While the U.S. news media applaud President Barack Obama’s plan to visit a mosque in Baltimore, Maryland, on Wednesday to discuss Muslims’ historical contributions to America, Obama and his sycophants failed to even mention how Islamic terrorists in Nigeria torched and burned to death more than 80 children over the weekend.
According to a police counterterrorism expert, John McHugh, members of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria’s (ISIS’s) Nigerian affiliate known as Boko Haram used firebombs on a village’s homes and laughed as they heard the screams of children, some of them infants, burning to death in their huts.
Another charred and abandoned village left by Islamic terrorists in Nigeria.
When police and soldiers finally arrived, they were met with a crime scene filled with charred corpses as well as bullet-riddled bodies littering the streets of Dalori Village and two nearby refugee camps that housed more than 20,000 refugees. The village and refugee camp are only a few miles from the original Boko Haram stronghold which is biggest city in the northeast section of the African country that is predominately Christian.
The shooting, torching and and bomb blasts — some of them perpetrated by suicide bombers — continued for nearly four hours. The attack included three female suicide bombers running with people who managed to escape to neighboring Gamori village. The female children detonated their bomb vests killing many people, according to Nigerian media.
The first of the military troops to arrive failed to beat back the jihadist attackers who were better armed, said a military commander, who complained about the U.S. turning down a request for arms and equipment to fight the treacherous Muslim terrorists. He told Nigerian reporters that Boko Haram terrorists only retreated from the devastated village after reinforcements arrived with heavier weapons.
Nigerian schoolgirls kidnapped by Boko Haram terrorists in 2014 have reportedly been brainwashed into fighting for the Islamist group, with many carrying out public beatings and even killings. Young girls are also used as suicide bombers and “mules” who carry contraband for the jihadists.
“Women who claim they lived in the same camps as some of the 219 girls who were taken from their school in the town of Chibok last April told the Panorama program televised on Monday that many are now administering punishments on behalf of Boko Haram,” according to Dominic Smith of Britain’s Guardian newspaper. “Those punishments include flogging young girls who were unable to recite from the Qur’an, and slitting the throats of captured men. One witness says she has seen the Chibok girls carrying guns.”
While First Lady Michelle Obama created a stir with a Twitter photograph of her holding a sign pleading for the release of “Our Girls,” there is never a mention of those kidnapped children or the terrorists who abducted them from this White House.
“Obama is more concerned with the well-being of Muslims than with the lives of their victims,” said former police anti-terrorism official John McHugh. “Perhaps if we elect a president with moxie, groups such as Boko Haram, Al Shabaab and other ISIS offshoots will be a thing of the past.”
Jim Kouri, CPP, is founder and CEO of Kouri Associates, a homeland security, public safety and political consulting firm. He's formerly Fifth Vice-President, now a Board Member of the National Association of Chiefs of Police, a columnist, and a contributor to the nationally syndicated talk-radio program, the Chuck Wilder Show..
He's former chief of police at a New York City housing project in Washington Heights nicknamed "Crack City" by reporters covering the drug war in the 1980s. In addition, he served as director of public safety at St. Peter's University and director of security for several major organizations. He's also served on the National Drug Task Force and trained police and security officers throughout the country.
78 thoughts on “Nigerian Islamists burning 86 children alive met with Obama silence”
The 2 remaining large “hunter/gatherer” cultures (sub-Saharan Africans and Arabs) are in the process of becoming extinct. They are now turning on their own. The extinction has been predicted to be complete by 2100. We can expect the death rate with both groups to expand until they are with the Neanderthals.
Church history is littered with the murderous effects of human evils. Christians have–and still do–commit heinous crimes “in the name of Jesus”. However, the key difference is this: Jesus (and the original core of Christianity) did NOT establish, promote, or tolerate zealous convert violence against anyone, as Islam does. True Christianity is a lifestyle and belief system of peace. Any Christians who have used it to justify human evils are not practicing their true faith…but for devout followers of Islam, their actions are justifiable within the very texts of the Koran.
Please don’t confuse Catholicism with Christianity. The catholic church is a pagan perversion of christianity…true followers of The Most High will do no harm to others.
The vatican has killed countless millions who refused to convert, majority killed were true bible believing christians, and today they continue their work through islam.
Dnt remember christian groups terrorising the world Of recent… We talkin about whats goin on at present and y talkin about what happened ages back.. So who is d dummy now????
