Poll: Majority of voters suspect law enforcement broke law investigating Trump, associates
It’s an unfortunate reality these days that a growing number of American citizens are trusting their federal law enforcement and intelligence-gathering and analysis agencies less and less each day. In fact, a poll released on June 5, 2018 reveals that a majority of Republicans and a growing number of Democrats believe these supposed protectors of the American people are in reality politically-motivated lawbreakers working on behalf of a cabal of crooked, dishonest politicians and wealthy leftists who control the nation’s wealth.
The nationally-recognized polling company Rasmussen Reports released their latest political findings on Tuesday and it’s not what the Democratic Party and supporters were counting on as they approach the November elections.
While most Americans believe that President Donald Trump never colluded with members of the Russian government to steal the election from Hillary Clinton, the poll shows that now a majority of voters believe that senior law enforcement and counterintelligence officials broke the law in their pursuit of “putting stink” on Trump’s campaign to prevent him from winning the presidency.
A whopping 72 percent of Republican voters believe it is “likely” federal law enforcement officials broke federal law in their effort to destroy Trump. This latest number is up from 66 percent in February 2018. A clear majority of 55 percent of Republicans believe it is “very likely,” an increase from 47 percent.
Even Democrats are becoming more convinced. Nearly a third of Democrats, 29 percent, “believe these officials are Very Likely to have broken the law.” That is up from 22 percent in February.
“Another 9 percent of Democrats believe it is ‘somewhat likely’ the feds broke the law, which puts 38 percent of Democrats in the ‘likely’ column,” said the Rasmussen pollsters in their report..

“Things are only going to get worse. Now, that people know that they were spying on the Trump campaign and that almost all of the big cheeses at the FBI and DOJ have committed perjury at least one and the fact that the DOJ is not handing over documents to Congress, it’s beginning to look like an all-out cover-up,” the Rasmussen surveyors note.
As far as most active duty military personnel and veterans are concerned, President Trump is stronger than most recent presidents. A sizable majority of all voters agree that Trump pushes America first harder than his predecessors
Another new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 53% of Likely U.S. Voters who now or in the past have been members of the U.S. military believe Trump is a stronger commander-in-chief for the military than most recent presidents. Thirty-four percent (34%) of these voters say he is a weaker commander, while nine percent (9%) rate his performance as about the same. (To see survey question wording, click here.)