Serial killer illegal immigrant in Texas may be linked to 6 more deaths, says Dallas D.A.

In a number of brutal murders of women in Dallas, Texas, a suspect illegally in the United States may have committed more than the original 12 deaths of elderly women. former police detective and criminal defense attorney Eduardo Seccasia informed the Conservative Base editor and Chiefs of Police Association Jim Kouri on Friday.
The suspect is identified as 46-year-old Billy Chemirmir, former President Barack Obama’s fellow countryman. According to past Conservative Base news analysis, Obama had made certain to block the deportation of some illegal aliens from Kenya.
Despite being a major serial killer in a major U.S. city, the prolific killer is already charged in the deaths of 12 elderly women in Texas and may also be involved in six other elderly people’s deaths, according to a number of lawsuits filed Tuesday, June 25.
The Kenyan serial killer has been in police custody since March 2018 when he was nabbed and charged for the death of 81-year-old Lu Thi Harris in Dallas.
“These are American residents who did not have to die if we had a real immigration enforcement policy and the resources to fulfill that policy,” said Seccasia. “Meanwhile, the Democrats continue to push for unrestricted immigration,” he added.
In May 2019, Chemirmir was charged for the murders of 11 additional elderly women, ranging from 76 to 94 years old, according spokesperson Kim Leach. Leach, who is a representative for the Dallas County district attorney’s office, has stated that the accused, Billy Chemirmir was charged with six more accounts of murder.
Police detectives say the suspect posed as a building maintenance worker or a home health-care nursing assistant, and besides the brutal killings he stole jewelry and other valuables from his victims.
Tuesday’s in Dallas County, independent living facility The Tradition-Prestonwood is accused of failing to keep residents safe and hiding suspicious circumstances surrounding their deaths.
The lawsuits filed on behalf of family members and advocates of the alleged additional victims say plaintiffs anticipate Chemirmir will soon be indicted for the deaths of the five women and one man.
“What was shocking is that this person was allowed to be there in the first place,” Trey Crawford, an attorney for victims’ families, told reporters. “He literally roamed freely, stalking his next victim, posing as a maintenance man, walking around, knocking on doors.”
As far as felons, US Attorneys are required to notify state election officials of federal felony convictions, but the information is not always easy for election officials to interpret or complete, according to New Jersey GOP strategist Janice Martin.
“Americans would be shocked to discover that hundreds of thousands of general election voters are illegal aliens, green-card immigrants, and criminals who’ve murdered, raped and robbed US citizens. And guess which political party benefits the most from their votes? The one that’s pushing for amnesty and a bag full of free goodies,” said Martin.
Definitely in favor of “mercy” killing of this monster no matter what h is immigration status. Believe we still have the death penalty in Texas, it may take ten years to get there but we’ll get’er done!