Professional Hatemonger David Duke Defends Radical Muslim Rep. Ilhan Omar

While the Democrats in the House of Representative contort the English language to come up with a House Resolution that appeases those voters upset over anti-Semitic by radical Muslim Rep. Ilhan Omar, a vocal and active Democrat Party newbie, another voice has come out in defense of her statements — in addition to Bernie Sanders and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi — on Thursday.
“In the midst of the Democrats facing difficulty and creating a resolution that sounds tough but is nothing more than empty words created by political empty suits, none other than America’s King of Bigotry and Racism David Duke voiced his support of Rep. Omar, the Minnesota firebrand, and her statements regarding the Jewish people here and in Israel,” said former police detective and U.S. Marine intelligence operative Sidney R. Franes, who is a former head of the African American fraternal police group known as The Guardians.
According to Franes, “The Democrats are trying to come up with a resolution specifically aimed at rebuking anti-Semitism making it sound well-meaning while being functionally meaningless.”
The enthusiastic support of David Duke is being downplayed and ignored by the Democrats’ water-carriers in the news media, but bloggers and political activists are getting the story out to the American people. For example, a police captain and reader of Conservative Base wrote to the editor that he read that Sen. Bernie Sanders said, “We must not… equate anti-Semitism with legitimate criticism of the right-wing, Netanyahu government in Israel. What I fear is going on in the House now is an effort to target Congresswoman Omar as a way of stifling that debate.”
But Sanders, who resembles a crazy grandfather you lock in the attic when entertaining guests in your home, doesn’t go far enough and explain how he and the other Dems — who enjoy a large share of Jewish voters — believe that Israelis are in control of the U.S. government.
The Minnesota Democrat, of course, said nothing of the sort: She said she wanted “to talk about the political influence in this country that says it is OK to push for allegiance to a foreign country,” accusing American Jews of dual loyalties. This is a prejudicial trope from time immemorial and has nothing to do with the Netanyahu government.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who said in a press statement that Omar wasn’t aware of the “weight of her words” when she said what she did. Given that this isn’t the first time a similar controversy has arisen over a similar speech from Omar, when will the weight of her words finally start sinking in? When someone actually moves to strip her of her credentials on the House Foreign Affairs Committee?
Well, at least one Omar supporter hopes she already realizes the weight of her words. No, he’s not a Democrat, although he was once associated with one of the great Democrat institutions from the Jim Crow-era South. David Duke, a former KKK grand wizard, has taken a liking to Omar and her rhetoric involving American Jews.
“Despite the news media tying Duke around the necks of Republicans, it was the Democratic Party from which the Ku Klux Klan emanated as were the Jim Crow laws. In fact, as ornery and unpopular the late FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover was, he did send agents to the South to investigate murders and other crimes committed by Democratic politicians, sheriffs, police and others wearing the now famous white hoods and white sheets to hide their identities.
Duke wrote on his Twitter account, referencing his podcast. “Z.O.G.,” which means the U.S. government agencies in D.C. are secretly occupied by Zionist Occupied Government (Z.O.G.).
Former Grand Wizard David Duke’s Twitter Debate
“Today Dr. Duke and Eric Striker of the Public Space had the kind of fun and informative show we have come to expect from our Thunder and Lightning Thor’s Day broadcasts. In particular, they heaped praise on Ilhan Omar (D-New Somalia) for being the one person in Congress willing to notice AIPAC and the ‘dual’ loyalty of many (((members of Congress))),” the summary of the episode read.
The triple parentheses, again for those of you who aren’t up on your anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, is something anti-Semites put around names of individuals or organizations they believe to be Jewish. In other words, all of the members of our Congress are Jewish.
There was plenty of bizarre stuff on Duke’s account regarding Omar, including a back-and-forth of sorts between fringe right-wing figure Stefan Molyneux and Duke on the issue of Omar:
I made it clear that I don’t agree with her on many things, but I know that you know that Zionists have a stanglehold on our media and politics. It’s sad that you don’t even have the bravery of a 100lb Muslim woman!