Pope Francis’ Friendship with Soros Leads to Pontiff’s Support of Socialism

Pope Francis challenged governments on Sunday to take “drastic measures” to combat global warming and reduce the use of fossil fuels, saying the world was experiencing a climate emergency.
Sounding more like a university student-activist, many believe that Francis’ friendship with radical leftist, multi-billionaire George Soros has influenced the head of the Catholic Church to minimize his talk about opposing abortion and homosexuality and maximize his role in protecting the environment, supporting gun control, and opening the Vatican to representatives of other religions, cults and quasi-religious groups.
Francis issued his appeal for protecting the planet in a written message for Sunday’s World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, ahead of the United Nations Climate Action Summit this month in New York, a follow up to the 2016 Paris Agreement to curb global warming.
The Pontiff called the United Nations summit “of particular importance.”
“There, governments will have the responsibility of showing the political will to take drastic measures to achieve as quickly as possible zero net greenhouse gas emissions and to limit the average increase in global temperature to 1.5 degrees Celsius with respect to pre-industrial levels, in accordance with the Paris Agreement goals.”
Francis has made many calls for environmental protection and has clashed over climate change with skeptics and leaders such as U.S. President Donald Trump, who has taken the United States out of the Paris accord. The Pope also encourages the United States to open its borders to all immigrants and deplores the building of a wall separating the U.S. from Mexico.
Following the surprise election of outsider Donald Trump to our nation’s highest elective office — a victory that sent shivers up and down the spines of the Washington, D.C. denizens — the elites realized they were in a fight for their very existence and their religious zeal is misplaced by the left’s adherence to principles — abortion, euthanasia, homosexuality, etc.
The American people will never know how many tears were shed over their precious Hillary Clinton’s failure to win an election on Nov. 6, 2016. The socialists suddenly found that they needed to revise the plan emanating from the Deep State controllers and contributors so that they could push their radical leftist laws, regulations and policies.
Information gleaned from Julian Assange’s WikiLeaks release of Hillary Clinton’s and her campaign manager John Podesta’s emails, and DCLeaks documents from George Soros’ own Open Society Foundation corroborate that Soros’ private intelligence operatives” secretly met with top Vatican cardinals, according to the documents obtained by Conservative Base’s editor Jim Kouri.
From the beginning, Pope Francis has displayed to the world his distaste for — and disrespect to — Trump and his administration. For instance, the Pope continues his enormous opposition to Trump’s “get tough” immigration policies and his Border Wall project that is being incorporated into the overall illegal alien criminal policies and procedures.
“Basically, from what we’ve gleaned from the Wikileaks and DCLeaks material, the Pope is actually colluding with one of the world’s wealthiest — some say wickedest — neo-Socialists who is hell bent in creating a single ruling entity for the entire planet. His vision dwarfs even the world described by George Orwell in his cautionary tale 1984,” claims political consultant and attorney Michael Baker.
Baker believes that of all the pontiffs sitting on the Vatican throne Pope Francis is the closest to an irreligious Marxist by far. “The fact is our Pope is from South America, which is arguably a hotbed of Marxism, neo-Socialism and totalitarian communism. It gave this Pope a different perspective from those coming from European nations,” Baker noted.

Pope Francis has donated $500,000.00 dollars to assist migrants in Mexico. The funds, from the Peter’s Pence collections, will be distributed among 27 projects promoted by sixteen Mexican dioceses and religious congregations, which requested assistance in continuing to provide food, lodging, and basic necessities to the migrants.
From the moment Donald Trump became president of the United States, Pope Francis has been relentlessly attacking him personally and politically regarding illegal immigration. Pope Francis believes that illegals should have free access to the United States anytime they so choose, our laws regarding immigration notwithstanding. Now it has been revealed that the Roman pope has put his money where his mouth is, and has begun funding the migrant caravans who wish to illegally gain access to America.
This is a pretty bold move considering that the Roman pontiff is supposed to be a “man of peace”, but Jorge Mario Bergoglio is nothing of the kind. Remember that he is not only the pope of the Roman church, he is also the king of the Roman Vatican city state known as the Holy See. Francis is a man of war, a man of conquest, and will not sit idly by and allow America to operate as a sovereign nation.
The Holy See is the universal government of the Catholic Church and operates from Vatican City State, a sovereign, independent territory. The Pope is the ruler of both Vatican City State and the Holy See. The Holy See, as the supreme body of government of the Catholic Church, is a sovereign juridical entity under international law.
Pope Francis has just moved against the United States to assert his will on how America’s borders will be operated by personally funding the caravans. No one, anywhere in the world, has the “right” to enter the borders of any sovereign nation. No one. We take in people when we can because we are a compassionate people, but entrance to the United States is not anyone’s “right”. So what should our response be to this obvious act of war by the Roman king of Vatican City?
In particular, the aid is intended to assist the more than 75,000 people who arrived in Mexico in 2018, in six migrant caravans. “All these people were stranded, unable to enter the United States, without a home or livelihood”, the statement reads. “The Catholic Church hosts thousands of them in hotels within the dioceses or religious congregations, providing basic necessities, from housing to clothing”.
Totally agree with your article. You can include Bishop Taylor of AR in this group. He, in fact, went to El Salvador and told them to come to Arkansas. Now he is engaged in helping them build their OWN Parishes. Half the Spanish (Mexicans) living in Arkansas are here illegally. What have they given us, nothing but drugs, crime, trading in children, etc. America is turning into Mexico.