Are you freakin kidding me? “we” hate and kill each other for being different in SO many ways INCLUDING religion. . . from the way we drive, to the way we look. And don’t get it twisted. Being a “true” Christian has nothing to do with religion. It is about a relationship.
Screw that thought: there’s been so much violence in the supposed name of Christianity that only hypocrisy allows ‘us’ to feel superior to the entirety of the Islamic world.
It’s real simple Jazzy. Most people believe that if one says he believes in a god that he is a Christian, thus very few know what defines a genuine Christian. First of all, true biblical Christianity is not a religion but a relationship with a person, the Lord Jesus Christ. Christian is defined as one who is a disciple of Christ and follower of His teachings. The vast majority of people who call themselves Christians are not disciples of Christ or followers of His teachings. Show me one instance where Christ taught His disciples to kill, to war, to inflict harm on another. In fact the opposite is true: turn the other cheek, pray for those that despitefully use you, overcome evil with good, pray for your enemies, are just a few examples of Christ’s teachings concerning those who disagree with you are hate you. There have been many instances of those who call themselves Christians committing acts of violence. The very fact that they would do such things makes it very clear they are not disciples of Christ nor followers of His teachings; thus they are not Christians.
I agree with you on this just like fake preachers there are fake Christians . And I see this on the reservation everyday . And think that is how America was made and created on the philosophy of their religion . When in fact even up today there are laws banning native American religious ceremony and there are social laws here in s. D. That permits and endorse the killing of natives and of course there’s that bounty on natives that the goverment has placed on us . And then to here him talk on national tv at a prayer breakfast American Christian belief on compassion helping one another . What a crock of b.s. it just turns my stomach to here them talk about their sin a be proud of it . Why do you think America is going under GOD is not going to help them sin or bless them
In this day and age with the knowledge we have now apart from extremists knob heads claiming God made them who let’s face it are mentally ill and cults all of the above not proper believers then No I can’t
Actually, since forever.
But i see what you are trying to do, a nice try.
Maybe you should – wait for it — READ those two books and compare for yourself.
Since Jesus was babtized by john the babtist. Jesus never told his followers to rape, enslave, murder, and steal. So from the start. Christianity was used by ambitious leaders to scare people to stay with the church. Then it became an ATM for the clergy who were corrupt. People were forced to be Christian. They may have been brutal torturing murderers for the church. But everyone in that time could see how wrong it is. But not Islam, no Mohammad dumbass son in laws took over Islam and broke it up and now those two groups are still fighting each other. And Christians no longer burn children to death. We have grown spiritually and no more witch hunts or heritic hunts. We have been were Islam is now and Islam hasn’t changed. They haven’t matured. Good Prophets don’t have sex with everyone he sees. The also font have sex with little girls. No kids for her? Like maybe 9 is too small to have sex, her female anatomy wasn’t ready and he ruined her.
Then neither is Christianity. You can probably get thousands of photos of dead children burned alive by American bombs or blown to pieces. I just hate hypocrites. Don’t condemn murder if you support it at the same time. Unfortunately the media and these types of sites only show you what they want to so they can keep you brainwashed and ignorant and hateful. When will we be strong enough to fight the real evil in this world?
Not so Islam is a religion of peace. Shall we say that Christianity is not a religion of peace for all of the atrosities they have committed against groups of people. Innocent slave murders, the bombing and murder of innocent child, women, and men when the Atom bomb was dropped on Heroshima and Nacashki. Innocent people murdered by Christian terrorists in church of SC. There is more, the murders of innocent American men, women and children by police officer who are Christian.
I agree with you any social crime done is said to be done by Islam they dont see what other religion do especially the christian.This is the work of the media and politician. Their is no where in The holy Quraan where we Muslims are allowed to kill inocent people.that are all lies and why dont they mention the main causes of this…….
Obama is our enemy. He’s a muslim terrorist just like half the country know. The other half claim hes ‘cool’ and the best president ever. They are being deceived by evil and Satan . The same people thinking he is cool also hate Christians and like to see babies murdered as long as it’s in their own babe in their belly and a christian. The babies who chop Christian heads off they have sympathy for and want them safe in America where they can rape them. Apparently the liberals like being raped by Muslims. That’s the only way I can see it. In the end Jesus said what is evil is good and good is evil. And we are seeing it for sure.
The american president is their leader! Dont look at the US for help! Russia may help. Were too busy trying to keep our weapons from this islamic isis president. Our congress is cowards so they cannot do much for croching snorting their cocain, screwing prostitutes and selling baby parts! All of our generals have been fired by the islamic in chief or killed. The whole administration has been taken over by islamists. And, would you believe the people believes there will be an election and he will leave office when he considers himself as king and getting all the wealth from all the countries he’s overthrown!
