Soros Turns His Sights on Second Amendment and American Gun Owners
Featured Photograph: Former Milwaukee, Wisconsin Sheriff David Clarke (left) and multi-billionaire George Soros.

The Deep State’s cash-cow, multi-billionaire Marxist George Soros is known for his financing a multitude of political activist groups and his current project of supporting leftist candidates for states’ attorneys general and cities’ district attorneys.
Soros also funds movements and projects aimed at destroying America’s identity and building a new world order.
It appears that as part of his agenda, Soros is now active in taking away guns from the American people which would help him achieve his political agenda. His top activist group — Open Society Foundation — is lobbying for bans on commonly-owned semiautomatic firearms, gun rationing, the licensing of firearm owners, and registration of guns.
In the last nine-months alone, Soros has broken the record for lobbying in Washington, DC, spending almost $10 million on various projects including gun legislation being supported by all of the Democratic Party’s presidential candidates.
Cultural Marxists have waged an insidious campaign to impose their own tyrannous, man-made utopia on America, devoid of natural rights and religion. They have achieved their goals of disarming citizens, corrupting the justice system, and appointing local, state and federal politicians to top positions.
Former President Barack Obama acted as a Leninist transmission belt of cultural Marxism in 2008 when he declared that small-town Americans are “bitter,” and “they cling to guns or religion…as a way to explain their frustrations.”