Ryan Betraying GOP Voters by Refusing to Support Trump
The Republican Party’s latest rising star, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan — the second name on the list to replace a President in an emergency — says he at this point will not support Donald Trump. Ryan is refusing his endorsement for a presumptive nominee supported by a large Republican electorate.
“I’m just not ready to do that at this point. I’m not there right now. This is the party of Lincoln, of Reagan, of Jack Kemp,” Ryan said. “[W]e hope that our nominee aspires to be Lincoln and Reagan-esque and that that person advances the principles of our Party and appeals to a wide vast majority of Americans.”
Despite Ryan and other members of the GOP’s hesitation to support “The Donald,” Trump scored higher vote numbers so far during this primary election cycle than Mitt Romney did in all of 2012.
Also polls have shown that a mere 7 percent of Republicans approved of Ryan’s position on illegal aliens, while 11 percent of them agree with the Speaker on foreign trade.
Breitbart News recently published a story that claims: “Speaker Ryan is perhaps Congress’s greatest advocate for open borders. Dating back to his time as a Capitol Hill staffer in the mid-90s, Ryan was part of the effort to derail the bipartisan immigration curbs inspired by Civil Rights leader and late-Democratic Congresswoman Barbara Jordan. In 2013, Ryan actively campaigned on behalf of Marco Rubio and Barack Obama’s amnesty and immigration expansion plan. As House Speaker, Ryan passed an omnibus spending bill which included a massive increase in the number of low-skilled foreign workers to fill U.S. jobs. Ryan’s omnibus spending bill also funded visas for nearly 300,000 Muslim migrants for this year alone.”

The Americans for Legal Immigration Political Action Committee (Alipac) doesn’t even list Ryan on its web page containing political endorsements. The group’s President Bill Gheen is on record personally endorsing Trump and Alipac’s members — numbering in tens of thousands.
According to Alipac’s weblog by Neil Munro: House Speaker Paul Ryan apparently wants the GOP to keep importing foreign workers — even though the party’s actual voters are instead backing Donald Trump and his anti-illegal immigration platform.
The little-noticed reveal came in a Thursday interview on CNN, when Ryan declared that “this is the party of [President Abraham] Lincoln and [President Ronald] Reagan and Jack Kemp.”
O.K. everyone knows Lincoln and Reagan — but who is Kemp? He’s a former football star, House Representative, cabinet secretary, and failed vice-presidential candidate in 1996.
The key point is that Ryan worked for Kemp in the 1990s. Kemp was a very forceful personality, with a California-style 1960s can-do-anything personal story. He seems to have persuaded Ryan that the U.S. economy could provide middle-class jobs to endless waves of striving unskilled immigrants, who would then back GOP candidates as they campaigned for smaller government, spending cuts and capital gains rollbacks.
Paul Ryan besides the Mexican surge of illegal aliens, Ryan also opposes Trump’s call for a temporary pause on Muslim immigration. Just recently Ryan told conservative icon Sean Hannity that he does not support calls to curb to Muslim migration, insisting, “That’s not who we are.”
Conservative icon Phyllis Schlafly — who is undergoing turmoil within her own organization, Eagle Forum, because of her support for Trump — disagrees with Ryan’s view claiming he’s “absolutely wrong. I think all the polls show that the country is with Donald Trump on that issue … It is certainly not our duty to let in everybody who wants to come to this country … I think that we need to respect the will of the majority. Republicans ought to be a grassroots party. And the grassroots certainly agree with Donald Trump on most issues, but certainly on the immigration issue.”
Call or write to the Republican National Committee and tell them to stop the nonsense and endorse TRUMP.
Republican National Committee – 310 First Street SE, Washington, DC 20003
Tel. 202-863-8500
Just when you think the American people cannot be betrayed any more than they already have, by BOTH political parties, along comes Paul Ryan. The GOP establishment leaders have decided it’s stop Trump at any cost and if it destroys what is left of the Republican party and America, so be it ! They will NOT turn over the reins of power without a fight, they have to much to lose. The power, the endless under the table money supply, the free worldwide trips, all the benefits of being at the top level of a super power. These are the top drawer RINOs who rule the party leaders and their underlings who all do as they are told. What we are being told us our votes does not count, it’s who THEY want that really matters. Have we got news for you in November, pack your bags traitors, your days in Washington are almost over. It’s going to take decades to repair the damage you have done.
Mick Mobster Ryan has been betraying Republicans and U. S. citizen/taxpayers for a long time. Go Nehlen!
If you are part of what is known as the ” Republican Establishment “, you should listen to the people who overwhelmingly voted for Trump. If you do not, your political future may not be as you planned.
Let’s make the party more diverse and welcoming…..it is the only way to beat Clinton, and, hopefully, that is what you want. Trump can do that, as he has proven.
I do! I suggest that you get on board and support a strong leader and WINNER.