Obama is president of the United States of America, no place else. If that had happened on US soil, then he should take action. I don’t understand why he should be worried about other countries. I don’t particularly like Obama, but an american president should only worry about America and how to help her. I know I’ll get bad opinions on my opinion, but I really don’t care. Nigeria should take care of its own people and man up.
Thank God the rest of the world helped George Washington and America (with weapons and gold) fight the British for her freedom and independence. Thank God the rest of the world is not as idiotic, heartless and selfish as you. Thank God that Jesus Christ was not as selfish and foolish as you. Where would we be if he was?
Atrocities like that should be a concern for us ALL. Things like that should not happen anywhere and we all should speak up especially the President of the United States.
Obama does not care about anything but ruining our country.He wants to protect the murdering Islamist in the name of Allah.Well that baby burned to death in the picture is in heaven now with our Lord Jesus Christ.Her pain is over.But for those who create this evil will burn in hell forever.Her pain is finished.Theirs will last for eternity.May Obama and all his cabal come to the Lord.He will forgive them if they repent and turn from their sins.Confess with their mouth that Jesus Christ is God.He will come in their hearts and change them.If it could happen to SauL/Paul,who killed many Christians it can happen for them.It is time to turn to the Lord.Time is short.The Lord is coming back to reclaim his people.Dont be left out.Even you B.Obama.I pray for you.
America did this…..America killed them kids…..but nobody will never know that because they lie to yu…..jus like 9/11…..it’s all a GAME and we all a part of it…..open your eyes dumb ass people !!!!!…..Fuck the president, police , government, and fuck the secret society
Yet The Obama administration says nothing. Does nothing but tell us how “lucky” we are that Muslims are the “Very Fabric of our nation”
Obama you suck at being president!
I wonder why people want oboma to say, it’s so bad when somthing happins. He can’t do anything without congress and they are not intrested in doing anything at that might make him look good. He’s only got a few months left. I let’s see what the next cnc dose
He is the worst president we have had, ever! Un american. Not enough Americans for advisors. He ruinned it for any black kid who studies hard and really thinks he can do some good for his country and be president. Since fucking when did black history month become Muslim month. They haven’t really contributed any good for the American people. So just Muslim month. You black citizens have been pandered too and lied to. Just like in the O.J. Simpson trial they suckered up to American blacks for support and moved the trial. And when he won with support of his fellow American black citizens, he promptly kick them to the curb, got s new white girl and went golfing. Obama will do this to American blacks and when he is done, bye bye American blacks who voted for me and stuck up for him all the time. He is going to dismiss you for the attention of the Muslim community. He won’t be all about prislam. So you done wasted alot of time helping them get what he wants and trade you in for an Arab Muslim. All because you bet on black.
Cattle in the field, then brought in to be milked and sent back out to the field. We continue to point the finger. Wrong is wrong regardless of the ethnicity or religion. But we rather focus on are groupings Bc that’s more comfortable. Human evolution or devolution?
Why is the left-wing media deliberately silencing news like this? An Islamic agenda must lay behind it. Islam is pure evil and that goes for the Islamic moderates.
Islam is proliferating the world because those in power are deliberately letting it. I am not much of a Donald Trump fan but I do agree with some of what he says and it will take someone like him to reverse the Islamic agenda.
Islam and us in the West do not mix. Our beliefs are at opposite ends of the spectrum. The Quoran is a dangerous, medieval book written to control others and those others still believe in its fundamental values today. Society in the west has progressed significantly and moved on, become far more civilised and open to most others. But Islam poses the biggest threat to world peace the planet has ever known.
How about all of us. We the people get together and go over there and take care of this problem. Quick to give an opinion on what someone else should do about something. Let’s Go.. How many Will join in. If none maybe you should be just as silent. Talk is very cheap.
All I’ve read is gang banging ,, which one of you all think GOD. Not any earthly Christ which there where and are many …..but GOD , Would appreciate no matter what religion (founded by man) the human race gang banging for our creator ……. Think about it then STOP!!!!!! Murder is murder done by any hand
Nigerian Islamists Burning 86 Children Alive Met With Obama Silence
I’m truly saddened by the genocidal actions of the Jihadist North and their well-armed, well-funded Boko Haram militia. Well, the truth is that President Obama lives in far-away USA—and already has his hands full of other pressing issues.
