Newly Elected State Attorney General Threatens Trump and Family with Destruction

The recently elected New York State Attorney General Letitia James appears to believe that harassing and abusing President Donald Trump and his family is the best road for her to take to garner national attention when she takes office in January 2019.
The left-wing Democrat gleefully boasted to the water-carrying, Trump-despising reporters that she will utilize her position as New York’s top law enforcement officer to attack Trump, members of his White House and administration, and the Trump family in order to help bring down his presidency.
To Democrats such as James, it doesn’t matter how successful he is and will be in the future. His achievements outnumber those of any previous president within the last century, but the anti-establishment leader must be destroyed.
As far as the economy, job creation, military successes against Islamic terrorists, and other domestic and foreign victories Trump has set new records such as historic employment numbers for minorities.
Ms. James told the news media that she is already planning to sue the administration in Albany. According to her press statements, her office will be merciless in its investigation of Trump’s New York real estate deals, which pre-date his even contemplating a run for the presidency.
She is also beginning a criminal investigation of the Trump Tower meeting she claims was about colluding with the Russians to stop a Clinton presidency. Then there are also accusations of cronyism and the Trump Foundation.
“It should be noted that none of the federal Attorneys General — Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch or Jeff Sessions — conducted any real investigation of the Clinton Foundation and its pay-to-play pattern with foreign governments and businesses including Russia,” said a former NYPD detective. “In fact, it is within NYS Attorney General James’s jurisdiction to investigate Hillary Clinton since she installed an unauthorized Internet server and email system that was used to bypass using dot-gov email at the State Department,” Det. Barry Winslow added.

“We want to investigate anyone in his orbit who has, in fact, violated the law,” said James, who was endorsed by New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo.
One could actually say Letitia James is similar in her approach to justice as President Obama’s “wing man” Eric Holder.
During the election cycle earlier this year, James’ campaign promises included one to pass a bill to revamp New York State’s double jeopardy laws. Her version would make possible presidential pardons coming out of the White House.
She told a local news affiliate that her goal is to be able to effect state charges against anyone the president were to pardon over federal charges or convictions and whose alleged crimes took place in the state. Under current New York law, she might not be unable to do that.
“I think within the first 100 days this bill will be passed,” the new State Attorney General said.
James originally served as the New York City Public Advocate before becoming New York’s top cop.
One of her first acts as the Attorney General-elect was the hiring of former U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch to assist her transition team in identifying “legal sharks” to become her department’s prosecutors and investigators.
She went as far as claiming she wanted to hire attorneys who are eager to make a name for themselves in Trump-related investigations. “Is there a difference between Ms. James and Special Counsel Robert Mueller? There is a big difference: Ms. James says what she wants to do without mincing words, while Mueller pretends he’s not a partisan and is being even-handed in his office’s endeavors,” said political consultant Michael Baker.
I guess she’s lived in New York long enough to a forgotten the world trade Center bombings, if she needs to investigate somebody it’s Frank Doyle Jr FBI agent in charge of the West coast bomb School.
I know toil from when he appeared in my cabinet shop 30 years ago around the time that my witness was murdered.
He worked with special counsel Mueller as us attorney or FBI director Mueller in the Oklahoma City bombings, in fact I discovered connections between my 2004 truck explosion and the Judy Berry bombing which leads to the IRS agents car that was blown up in Walnut Creek California during spring of 1988,
That person became the wife of Alex Fagan who died in London who was a nice guy that used to get coffee and we would talk all the time.
We are under attack read my blog called, the new attorney general should learn what I know about domestic terrorism as the DHS knows, the FBI knows, State Attorney General of California knows oh, and a lot of other people know
In 2014 five of my relatives were killed in connection to this story that was the Strack family in Springville.
The 2004 pipeline explosion in Walnut Creek California claim five welders, but it was right behind the high school we’re students witnessed the fire and explosion are turning up dead.
When it happened to New York she’ll have egg on her face and going after Trump maybe that’s right maybe that’s wrong the tearing down of presidencies the wrong thing.
as many officers say to me with my long and complicated story where my grandfather was David Leslie Milne financial advisor to the Kennedys, friends with Marvin Pierce which is Barbara Bush’s father puts me in an interesting location since my great-uncle was Lord cobbold governor of the bank of England holder of the Victorian Cross.
and somehow I live in Walnut Creek California and my Witnesses are being killed I’m homeless on the street and I deal with medical problems triggered by poison, meetings, and attempts on my life.
I helped put district attorney Mark Peterson in jail for corruption.
trust me this story is going to lead to 9/11 and the missing money in Iraq.
The song fly Me to the Moon is more like let’s fly the dollar store backyard and then build houses later.
The cash never landed in a rack it ended up in a real estate investment Trust.
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