Top Legal Scholar Shocks Media by Accusing Justice Department of Plotting a Coup Against Trump

Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz over the last two days described the discussions at the Department of Justice to utilize the U.S. Constitution’s 25th Amendment to oust President Trump — as stated by fired FBI Deputy Director in his interviews and new book press statements — appears to amount to a Third-World country’s attempted coup d’etat.
Dershowitz, who has provided commentary to several news organizations such as Fox New, NewsmaxTV, One American News and others on the Trump-Russia Collusion case, said that his opinion of former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe’s descriptions of Justice Department meetings where he said officials discussed the ousting of a duly elected President of the United States.
“If McCabe’s comments are true, it is clearly an attempt at a coup d’état,” the celebrated legal scholar and law professor said.
Dershowitz, who is far from being a conservative of a Republican, said trying to remove a president for political reasons would be a misuse of 25th Amendment’s original purpose. He said it was originally “about Woodrow Wilson having a stroke. It’s about a president being shot and not being able to perform his office.” Although Prof. Dershowitz is a favorite among the leftist denizens in the news media, most seemed to ignore his statements against Special Counsel Robert Mueller, fired FBI Director James Comey, and the FBI’s latest fired-agent-turned-author, Andrew McCabe.
While hawking his soon-to-be-released “tell all” book this month, former Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, one of the top chiefs at the once-iconic Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) released a stink bomb that’s sure to help to further tarnish the reputation of the federal government.

McCabe who was fired by the Attorney General actually confessed that he did indeed plot with others in the FBI to remove President Donald Trump by any means necessary. That included impeachment or arrest for serious criminal offenses. McCabe, who is a known Democrat and is married to a Democratic Party politician, was one of the first people in what’s been named the Deep State.
The Justice Department’s Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s investigative report states that while lawmakers, news media outlets and American citizens waited months for a copy of the McCabe report, it had been completed in February 2018. Horowitz also explained the function of the investigative unit involved in the McCabe probe.
“The Oversight and Review Division blends the skills of attorneys, investigators, program analysts, and paralegals to conduct special reviews and investigations of sensitive allegations involving Department employees and operations. O&R’s reviews and investigations are often undertaken at the request of the Attorney General, senior Department managers, or Congress.”
In the first paragraphs of Inspector General Horowitz’s report, he claims: “The [Office of the Inspector General] found that then-Deputy Director Andrew McCabe lacked candor, including under oath, on multiple occasions in connection with describing his role in connection with a disclosure to [The Wall Street Journal ],” the report states. The attorneys who wrote the report added that the conduct described in the report violated FBI policies.
“The OIG also concluded that McCabe’s disclosure of the existence of an ongoing investigation in the manner described in this report violated the FBI’s and the Department’s media policy and constituted misconduct,” the OIG report added.
While far too many members of the news media attempt to either discredit, vilify and delegitimize the anti-government corruption legal group known as Judicial Watch, its President Tom Fitton made the following statements regarding the Justice Department Inspector General’s report released regarding suspicious activities by the fired FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe:
Attorney General Jeff Sessions was wholly justified in firing former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe. The IG report portrays McCabe as a serial liar.
McCabe claims in his book that after President Trump fired his boss, FBI Director James Comey, there were discussions within the Department of Justice about invoking the 25th Amendment to remove Trump from office.When regular people lie to the FBI, they get slapped with felony charges.
McCabe, who was the FBI’s number two leader, defiantly bellowed at an invitations-only gathering: “F-ck Flynn and then we F-ck Trump,” according to Accuracy in Media. McCabe was talking about Trump’s national security adviser Gen. Michael Flynn.
This alleged event was held in seclusion and attended by politically-appointed FBI brass following the election that gave Donald Trump the U.S. presidency. McCabe is a known Hillary Clinton supporter and registered Democrat. He is also the husband of Democratic Party politician Jill McCabe who was running for a seat in Virginia’s State Senate. In fact, records show that McCabe’s wife received a windfall donation from Trump’s opponent, Hillary Clinton, which was filtered through Clinton-minion Terry McAuliffe, the current Governor of Virginia.
Without any outrage shown by the news media or politicians, Andrew McCabe was the head of the FBI group involved in the scandalous Hillary Clinton investigation and yet his spouse received an enormous campaign contribution. It was he who allegedly made the decision against recommending Hillary Clinton be charged criminally, which Director James Comey also recommended to Attorney General Loretta Lynch. Lynch made headlines herself when she secretly met with Bill Clinton on his private plane in Arizona a mere four days before Comey announced the decision to not charge Hillary Clinton with any crimes.