But why are NIGERIAN LEADERS so silent about such grave misdeeds? Why are the Nigerian people themselves not saying anything?
More than 5, 000 Nigerians have lost their lives since the Boko Haram-defending Muhammad Buhari became president. So far, his response to the horrible carnage has been tepid at best.
Boko Haram, its an operative agent on the field established long time ago and it has existed under differend names. Until the masters behind it are exposed, it will continue untill human race has reached the population which it can be easily controlled by the masters(founders and funders of Boko Haram).
Since when was this about religion. Choosing to follow religion does not define who we are. At the end of the day, those that choose to carry out acts like this abandoned their religion a long time ago as did most of the worlds population. Even those that choose to live a peaceful life do not necessarily commit to religion. Further to this, since when was this about Barack Obama. I read a comment about this not being his problem because it is not an American problem. Guess what? This is a problem that belongs to all of us because we are human beings. What can I do to stop it as an individual? Not much! Which is why we elect leaders and we elect those leaders to act on behalf of the human race. When an individual cannot defend themselves they look to WORLD Leaders to act on their behalf and not on behalf of those that choose to line their pockets!
In my opinion Religion is defined as this: ” Man’s interpretation of who he thinks God is base on his own experience”…
You mean that the God you serve tells you to rape, pillage, murder just to prove he is God… So That’s Religion. As far as I am concerned when one culture has to force another culture to believe who they believe God is, it only means in my opinion that just maybe they believe they are really questioning their own individual faith. Religion is self serving…..
Seeing some of these comments, it makes me so frustrated but it’s also somewhat futile to argue with some of these people. So I’ll just say something without replying to any specific person.
This discussion of the “true” Islam and the “true” Christianity is a bunch of bull. The way I see it, who gets to decide what a “true” religion is. Who gets to decide that you are wrong in what you believe in? What even is the “true” Islam or the “true” Christianity or the “true” version of any religion? Here’s what I think: it doesn’t fucking exist.
We are all on this Earth living by what we each think is right, but that’s not the same for any two people, and it never has been. Everyone has what they believe in, and everyone has their own version of it. That is not necessarily to say that Christianity or Islam or anything else doesnt exist, but it means it’s not black and white. That’s one of the many problems with titles and labels: once someone fucks it up, they fuck it up for everyone who identifies with that title or label. However, that wouldn’t happen if the rest of us can open our eyes and see the truth which is that there is no “true” version of anything. Once you legitimately see that, you will see that to generalize a religion or any group of people for that matter based on the actions or words of a few is not only fucked up and wrong, but simply illogical. It doesn’t make sense. You cannot tag anything as evil or good because some people made you see it that way.
Anyway, that leads me to my conclusion which is that this is not a war against Islam. It’s not a war against Muslims. It’s a war against evil and twisted people who are doing evil and twisted things. So stop blaming it on the religion. That’s the easy thing to do. It’s what the people who control what you see and hear want you to do. For the past few generations and for generations to come it will be the Muslims. But in another 100 years it might be the Christians. So, for your own good, stop being so small minded or else one day you might be the ones tagged as evil because the guy down the street who shares the “same” religion as you is fucked up.
Most of the people commenting on here are proof that the dumbing down of American people is a real thing and is happening a lot faster than you might think.
WOW! Small minds all thinking alike… there is a much bigger picture here that humanity is missing out on called (Love thy Neighbor as yourself) All humanity has losted it’s compass… Everybody wants to be rightous… But there is no one righteous, not even a one… Without Love You mount to nothing… without Love You possess nothing at all… so be silent, hush and peace will be still… who cares ?you are doing just what they want you to do, fight againt one another instead of showing Love for one another. Love overcomes all obstacles, and it conquers all things if you start with you… Thanks For Reading My post… I live In America and In do not know any of you nor have I personally caused any of you any harm… My heart goes out to you in nothing but Love… I Love You And Peace be with you all my brothers and sisters of this world…
Well said! Yet, so many speeches, here. People, take a moment and, look… sit with that image, people! Look hard, stare zoom in, look at the charred skin, and devastation abound. Doesn’t look very peaceful. Look at, what appears to be a young girl, her little fingers, as they cringe, to the earth, frozen for all time, in agnoy. Hold your hand up right now and without, fears, bullets, or fire, make the same hand, tell us does it feel comfortable to hold your hand that way? Understand, really understand the sinister thing that happened. Save, these commentaries for Bill Maher or your next town hall meeting. Understand that this person died a death, you hope to never have because anything can happen in this world, at any time to anyone. Praying for the families and souls of these victims. May God, have mercy!
