Trump is right: Judge from La Raza should recuse himself
The media battle between defenders of a Latino judge and presidential candidate Donald Trump is becoming the vehicle by with the Democratic Party-assisted news media can gang-rape the GOP hopeful. In a civil court case involving Trump and his university, Mr. Trump questioned the integrity of a judge who not only is a registered Democrat but is also a member of an anti-white, anti-American radical group.

What the news media fails to mention in the story regarding Donald Trump and Judge Gonzalo Curiel is the judge’s connection to La Raza (“The Race”), a hate group that advocates the return of the US southwest to Mexico. In fact the group — San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association — has repeatedly backed extreme anti-enforcement, pro-illegal immigrant speakers and causes, according to its own web site,
What the news media fails to mention in the story regarding Donald Trump and Judge Gonzalo Curiel is the judge’s connection to La Raza (“The Race”), a hate group that advocates the return of the US southwest to Mexico. In fact the group — San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association — has repeatedly backed extreme anti-enforcement, pro-illegal immigrant speakers and causes, according to its own web site,
In her attempt to smear Donald Trump, Kelly that Judge Gonzalo Curiel wasn’t a member of La Raza. “First of all, people are saying that this judge is a member of La Raza, the group that’s been protesting Donald Trump. He isn’t,” Kelly said. Many believe that Kelly has never questioned the integrity of the most far-left, anti-American judges appointed by the Democrats.
But Kelly is wrong. It isn’t a nonpartisan association; it’s a pro-illegal immigration outfit that funds scholarships for illegal aliens! And yes, it also endorses candidates.