Trump Endorsement: American Law Enforcement Officers Say Trump Is Their Choice
“Every top Democrat currently running for this office has vilified the police and made criminals out to be victims. They seem to take any union’s support for granted. Many of them still refer to the tragedy in Ferguson as a murder, despite the conclusions of every investigative inquiry to the contrary. While his candor ruffles the feathers of the left, I find it honest and refreshing. He stands with America’s Law Enforcement Officer and we will continue to stand with him.” – International Union of Police Associations, AFL-CIO
As the 2020 presidential election heats up on the Democratic side, a law enforcement group representing over 100,000 of America’s police officers is getting solidly behind the Republican president in his bid for re-election.
“Today President Sam A. Cabral announced that the International Union of Police Associations, AFL-CIO, has formally endorsed the campaign for the re-election of President Donald J. Trump,” read a press release from the organization Monday.
Cabral did not mince words about what Trump has done for America’s police (emphasis added).
“President Trump has done more for Law Enforcement in the past two and a half years than was accomplished in the eight years that preceded his election.“
Wow. Now THAT’s a strong endorsement!
The press release ticked off a number of things the president has done for law enforcement. “He has even undone some of the harmful acts of his predecessor” the release continued, citing:
- “He signed an order that once again provided law enforcement agencies with life-saving surplus military equipment, especially armored vehicles that have saved the lives of countless police and civilians.
- He directed the Attorney General to develop a strategy that will aggressively prosecute criminals who attack law enforcement.
- He provided more than 100,000.00 dollars to help communities hire more law enforcement officers. – He championed and signed the Mental Health and Wellness Act that improved police access to Mental Health Service.
- He has resumed capital punishment of Federal Prisoners sentenced to death after a nearly two decades pause.”

Trump 2020 campaign manager Brad Parscale noted the significance of this endorsement:
“HUGE union & law enforcement endorsement for @realDonaldTrump – International Union of Police Associations, representing 100,000 cops! IUPA has history of bipartisan endorsements,” Parscale tweeted. “Trump stands WITH POLICE OFFICERS who keep us safe in our neighborhoods.”
The IUPA press release made clear that President Trump has helped make the country safer.
“He has made our communities safer,” it read. “Despite the daily news of violence, murder, and mayhem in the Democratic strongholds of Baltimore as well as Chicago and the absolute deteriorable situation of the cities of Los Angeles and San Francisco, the national crime rate has decreased during his presidency.”
IUPA President Cabral also pulled no punches in contrasting Trump’s relationship with law enforcement compared to his Democratic rivals.
“Every top Democrat currently running for this office has vilified the police and made criminals out to be victims,” Cabral said. “They seem to take any union’s support for granted.”
“Many of them still refer to the tragedy in Ferguson as a murder, despite the conclusions of every investigative inquiry to the contrary,” Cabral continued. “While his candor ruffles the feathers of the left, I find it honest and refreshing.”
“He stands with America’s Law Enforcement Officer and we will continue to stand with him,” Cabral said. (emphasis added).
President Cabral noted, “Every top Democrat currently running for this office has vilified the police and made criminals out to be victims. They seem to take any union’s support for granted. Many of them still refer to the tragedy in Ferguson as a murder, despite the conclusions of every investigative inquiry to the contrary. While his candor ruffles the feathers of the left, I find it honest and refreshing. He stands with America’s Law Enforcement Officer and we will continue to stand with him.”
Originally chartered in 1979, the International Union of Police Associations is the only chartered labor union that exclusively represents law enforcement personnel. The more than 100,000 law enforcement personnel represented by the I.U.P.A. are all full time employees of law enforcement agencies ranging from line officers up to first line supervisors as well as civilian employees. The I.U.P.A.’s mission is to protect and advance officers’ wages, benefits, and work conditions. Membership includes officers from agencies throughout the United States, U.S. Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico. More information is available at