Open Season on Whites? South Africa’s White Genocide Ignored by US News Media
While former President Barack Obama waxes eloquent in South Africa during the celebration of iconic leader Nelson Mandala’s 100th birthday, Obama as usual was careful to only address those issues and sentiments that he believes are important for left-wing blacks or those easily swayed by progressive pronouncements.

What was missing from his speech was any message regarding the rampant killings of South African whites condoned by South African black officials. In fact, during the coverage of Obama’s visit to the impoverished country, the U.S. news media ignored the “open season on white South Africans,” which has reach the level of genocide, according to Lyle Presserman, a former member of the Israeli special forces and Israel’s national police service.
“The state-sponsored terrorism is currently directed at white citizens by the black majority population and South Africa’s Neo-Marxist African National Congress (ANC). In addition, a group known as the Economic Freedom Fighters has commandeered farms and businesses owned by whites,” according to Presserman.
It’s believed that the openly harsh language and displays of racial hatred by South Africa’s leaders have fed a bloody tide of pent up rage, that has basically nullified Mandela’s pledge to both black and white citizens.for a peaceful transition with the end of the state-enforced apartheid policy.
Today in South Africa, white people — men, women and children — are being forced to flee or to prepare for an eventual civil war. And not one major news organization in the United States is covering the bloodshed and injustice in a once-prosperous nation.
Although Nelson Mandela is held up as an iconic peacemaker, much in the same mold as America’s Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Mandala was a communist who did not share MLK’s hope for a racially-blind America.
According to freelance newsman Justin Smith, Mandala allowed three-quarters of a million people to be slaughtered during his weak regime. Since his death, the violence against whites has become worse.
In Johannesburg specifically, close to 60,000 white people have been reported murdered, since Mandela fell from power, along with an estimated half a million more who have vanished without a trace, and while many human rights groups are calling this a “white genocide”, the mainstream media seems not to notice, claims Smith.

The rapid rise of this tragic situation can be largely attributed to the passage of the Expropriation Bill of 2008, which empowered the ANC and “any organ of state at any level of government” to take ownership and possession of property “simply by giving notice to the expropriated owner”. However, the most unjust and economically unstable bill was passed (241 to 83) just this year in March 2018 by legislators in the South African Parliament. The new law allows the seizure of land from white farmers without any payment or compensation.
In order to achieve this Soviet-style injustice, they changed their constitution and used their majority to legalize state theft from the politically powerless South African white minority.
In the wake of South African President Cyril Ramaphosa’s and the ANC’s tyrannical change to the constitution, the black majority has interpreted this move to mean “We have permission to kill white people”. And the violence has been further stoked by Julius Malema, leader of the EFF, who regularly leads crowds to chant “Kill the Boer, kill the white man”.
Nearly 50 murders are committed each day in South Africa. In the year there were 17,068 murders and the murder rate was 32.2 per 100,000 – about five times higher than the global average of 6 per 100,000. The private security industry in South Africa is the largest in the world, with nearly 9,000 registered companies and 400,000 registered private security agents and uniformed guards, more than the South African police and army combined. Many emigrants from South Africa also state that crime was a major factor in their decision to leave. Crime against the farming community has continued to be a major problem.

Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela was a South African anti-apartheid revolutionary, political leader, and philanthropist who served as President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999.
Julius Malema, head of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) claims his violent rhetoric is not really intended to move his followers to murder whites, when he shouts “hit them hard — go after the white man … We are cutting the throat of whiteness.”
“His followers didn’t get the memo and have taken his message to heart, as black gangs are roaming the countryside slaughtering entire white families,” said Justin Smith.
Lauren Southern, a freelance correspondent, was in South Africa writing a motion picture documentary on the “crisis of humanity, this white genocide.” Upon her recent return Ms. Southern offered the following condemnation: “It’s being covered up. The government has stopped collecting all data based on race … so they can’t even show these brutal murders are happening disproportionately to whites. They are covering up all these murders as burglaries gone wrong … That is what’s being reported by the government and by the media.”
In addition, white South Africans were made helpless when the government began to strictly enforce the Firearms Control Act of 2000. If an applicant for a gun license isn’t black or a member of the ANC or the EFF, the applicant is often denied a firearms license, which out of necessity leads whites to arm themselves “illegally”; and if they even minimally defend themselves, they are regularly punished, since self-defense itself verges on an offense, under the Marxists’ “constitution.”
White South African farmers are enrolling in specially designed self-defense courses based on fears that they’ll be attacked by black South Africans. An Israeli security firm has been the only outsiders to provide help to white South Africans
A number of white farmers have contracted Idan Abolnik, a former soldier with the Israeli special forces, to help them protect themselves. This follows the South African Parliament’s move earlier this year to redistribute land from white South African farmers to black workers, raising fears among those white farmers of violent attacks.
Israel’s paramilitary course is based on the Israeli SHABACK 730 unit (a unit of which Idan Abolnik was also a member). This unit provides all the protection for the Prime Minister, President and other ministers of Israel.
What a fascinating story.
Mandela was an avowed Communist but the King Center shows this pic of Martin Luther King, Jr. at Communist training school in 1957.
The White Man is the race of Abraham , Isaac , and Jacob . ( The True Hebrews : actual and factual , by evidence and proof . ) They are found in THE HOLY BIBLE . Because of wickedness and rebellion and revolution , GOD broke most of them off and away , from The Ancient Kingdom of The House of Israel . JEHOVAH did this , by allowing them to be conquered and taken as slaves , by pagans and heathen – ( Within their history , The Caucasians also became polytheistic hedonists ) . Later , THE LORD GOD opened several doors of their captivity , and let them escape , and made them move north & west , in many pushes and waves . These Lost Ten Tribes forfeited their identity , by their unbelief & disobedience , through the generations and centuries of ; wars and raids and migrations and wanderings and explorations . These forgotten Clans , became The Gentile ( White ) European Nations , spreading across the geocentric globe earth . As a racial group , they are known as The Anglo / Saxons . And , although they do not know it , the providence of THE LORD JESUS CHRIST , has marked them with a special token-sign , pointing to their future minority recovery , and full reinstatement . Anglo / Saxons : ( Anglo = GOD’S Servant , Saint or Angel , GOD’S Son ) / ( Saxons = The Son’s of Isaac , The Isaac’s Sons , The Sac’s Sons = The Saxons ) -> ( The Son’s of Jacob , by being The Grandson’s of Isaac , are The Anglo / Saxons . ) -> ( The English Group + The German Group = The United Birthright and Scepter ) . The day is approaching , when a remnant of The Son’s of Jacob ( The Grandson’s of Isaac = The Anglos & The Saxons ) will return , and be converted and gathered together united , by THE GIFT AND POWER OF THE HOLY GHOST . Never again brother against brother wars for them . ( The reunion will be – The Grand Union of Jacob , presaged by The Union Jack Ensign ) . This Small Portion ( spread over the sphere earth ) , being The Election , and belonging to JESUS MESSIAH , will be delivered by a mighty & miraculous , intervention & intercession . Their corporeal rescue , is the deliverance from the modern day absolute bondage & captivity , by tyranny of the archfiend anti-christ ascendency , that is now being spearheaded by marauding “ flying monkeys “ , and a prospective white genocide in South Africa . The Authentic Reclamation will be practically unforeseen and unexpected , by everyone else who does not veritably know , or who are not much interested in , THE REAL JESUS . ( The event will only become widely known , for both the fact and mis-explanation , in the aftermath . ) All of mankind ( both kindred & foreigner / stranger ) , can by faith repent and reform and separate , to become GOD’S Spiritually Adopted Sons or Daughters ( Pilgrims ) ; those that are Born Again , they who love JESUS , them that are in His Grace – Mercy – Favor – Blessings Full On . Then we are His Eligible and His Qualified and His Chosen , to receive this tremendous beneficial , while living on earth . It will be greater than The Exodus Out of Egypt , that was in the times of old , while under the leadership of Moses . This is the mortal ( while in the flesh ) and only earthly escape , out of The Great Temptation and Tribulation ( trial & test ) , that is coming as GOD’S anger and judgement , upon the whole world . Let the loud – clear – pure – ringing , of The Real and True Christian Liberty Bell , peal throughout all THE LORD’S SANCTUARIES . It is the beginning of GOD’S PARADISIACAL KINGDOM COME TO EARTH ; in His multifold and distinct , provided and guarded , companies and camps – trekking and transiting , to His refuges and retreats . Who will survive and who will demise ? Choose the only genuine and best hope , or decide for the hard way , of soul danger and torment and martyrdom ( by the forced mark of the beast ) . Watch and Pray . There is a sign to be given , for the moment of reckoning and decision , to catch the only once given , small window of opportunity . After being converted , search THE HOLY BIBLE and find the sign , to obey the command of THE SAVIOR AND REDEEMER – JESUS CHRIST . Do not be left behind , to weep in regret . In the meantime , we need to resist lawfully – with all our abilities , the advancements of evil , while awaiting expectant and hopeful – The Days of Refreshment . —- Self Defense is an obligation to GOD . ( 1 Timothy 5 : 8 , T H B , kjv . )
All of mankind ( both kindred & foreigner / stranger ) , can by faith ( if they will ) repent and reform and separate , to become GOD’S Spiritually Adopted Sons or Daughters ( Pilgrims ) ; those that are Born Again , they who love JESUS , them that are in His Grace – Mercy – Favor – Blessings Full On . Then we are His Eligible and His Qualified and His Chosen , to receive this tremendous beneficial , while living on earth . Their corporeal rescue , will be greater than The Exodus Out of Egypt , that was in the times of old , while under the leadership of Moses . Do not be left behind , to weep in regret . In the meantime , we need to resist lawfully – with all our abilities , the advancements of evil , while awaiting expectant and hopeful – The Days of Refreshment . —- Self Defense is an obligation to GOD , ( 1 Timothy 5 : 8 ) , THE HOLY BIBLE , kjv ) . Beware of imposters & deceivers & secret enemies ( Revelation 3 : 8 – 12 ) . The leading adversaries against THE LORD JESUS CHRIST , know about The Great Escape . Their blood vendetta & hatred , prompt them to the “ dark arts “ , and the exhaustive “ expert “ study , of the stolen Holy Scripture ( even though it pertains to them – only for their condemnation ) . They are blinded to think , that they can anticipate and thwart , The Archangel Michael ( Daniel 12 : 1 ) and “ The Holy Companions “ – ( Angels , Captains , Disciples ) . Little do they really understand . They are only stumps & rocks in the field , of GOD’S great world drama , wherein He works to save ( plant and husband and harvest ) the souls of men and women , one at a time . The wheat / flour mill of THE LORD , grinds slowly but grinds very fine . No one yet knows , what we shall be made to become , but we trust it will we wonderful . Everyone will receive their fair chance , and just opportunity , even though it may not seem so , at the moment . During the 1000 year millennium , all wounds will be healed , and all injustices will be made right , and all babies aborted – will have the upbringing of loving parents . Come out of wickedness . Separate from uncleanliness . Look forward to The Marvelous Work and Wonder , of GOD’S Deliverance , and the coming presence of , JESUS – THE GOOD SHEPHERD .