People are being murdered and what I continue to hear even after this article is overwhelming silence about this.
I don’t count the smug comments about whose religion is better and more peaceful. Thst is arrogance and nothing more. No religion is, or has ever been, or will ever be exempt, from violence.
When will you all wake up to the fact people are doing this … people … to each other … and it has to stop!
The 2 remaining large “hunter/gatherer” cultures (sub-Saharan Africans and Arabs) are in the process of becoming extinct. They are now turning on their own. The extinction has been predicted to be complete by 2100. We can expect the death rate with both groups to expand until they are with the Neanderthals.
Show me your company and I’ll tell you who are.
One more sign that Islam is NOT a religion of peace.
Since when has Christianity been a religion of peace?
Since we don’t kill anyone that doesn’t accept our religion…
Slaves were killed if they didn’t convert to Christianity dummy … Do your research before shouting blasphemies sir
Do not judge a philosophy (or a religion) that does not follow the teaching of its founder.
Christianity does NOT teach killing of those who do not convert.
in the PAST!!!not today!
Church history is littered with the murderous effects of human evils. Christians have–and still do–commit heinous crimes “in the name of Jesus”. However, the key difference is this: Jesus (and the original core of Christianity) did NOT establish, promote, or tolerate zealous convert violence against anyone, as Islam does. True Christianity is a lifestyle and belief system of peace. Any Christians who have used it to justify human evils are not practicing their true faith…but for devout followers of Islam, their actions are justifiable within the very texts of the Koran.
Please don’t confuse Catholicism with Christianity. The catholic church is a pagan perversion of christianity…true followers of The Most High will do no harm to others.
The vatican has killed countless millions who refused to convert, majority killed were true bible believing christians, and today they continue their work through islam.
Those were not true Christians, those heretics.
Muslim idiot -Ban Islam world wide -Islam is of the devil .
Dnt remember christian groups terrorising the world Of recent… We talkin about whats goin on at present and y talkin about what happened ages back.. So who is d dummy now????
you are misinformed 100%………..study history and you will see……
You crazy
Are you freakin kidding me? “we” hate and kill each other for being different in SO many ways INCLUDING religion. . . from the way we drive, to the way we look. And don’t get it twisted. Being a “true” Christian has nothing to do with religion. It is about a relationship.
Screw that thought: there’s been so much violence in the supposed name of Christianity that only hypocrisy allows ‘us’ to feel superior to the entirety of the Islamic world.
Since they built hospitals and universities. Get with the modern age. They moved away from the middle east which has never changed.
It’s real simple Jazzy. Most people believe that if one says he believes in a god that he is a Christian, thus very few know what defines a genuine Christian. First of all, true biblical Christianity is not a religion but a relationship with a person, the Lord Jesus Christ. Christian is defined as one who is a disciple of Christ and follower of His teachings. The vast majority of people who call themselves Christians are not disciples of Christ or followers of His teachings. Show me one instance where Christ taught His disciples to kill, to war, to inflict harm on another. In fact the opposite is true: turn the other cheek, pray for those that despitefully use you, overcome evil with good, pray for your enemies, are just a few examples of Christ’s teachings concerning those who disagree with you are hate you. There have been many instances of those who call themselves Christians committing acts of violence. The very fact that they would do such things makes it very clear they are not disciples of Christ nor followers of His teachings; thus they are not Christians.
I agree with you on this just like fake preachers there are fake Christians . And I see this on the reservation everyday . And think that is how America was made and created on the philosophy of their religion . When in fact even up today there are laws banning native American religious ceremony and there are social laws here in s. D. That permits and endorse the killing of natives and of course there’s that bounty on natives that the goverment has placed on us . And then to here him talk on national tv at a prayer breakfast American Christian belief on compassion helping one another . What a crock of b.s. it just turns my stomach to here them talk about their sin a be proud of it . Why do you think America is going under GOD is not going to help them sin or bless them
Well said, sir!
Read the New Testament. You’ve got to be an idiot to compare Christianity with these evil Islam followers.
Ummmm…2,000 years?!? Where have you been? Name one example of this in the Christian world….
The Crusades. The Inquisition. Terrible shit though very sad 🙁
Just because someone calls themselves a Christian, doesn’t mean they are…sorry….
Oh yeah, real recent, moron.
Are you joking? You can’t think of one instance where christians have killed or tortured people? Not one?
