Trump’s TV Address: President Discusses Threats Posed by Immigrant Terrorists

When President Donald J. Trump gives his highly-anticipated televised primetime address to the nation on Tuesday at 9:00 p.m. (eastern), many law enforcement and intelligence officials believe he will discuss his plan for border security including a newly released congressional report on the subject of illegal immigration by Islamic terrorists and other radicals. (See Trump’s speech below.)

Many law enforcement officers are eager to hear President Trump’s televised national speech on Tuesday Jan. 8, 2019 at 9:00 p.m. (eastern).

Just before the U.S. House of Representatives Republican members turned over the Speaker’s gavel to the Democratic Party majority, the House Homeland Security Committee Majority Staff released its 2018-2019 report which details the threats and dangers posed by radical Islamist terrorists — a/k/a Special Interest Aliens (SIAs) –seeking entry to the United States from a country identified as having links to terrorism.

The SIA report provides recommendations for security measures to prevent these individuals from getting access to the U.S. homeland and exploiting the illicit pathways throughout the Americas.

The security efforts described in the House report are meant to help in preventing future terrorist attacks by closing down ways into America illegally.

According to the the House committee, this latest national security report is the culmination of research by the Task Force on Combating Terrorist and Foreign Fighter Travel and the Task Force on Denying Terrorists Entry into the United States.

U.S. Rep. John Katko (R-New York), Chair of the House Homeland Security Committee’s bipartisan Foreign Fighter Task Force, joined other members of the Task Force — including  House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Michael McCaul — and to publicly release their final report on combating terrorists and foreign fighter travel.

“This task force has devoted six months to examining the dangers of foreign fighter travel and America’s strategy to combat this multifaceted global threat,” said Republican Leader, Rep.  Katko

“We are seeing a surge of foreign fighters from Western Europe and the U.S.   These individuals make terrorist groups like ISIS stronger, they pose the threat of bringing their terror skills back home, and they have the capability to radicalize others online from abroad,” Katko added.

The Foreign Fighter Task Force was commissioned in March 2018 by Chairman McCaul, in response to the evolving threat posed by extremists fighting overseas. The six-month review was the most comprehensive, public assessment of U.S. government efforts to counter terrorist travel since the 9/11 Commission’s final report.  It included 16 member briefings and site visits, 29 staff briefings, and travel to 6 foreign countries, including Israel, Iraq, Turkey, Germany, Belgium and France.

“The United States lacks a comprehensive plan to address the threat of foreign fighters,” Katko said. “As we move forward to implement the findings of this report, it is critical that we focus on boosting global intelligence measures, producing an updated national strategy, halting the online recruitment of Americans by terrorist groups, and encouraging more efficient information sharing between state, local and federal law enforcement,” he said.

“I commend Congressman Katko for leading the Task Force on this serious homeland security issue, a grave and growing threat from foreign fighters,”said Chairman Michael McCaul (R-Texas). “Sadly, global efforts have failed to stop the flow of these aspiring jihadists into Syria, and we have already seen ‘returnees’ from the conflict zone come home to America and Europe and plot acts of terror. Even more, those still on the battlefield are radicalizing their peers online and inciting them to launch homegrown attacks. In light of the Task Force’s findings, I urge American leaders to develop a strategy to combat terrorist and foreign fighter travel and eliminate the ISIS threat.”

The report includes the following recommendations:
  • Authorize the Biometric Identification Transnational Migration Alert Program(BITMAP);
  • Authorize Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Repatriation Authority;
  • Authorize Customs and Border Protection’s (CBP’s) Immigration Advisory Program (IAP) and DHS’ Office of Biometric Identity Management (OBIM);
  • Conduct U.S. Southwest Border, U.S. Maritime Border, and U.S. Port of Entry Threat Analysis;
  • Increase Support for Transnational Criminal Investigative Units (TCIU);
  • Increase Interagency Coordination Through a Western Hemisphere Task Force; and
  • Create Inter-American Information Sharing System.


Jim Kouri, CPP, is founder and CEO of Kouri Associates, a homeland security, public safety and political consulting firm. He's formerly Fifth Vice-President, now a Board Member of the National Association of Chiefs of Police, a columnist, and a contributor to the nationally syndicated talk-radio program, the Chuck Wilder Show.. He's former chief of police at a New York City housing project in Washington Heights nicknamed "Crack City" by reporters covering the drug war in the 1980s. In addition, he served as director of public safety at St. Peter's University and director of security for several major organizations. He's also served on the National Drug Task Force and trained police and security officers throughout the country.

3 thoughts on “Trump’s TV Address: President Discusses Threats Posed by Immigrant Terrorists

  • January 9, 2019 at 12:12 am

    PresTrump should, 1)Talk about illegals costing over $100Bil EVERY yr, & 1-time wall expense of $5-20Bil makes sense 2) # of murders/crimes by illegals & # terrorists, criminals caught, 3)$11Bil wasted ‘Use It Or Lose IT’ year end spending by gov agencies, lest they lose $ nxt year, and 4) CHECKMATE, play tape of Schumer, BO, & Hill AGREEING w Trump on border security BEFORE he was POTUS, exposing their dishonesty & pettiness, & defanging the ‘rascism’ charge.
    And just like Reagan, tell Americans to swamp Washington w emails, letters, etc, to show their support for the wall. These things would be effective.

  • January 9, 2019 at 1:16 am

    Trump has to come out with both barrels blasting tonight, this is a make or break speech for him and for saving what’s left of America ! The Democrats have already said they will never fund the wall or anything that would stop the tsunami of illegal aliens. The RINOs in Trumps own party agree and are helping the Dems in all ways possible to destroy Trump. He is taking them all on virtually alone with very little help but may need to become more forceful.. If there was ever a time, THIS is it ! Give’m Hell Mr President.

  • January 9, 2019 at 5:08 am

    Please visit and my related hashtag #PGEwitness

    About 14 years ago a pipeline blew up in Walnut Creek five men were killed I think all were Hispanic.

    Barbara boxer’s husband of boxer and gerson won 18 million dollars for their clients that were injured.

    Six months after the explosion Alicia Driscoll and her daughter dead of 22
    caliber gunshots that they said self inflicted, 2010 the PG&E line blew up, in 2018 88 people were killed in Paradise but the problem is bigger than that.

    Before we had this uncontrolled immigration we never had this many fires, they’re breaking out all over the state.

    Think it through taper down the entrance get a handle on what’s going on then slowly methodically opened up the gates for legal immigration.

    I’ve become a little more bold in my postings and comments, as I am a former PG&E programmer that was screwed over by somebody inside PG&E in a plan to cover up the truth about the explosion.

    I’m still checking for the results of the sealed indictments in the ninth circuit Court in San Francisco.

    Tuesdays are criminal calendars with three separate sealed indictments that were her today or perhaps postponed.

    Judge alsup has the PG&E case of contempt and on the witness that’s involved in the contempt charges.

    My reward after I wrote my letters in 2014 was five of my nephews were murdered in Utah.

    Build the wall close the gates ask questions later perhaps we won’t burn down any more towns.

    My ex-wife and son lost everything in Paradise there’s no compensation check coming for me even though it’s some of my property.

    I know the system I have put a district attorney into the arms of a grand jury oh, I traced his relatives and Friends into a bigger story.

    Just keep listening if you can


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