Obama put adulation by Hollywood ahead of national security for Americans: CIA report

On the same day that the GOP presidential candidates exposed the so-called mainstream news media as being anti-Republican during the latest Republic debate aired on CNBC Wednesday night, a report released by the intelligence community’s inspector general revealed strong evidence that the Democrats are not just overly cozy with the news and information industry but also with members of the entertainment media who use their considerable power to slyly indoctrinate the American people. In this case, the report exposed the unusual access filmmakers received from the Obama administration and the CIA.
When during that debate in which the moderators were visibly biased, having treated Democrats especially Hillary Clinton more as a friend than a presidential candidate accused of misconduct or even criminal acts in a past debate, but the media indulged in instigating verbal combat between the numerous Republican candidates.
Sen. Marco Rubio received the loudest applause from the debate audience when he said: “You know the Democrats have the ultimate Super PAC, it’s called the mainstream media…. And I’ll tell you why. Last week, Hillary Clinton went before a committee, she admitted she had sent emails to her family saying, ‘Hey, this attack in Benghazi was caused by al Qaeda-like elements.’ She spent over a week telling the families of those victims and the American people that it was because of a video. And yet, the mainstream media is saying, ‘It was the greatest week in Hillary Clinton’s campaign.’ It was the week she got exposed as a liar. It was the week that she got exposed as a liar. But she has her super pac helping her out. The American mainstream media.”
Also on Wednesday, a top Washington, D.C., watchdog organization after years of legal action finally received a redacted, formerly classified December 2012 Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) report from the intelligence community’s Office of Inspector General (OIG). OIG strongly condemned the CIA’s handling of visitors from the entertainment industry who were allowed access by order of the U.S. Commander in Chief.
According to Judicial Watch, the OIG’s report slams the CIA’s granting of “Secret level” access to Oscar-winning motion picture director Kathryn Bigelow who was working on the movie Zero Dark Thirty, the story of the search for — and killing of — al-Qaida‘s iconic leader, Osama bin Laden. The report blasts the CIA’s granting of “secret level” access to the makers of the 2012 movie, said the OIG report.
Although the CIA’s OIG report doesn’t name all that was reviewed,some of which goes back as early as Jan. 6, 2006, during the Bush Administration, it does describe disturbing interactions between the CIA and the “Zero Dark Thirty” director and screenwriters. “There was an instance in which CIA allowed an entertainment industry representative to attend a CIA event in which information classified at the SECRET level was discussed,” the report states.
A footnote in the OIG report states that “officials told us that the filmmaker involved with Zero Dark Thirty was invited to the event so that he could absorb the emotion of the event and that he was told he could not use anything he heard at the event for his project.” But the director wasn’t a man so the report must refer to one of the scriptwriters or production people.
“The Obama administration put Hollywood before national security in order to help Barack Obama win reelection,” accuses Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton, after reading the documents. “Has anyone been held accountable for these illegal leaks? The Obama administration put the heroes who killed Osama bin Laden at risk in order to help make this film,” he added.
“This is just one example of the casualness with which Obama and his administration handled classified — even top secret — information as long as it makes them look good or help their political agenda,” said former military intelligence operative and police anti-terrorism unit supervisor, Sgt. Leonard Schell. “Is there any question about why the Democrats are not upset with then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s handling of classified material especially emails? Because they don’t care about national security only about their ‘domestic agenda,'” said Schell.
When President Obama ordered the withholding of photos and video of the deceased bin Laden and his burial at sea, claiming it would be unwise to “spike the football” over bin Laden’s killing, it was considered a joke since he and his Vice President couldn’t stop boasting about the operation. In addition, Obama’s spokespeople claimed the release of those photographs would offend al-Qaida and other Islamic terrorist groups.
“Judicial Watch also immediately requested these photos from the Defense Department and CIA and then, when denied them, sued for their release in federal court. An appellate court upheld President Obama’s decision to withhold the records from American citizens because the records might offend terrorists,” according to the group’s statement on Wednesday.
Also, Judicial Watch officials reported that: “Disclosures by Vice News last month, made possible by the work of Judicial Watch, highlighted even more corruption at the Obama CIA as the agency tried to promote the pro-Obama film for the White House.) Vice News reported that the CIA OIG found several potential violations of criminal law by then-CIA Director Leon Panetta, CIA officials, and the filmmakers. The Obama Justice Department refused to prosecute any of the alleged violations.”
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