In this day and age with the knowledge we have now apart from extremists knob heads claiming God made them who let’s face it are mentally ill and cults all of the above not proper believers then No I can’t
You really are illiterate. Have you studied any thing since you been on this planet.
Actually, since forever.
But i see what you are trying to do, a nice try.
Maybe you should – wait for it — READ those two books and compare for yourself.
quite right.. and those Methodists are tricky. The Episcopalians are on the warpath. buy a gun !
The comment wasn’t even about Christianity, genius! In fact, the story is about Islam.
Oh since about 2000 years years ago, fool.
Since we’ve moved on form the dark ages.
Since Jesus was babtized by john the babtist. Jesus never told his followers to rape, enslave, murder, and steal. So from the start. Christianity was used by ambitious leaders to scare people to stay with the church. Then it became an ATM for the clergy who were corrupt. People were forced to be Christian. They may have been brutal torturing murderers for the church. But everyone in that time could see how wrong it is. But not Islam, no Mohammad dumbass son in laws took over Islam and broke it up and now those two groups are still fighting each other. And Christians no longer burn children to death. We have grown spiritually and no more witch hunts or heritic hunts. We have been were Islam is now and Islam hasn’t changed. They haven’t matured. Good Prophets don’t have sex with everyone he sees. The also font have sex with little girls. No kids for her? Like maybe 9 is too small to have sex, her female anatomy wasn’t ready and he ruined her.
If you were to land by parachute on a boarder between a Christian country and an Islamic one, are you saying you’d be fine either way?
Islam is the devil in disguise
Then neither is Christianity. You can probably get thousands of photos of dead children burned alive by American bombs or blown to pieces. I just hate hypocrites. Don’t condemn murder if you support it at the same time. Unfortunately the media and these types of sites only show you what they want to so they can keep you brainwashed and ignorant and hateful. When will we be strong enough to fight the real evil in this world?
Not so Islam is a religion of peace. Shall we say that Christianity is not a religion of peace for all of the atrosities they have committed against groups of people. Innocent slave murders, the bombing and murder of innocent child, women, and men when the Atom bomb was dropped on Heroshima and Nacashki. Innocent people murdered by Christian terrorists in church of SC. There is more, the murders of innocent American men, women and children by police officer who are Christian.
I agree with you any social crime done is said to be done by Islam they dont see what other religion do especially the christian.This is the work of the media and politician. Their is no where in The holy Quraan where we Muslims are allowed to kill inocent people.that are all lies and why dont they mention the main causes of this…….
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we the people will KILL pieces of shit like this if they EVER try it in OUR COUNTRY
You can’t get mad at him for fighting a war he didn’t start, but then demand he go fight a different one
Obama is our enemy. He’s a muslim terrorist just like half the country know. The other half claim hes ‘cool’ and the best president ever. They are being deceived by evil and Satan . The same people thinking he is cool also hate Christians and like to see babies murdered as long as it’s in their own babe in their belly and a christian. The babies who chop Christian heads off they have sympathy for and want them safe in America where they can rape them. Apparently the liberals like being raped by Muslims. That’s the only way I can see it. In the end Jesus said what is evil is good and good is evil. And we are seeing it for sure.
What???? You need to get some help … like some good mental health care … and get it soon PLEASE!!!!
Black on Black Crime equals genocide around the world… Don’t scape goat on one of the finest President ever…. S M H…
The american president is their leader! Dont look at the US for help! Russia may help. Were too busy trying to keep our weapons from this islamic isis president. Our congress is cowards so they cannot do much for croching snorting their cocain, screwing prostitutes and selling baby parts! All of our generals have been fired by the islamic in chief or killed. The whole administration has been taken over by islamists. And, would you believe the people believes there will be an election and he will leave office when he considers himself as king and getting all the wealth from all the countries he’s overthrown!
It’s not up to me to judge however I have to think there is a special hot place in hell for people who do this.
Obama is president of the United States of America, no place else. If that had happened on US soil, then he should take action. I don’t understand why he should be worried about other countries. I don’t particularly like Obama, but an american president should only worry about America and how to help her. I know I’ll get bad opinions on my opinion, but I really don’t care. Nigeria should take care of its own people and man up.
Thank God the rest of the world helped George Washington and America (with weapons and gold) fight the British for her freedom and independence. Thank God the rest of the world is not as idiotic, heartless and selfish as you. Thank God that Jesus Christ was not as selfish and foolish as you. Where would we be if he was?
Since when has America ever minded it’s own business?
Well explained chief and I am sure point is taken by our African people thank you.
Atrocities like that should be a concern for us ALL. Things like that should not happen anywhere and we all should speak up especially the President of the United States.
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
Edmund Burke
Obama does not care about anything but ruining our country.He wants to protect the murdering Islamist in the name of Allah.Well that baby burned to death in the picture is in heaven now with our Lord Jesus Christ.Her pain is over.But for those who create this evil will burn in hell forever.Her pain is finished.Theirs will last for eternity.May Obama and all his cabal come to the Lord.He will forgive them if they repent and turn from their sins.Confess with their mouth that Jesus Christ is God.He will come in their hearts and change them.If it could happen to SauL/Paul,who killed many Christians it can happen for them.It is time to turn to the Lord.Time is short.The Lord is coming back to reclaim his people.Dont be left out.Even you B.Obama.I pray for you.
America did this…..America killed them kids…..but nobody will never know that because they lie to yu…..jus like 9/11…..it’s all a GAME and we all a part of it…..open your eyes dumb ass people !!!!!…..Fuck the president, police , government, and fuck the secret society
Yet The Obama administration says nothing. Does nothing but tell us how “lucky” we are that Muslims are the “Very Fabric of our nation”
Obama you suck at being president!
I wonder why people want oboma to say, it’s so bad when somthing happins. He can’t do anything without congress and they are not intrested in doing anything at that might make him look good. He’s only got a few months left. I let’s see what the next cnc dose
He is the worst president we have had, ever! Un american. Not enough Americans for advisors. He ruinned it for any black kid who studies hard and really thinks he can do some good for his country and be president. Since fucking when did black history month become Muslim month. They haven’t really contributed any good for the American people. So just Muslim month. You black citizens have been pandered too and lied to. Just like in the O.J. Simpson trial they suckered up to American blacks for support and moved the trial. And when he won with support of his fellow American black citizens, he promptly kick them to the curb, got s new white girl and went golfing. Obama will do this to American blacks and when he is done, bye bye American blacks who voted for me and stuck up for him all the time. He is going to dismiss you for the attention of the Muslim community. He won’t be all about prislam. So you done wasted alot of time helping them get what he wants and trade you in for an Arab Muslim. All because you bet on black.
Cattle in the field, then brought in to be milked and sent back out to the field. We continue to point the finger. Wrong is wrong regardless of the ethnicity or religion. But we rather focus on are groupings Bc that’s more comfortable. Human evolution or devolution?
Why is the left-wing media deliberately silencing news like this? An Islamic agenda must lay behind it. Islam is pure evil and that goes for the Islamic moderates.
Islam is proliferating the world because those in power are deliberately letting it. I am not much of a Donald Trump fan but I do agree with some of what he says and it will take someone like him to reverse the Islamic agenda.
Islam and us in the West do not mix. Our beliefs are at opposite ends of the spectrum. The Quoran is a dangerous, medieval book written to control others and those others still believe in its fundamental values today. Society in the west has progressed significantly and moved on, become far more civilised and open to most others. But Islam poses the biggest threat to world peace the planet has ever known.
How about all of us. We the people get together and go over there and take care of this problem. Quick to give an opinion on what someone else should do about something. Let’s Go.. How many Will join in. If none maybe you should be just as silent. Talk is very cheap.
All I’ve read is gang banging ,, which one of you all think GOD. Not any earthly Christ which there where and are many …..but GOD , Would appreciate no matter what religion (founded by man) the human race gang banging for our creator ……. Think about it then STOP!!!!!! Murder is murder done by any hand
Nigerian Islamists Burning 86 Children Alive Met With Obama Silence
I’m truly saddened by the genocidal actions of the Jihadist North and their well-armed, well-funded Boko Haram militia. Well, the truth is that President Obama lives in far-away USA—and already has his hands full of other pressing issues.
But why are NIGERIAN LEADERS so silent about such grave misdeeds? Why are the Nigerian people themselves not saying anything?
More than 5, 000 Nigerians have lost their lives since the Boko Haram-defending Muhammad Buhari became president. So far, his response to the horrible carnage has been tepid at best.
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Boko Haram, its an operative agent on the field established long time ago and it has existed under differend names. Until the masters behind it are exposed, it will continue untill human race has reached the population which it can be easily controlled by the masters(founders and funders of Boko Haram).