McCabe confirmed the report in a new interview with “60 Minutes” host Scott Pelley, who relayed what McCabe told him on “CBS This Morning” Thursday.
“There were meetings at the Justice Department at which it was discussed whether the vice president and a majority of the cabinet could be brought together to remove the president of the United States under the 25th Amendment,” Pelley said.
The discussions occurred between the time of Comey’s firing in May of 2017 and the appointment eight days later of special counsel Robert Mueller to oversee the FBI’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.
According to the Times, Rosenstein also suggested that he secretly record Trump in the White House. Rosenstein disputed the account, and a Justice Department official said he made the remark sarcastically. But McCabe told Pelley that Rosenstein’s offer to wear a wire was made more than once and that he ultimately took it to the lawyers at the FBI to discuss.
McCabe, who was named acting director of the bureau after Comey’s firing, launched obstruction of justice and counterintelligence investigations into whether Trump obstructed justice by firing Comey.
He told Pelley he did so in order to preserve the FBI’s Russian probe in case there was an effort by Trump to terminate them.
“I was very concerned that I was able to put the Russia case on absolutely solid ground, in an indelible fashion,” McCabe said. “That were I removed quickly, or reassigned or fired, that the case could not be closed or vanish in the night without a trace.”
McCabe’s comments come ahead of the release of his new book, “The Threat: How the FBI Protects America in the Age of Terror and Trump,” due out next week.
In an excerpt of the book published Thursday in the Atlantic, McCabe describes a phone he received from Trump on his first full day on the job as acting director of the FBI. According to McCabe, Trump told him that he had “hundreds of messages from FBI people [saying] how happy they are that I fired [Comey].”
“You know — boy, it’s incredible, it’s such a great thing, people are really happy about the fact that the director’s gone, and it’s just remarkable what people are saying,” Trump said, according to McCabe. “Have you seen that? Are you seeing that, too?”
McCabe was eventually fired in March 2018, less than two days before he would have collected a full early pension for his FBI career.
“Andrew McCabe FIRED,” Trump tweeted on the day of McCabe’s dismissal. “A great day for the hard working men and women of the FBI – A great day for Democracy.”
Trump has since railed against McCabe dozens of times on Twitter. “He LIED! LIED! LIED! McCabe was totally controlled by Comey – McCabe is Comey!” he exclaimed last April. “The collusion narrative is all made up by this den of thieves and lowlifes!”
White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said in a statement on Thursday that McCabe’s “selfish and destructive agenda drove him to open a completely baseless investigation into the president.”
“Andrew McCabe has no credibility and is an embarrassment to the men and women of the FBI and our great country,” she added.
MSM and Mueller and McCabe takedown
McCabe looks like the cheap weak thug, loser gangster character (“Wilmer, the gunsel”) in The Maltese Falcon and The Big Sleep:
“The Maltese Falcon – The Fall Guy”
At 1:11 – Let’s give them the gunsel…
Great point. I remember that character. The actor Elisha Cook played him and many other quirky roles. I guess we’re both showing our age.
McCabe may be more than a liar and deepstate operative against Pres. Trump; he may be a national security risk:
After Sunday night’s CBS 60 Minutes interview of McCabe, he has proven himself to be a national security risk by broadcasting classified information:
Excerpt from transcript:
“McCabe told us, as the weeks wore on, the president continued to express what McCabe thought was a strange affinity for russia. He remembers a day when an FBI official returned from the White House to brief McCabe on the results of a meeting with the president.
Andrew McCabe: The president— launched into— several unrelated diatribes. One of those was commenting on the recent missile launches by the government of North Korea. And, essentially, the president said he did not believe that the North Koreans had the capability to hit us here with ballistic missiles in the United States. And he did not believe that because President Putin had told him they did not. President Putin had told him that the North Koreans don’t actually have those missiles.
Scott Pelley: And U.S. intelligence was telling the president what?
Andrew McCabe: Intelligence officials in the briefing responded that that was not consistent with any of the intelligence our government possesses, to which the president replied, “I don’t care. I believe Putin.”
Scott Pelley: What did you think when you heard that?
Andrew McCabe: It’s just an astounding thing to say. To spend the time and effort and energy that we all do in the intelligence community to produce products that will help decision makers and the ultimate decision maker, the President of the United States— make policy decisions, and to be confronted with an absolute disbelief in those efforts and a unwillingness to learn the true state of affairs that he has to deal with every day was just shocking.”
More interesting info on McCabe here: