NYPD’s PBA Responds to Anti-Cop Criminal Justice Professor: Fire Him!
Full disclosure: The writer, while working as a law enforcement administrator in New York City and Jersey City, studied at the well-known John Jay College’s Criminal Justice Center. The college offers undergraduate and graduate degrees and courses in criminal justice, police science, forensic psychology, security management and other disciplines.

Michael Isaacson harbors total disdain for the active and future police officers that he teaches at John Jay College, according to the New York City Police Benevolent Association (PBA) which represents the majority of law enforcement officers in the city. The PBA’s President Pat Lynch is calling for Isaacson’s immediate dismissal from John Jay College of Criminal Justice which is part of the City University of New York.
Recent media reports have revealed the adjunct professor Mr. Isaacson’s disgusting anti-police attitudes and his gleeful embrace of political violence, including violence against police officers, as expressed in his own social media postings.
One of the most vicious and objectionable of these posts, which appeared recently on his Twitter account read: “Some of y’all might think it sucks being an anti-fascist teaching at John Jay College but I think it’s a privilege to teach future dead cops.” (See video following this news story)
PBA president Patrick J. Lynch, who is disgusted with the “wannabe-Antifa’s” outbursts, wrote: “Unfortunately, most of my students don’t have the luxury of a wide variety of career options. They are from low-income backgrounds and are mainly people of color. Most of them are just looking to get a job with a salary.”
PBA president Patrick J. Lynch said:
“Incredibly, Michael Isaacson’s explanation of his vile anti-police statements is as despicable as the statements themselves. By saying that his students are ‘just looking to get a job with a salary,’ Isaacson betrays his own insidious implicit bias against what he calls ‘low-income’ people of color. He is saying that the students he stands in front of each day are not smart enough, or are not motivated enough, to pursue a career that they’re passionate about, whether it’s law enforcement or any of the other fields that John Jay offers.
“Meanwhile, those same students are working hard at their studies, sometimes working two jobs to pay the tuition. Then they have to suffer through an imbecile instructor like Isaacson, who spews drivel with no connection to reality. If anything is hampering John Jay students’ career options, it’s him. We appreciate John Jay President Karol Mason’s announcement that Isaacson has been suspended, but he needs to be fired immediately.”

To which the head of the Detective Endowment Association (DEA), Michael J. Palladino, added: “I don’t know the professor, but based on his tweet, he strikes me as a man of ignorance and arrogance with hate in his heart,” said Michael J. Palladino, president of the DEA. The DEA represents New York’s gold-shield detectives in all five counties.
“This message is an abdication of the professor’s responsibility as a civilized human being and disgusting coming from a representative of the teaching profession,” said Roy Richter, president of the Captains Endowment Association.
At about the same time that Prof. Issacson spewed his anti-police rhetoric in New York, in the tiny town of Angleton, Texas, they had never seen an NYPD van until Hurricane Harvey visited the Texans. The Emergency Services Unit K-9 Team was among 80 other New Yorkers who came to help the flooded towns after Harvey devastated the region. NYPD police officers and FDNY firefighters traveled 36 hours across the country in a convoy to help pull people out of their flooded homes, according to Josh Einiger of WABC-TV News.
“The task force travels with all its own equipment, including small off-road vehicles. There are also inflatable boats transported from the back of pick-up trucks. As soon as FEMA gives the order on where to go and where people are who need rescuing, these NYPD officers and FDNY firefighters will be on their way to help,” Einiger reported.
One of several videotapes of Tucker Carlson’s interview of Prof. Michael Issacso. Below the video are links to two of the petitions calling for Issacson’s firing by the City University of New York.
Petitions from ThePetitionSite.com and StandUnited.org to fire a New York criminal justice professor and self-declared Antifa supporter are gaining momentum.
I agree this professor should not only lose his job but license to teach as well.