Since when was this about religion. Choosing to follow religion does not define who we are. At the end of the day, those that choose to carry out acts like this abandoned their religion a long time ago as did most of the worlds population. Even those that choose to live a peaceful life do not necessarily commit to religion. Further to this, since when was this about Barack Obama. I read a comment about this not being his problem because it is not an American problem. Guess what? This is a problem that belongs to all of us because we are human beings. What can I do to stop it as an individual? Not much! Which is why we elect leaders and we elect those leaders to act on behalf of the human race. When an individual cannot defend themselves they look to WORLD Leaders to act on their behalf and not on behalf of those that choose to line their pockets!
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In my opinion Religion is defined as this: ” Man’s interpretation of who he thinks God is base on his own experience”…
You mean that the God you serve tells you to rape, pillage, murder just to prove he is God… So That’s Religion. As far as I am concerned when one culture has to force another culture to believe who they believe God is, it only means in my opinion that just maybe they believe they are really questioning their own individual faith. Religion is self serving…..
Seeing some of these comments, it makes me so frustrated but it’s also somewhat futile to argue with some of these people. So I’ll just say something without replying to any specific person.
This discussion of the “true” Islam and the “true” Christianity is a bunch of bull. The way I see it, who gets to decide what a “true” religion is. Who gets to decide that you are wrong in what you believe in? What even is the “true” Islam or the “true” Christianity or the “true” version of any religion? Here’s what I think: it doesn’t fucking exist.
We are all on this Earth living by what we each think is right, but that’s not the same for any two people, and it never has been. Everyone has what they believe in, and everyone has their own version of it. That is not necessarily to say that Christianity or Islam or anything else doesnt exist, but it means it’s not black and white. That’s one of the many problems with titles and labels: once someone fucks it up, they fuck it up for everyone who identifies with that title or label. However, that wouldn’t happen if the rest of us can open our eyes and see the truth which is that there is no “true” version of anything. Once you legitimately see that, you will see that to generalize a religion or any group of people for that matter based on the actions or words of a few is not only fucked up and wrong, but simply illogical. It doesn’t make sense. You cannot tag anything as evil or good because some people made you see it that way.
Anyway, that leads me to my conclusion which is that this is not a war against Islam. It’s not a war against Muslims. It’s a war against evil and twisted people who are doing evil and twisted things. So stop blaming it on the religion. That’s the easy thing to do. It’s what the people who control what you see and hear want you to do. For the past few generations and for generations to come it will be the Muslims. But in another 100 years it might be the Christians. So, for your own good, stop being so small minded or else one day you might be the ones tagged as evil because the guy down the street who shares the “same” religion as you is fucked up.
Most of the people commenting on here are proof that the dumbing down of American people is a real thing and is happening a lot faster than you might think.
WOW! Small minds all thinking alike… there is a much bigger picture here that humanity is missing out on called (Love thy Neighbor as yourself) All humanity has losted it’s compass… Everybody wants to be rightous… But there is no one righteous, not even a one… Without Love You mount to nothing… without Love You possess nothing at all… so be silent, hush and peace will be still… who cares ?you are doing just what they want you to do, fight againt one another instead of showing Love for one another. Love overcomes all obstacles, and it conquers all things if you start with you… Thanks For Reading My post… I live In America and In do not know any of you nor have I personally caused any of you any harm… My heart goes out to you in nothing but Love… I Love You And Peace be with you all my brothers and sisters of this world…
Well said! Yet, so many speeches, here. People, take a moment and, look… sit with that image, people! Look hard, stare zoom in, look at the charred skin, and devastation abound. Doesn’t look very peaceful. Look at, what appears to be a young girl, her little fingers, as they cringe, to the earth, frozen for all time, in agnoy. Hold your hand up right now and without, fears, bullets, or fire, make the same hand, tell us does it feel comfortable to hold your hand that way? Understand, really understand the sinister thing that happened. Save, these commentaries for Bill Maher or your next town hall meeting. Understand that this person died a death, you hope to never have because anything can happen in this world, at any time to anyone. Praying for the families and souls of these victims. May God, have mercy!
lovely thoughts Jennifer….
Religion will end all of mankind. What a joke.
Snow White is more non fiction than the fairytale called the bible.
Anyone that believes in a god is an idiot …………..
People are being murdered and what I continue to hear even after this article is overwhelming silence about this.
I don’t count the smug comments about whose religion is better and more peaceful. Thst is arrogance and nothing more. No religion is, or has ever been, or will ever be exempt, from violence.
When will you all wake up to the fact people are doing this … people … to each other … and it has to stop!
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