Mexico’s New President Orders Fence Built at His Southern Border But Condemns U.S. Wall
Mexico’s President-Elect Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador reportedly will build his own border force in the hopes of stopping illegal immigration and increasing the interdiction narcotics, illegal guns, and other contraband being smuggled into the already crime-ridden, drug-infested Mexico from Central such as Honduras and South America such as Colombia.

Law enforcement veteran Alfonso Durazo, who is slated to become Lopez Obrador’s future chief of public security, said in an interview that the border police force will be large and will be part of an overall effort to transform the region out of a perpetual state of violence and poverty.
What strikes many U.S. law enforcement officials as extremely hypocritical is the fact that no one in Mexico is complaining about their government’s border policy while the Mexican leaders have all but threatened the lives of President Donald Trump and his immigration officials within the Homeland Security Department for attempting to enforce U.S. immigration and customs laws at the U.S.-Mexico border.
The U.S. news media for the most part are against enforcement of immigration laws and regulations, but appear to be very understanding of Mexico’s desire to greatly control their own borders.
The recent deranged hysteria over the Trump administration “separating families” proves just how selective the media is in their outrage. The Department of Health and Human Services said that there were as many as 10,852 children in their custody at the end of May 2018. Meanwhile, in 2013, Obama’s HHS’s Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) had 25,000 unaccompanied minors in their care.
A current member of the U.S. Border Patrol, Charles Vega, noted: “Can’t say I remember hearing much about the Obama administration ‘separating families.'”
Vega went on to say: “But I do remember Obama’s Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson defending the kind of detention centers that Trump is being criticized for allowing. “I believe this (detainment) is an effective deterrent,” he said in 2014. What Johnson said was pointing out the obvious, really. If you have severe consequences for a crime, people are much less likely to commit it in the first place.
“Trump on Tuesday responded to his administration missing a court-ordered deadline to reunite separated immigrant families by saying people shouldn’t ‘come to our country illegally.’ ‘Well, I have a solution. Tell people not to come to our country illegally. That’s the solution. Don’t come to our country illegally. Come like other people do. Come legally,’ Trump told reporters. ‘I’m saying this: We have laws. We have borders. Don’t come to our country illegally. It’s not a good thing,'” he added.
Meanwhile, one of three illegal aliens wanted for kidnapping and raping underage, teenage sisters was nabbed by U.S. Marshals’ deputies following a manhunt.
News reports reveal that on Monday 27-year-old illegal alien David Ramos Contreras was arrested by the U.S. Marshals Service in Lubbock, Texas. The deputy marshals are seeking the arrest of David Ramos’ partners in crime, illegal aliens Arnulfo Ramos and Juan Adiel.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents say that Contreras was schedules to be deported last year after getting arrested for drunk driving twice. Instead of being deported, though, the illegal alien was released back into the public after getting out of prison and with ICE not being notified despite a “detainer” from the agency.
Also, Breitbart News has reported that another four illegal aliens are alleged to have kidnapped and raped a 13-year-old girl and her 14-year-old sister at a Days Inn near Wooster Street in Bowling Green, Ohio. According to ICE officials in their annual crime report, more than 5,000 illegal aliens were arrested and convicted in 2017, with another 2,000 locked up for kidnappings.
Mexishithole has always treated illegal aliens from the south very harshly, with jail and beatings and deportation – piled in the back of a truck and literally thrown out on the other side of the border. They are World Class hypocrites.