Governor LePage’s comments aren’t too dissimilar from the divisive, misleading and hateful rhetoric we’re seeing from Republicans across the country these days,” Marshall said.
“Once again the Democrats are attempting to drive a wedge between the races. It’s almost comical because one can accurately guess how far these liberal plantation overseers will go to create racial unrest in order to increase their campaign donations and get voters to the voting booths,” said Mike Baker, a political consultant and strategist.
“And there is no limit to Hillary’s hypocrisy. During her 2008 presidential campaign, Mrs. Clinton leaked some of the most racist and divisive information about her opponent, Sen. Barack Obama. In fact, she’s the one who questioned Obama’s eligibility to be a U.S. president,” Baker added. “She and her news media hacks are always seeking ammunition for their de facto race war.”