Joe Biden Sexual Assault Case: A Need for Full Sex Crimes Investigation
The Democratic Party’s presidential candidate Joe Biden remains uncooperative in addressing the allegations of the sexual assault by him of a former senate staffer when he served as a U.S. senator. While only a handful of news organizations are calling for the career politician to answer the allegations made by Tara Reade, who was 26-years-old when she claims Sen. Biden physically and sexually assaulted her.
Several people have corroborated details of Reade’s account against Biden. According to public statements her mother, her brother, her close friend, her former neighbor (who said she believes Reade but will vote for Biden anyway), and her former coworker all were told almost immediately after the alleged incident
The case has a significant meaning besides the Biden-Reade incident: It shows the deep, deep hypocrisy the permeates the Democratic Party, the biased news media, and most of all, the so-called Women’s Movement. The difference in their reaction to Reade’s accusations as opposed to the “angry mob” reaction to a phony rape case against now U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh when he was nominated by President Donald Trump.
“It can’t appear that she is being ignored,” Nina Turner, a former national campaign co-chair for former Biden rival, Democratic Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. “If we want to keep our credibility as a party, then we will have to agree that this allegation and any allegation should be vetted in the public,” she added.
Tara Reade served as a Senate staffer for Joe Biden, 78, in 1993 and has accused the then-senator of kissing her, touching her and penetrating her with his fingers without her consent. Biden’s minions all vehemently denied the assault occurred.
While many observers are calling for Ms. Reade’s accusations to be investigated as a crime by the FBI, police detectives have told the Conservative Base that Barr should appoint police detectives who specialize in rape and other sex crimes investigations.
For example, New York City Police Detective Ellen King (who instructed Conservative Base’s editor Jim Kouri in a training class on rape and sexual assault) served on the NYPD’s Sex Crimes Squad, the precursor of the NYPD Special Victims Unit. Her reaction to having the FBI investigate the Biden case was less than flattering.
“In essence, the FBI is too political and not very good at investigating crime to begin with. You want to frame someone? Call the feds,” said NYPD Det. Mike Snopes. He was referring to the latest news about the FBI framing another associate of President Trump, Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, the former Trump national security advisor.

Rape, next to cold-blooded murder, is the most heinous of crimes. It is a vicious, brutal attack on women that leaves irreparable psychological scars long after the devastating experience. And, unfortunately, it is one of the most common crimes committed today, possibly numbering more than the offense of robbery. At the same time, it is the least crime reported by victims.
The investigation of sex crimes case is extremely difficult and demanding, requiring not only technical expertise and experience, but also sensitivity towards the victim. The detective or prosecutor assigned to investigate should always remain cognizant of the fact that the entire criminal justice process, beginning with the initial police interview right through adjudication, poses an additional ordeal for the sex crime victim, her family and loved ones.
The trauma of sexual attack leaves the victim at once hurt—physically and emotionally—angry, anxious, fearful, vengeful, confused, hate-filled and distrustful. In many cases, the victim blames herself for the act, thinking she contributed to the crime. If she was returning home late from a party, she may tell herself she deserved what she got because of her carelessness late at night or early in the morning. The investigating officer(s) must reassure her that she did nothing wrong. The rapist or sex offender is the one who committed the crime and the one deserving punishment to the fullest extent of the law.
In some cases, the investigators will find the victim to be uncooperative, even hostile to the preliminary stages of the interview/preliminary report. Sensitivity and understanding of the psychology of rape and sexual assault are prerequisites to a successful sex crimes investigation.
Most big-city police departments have specialized units for sex crimes as do most prosecution offices. In New York City, for example, there are several sex crimes squads or units operating within all of NYC’s five boroughs. In addition to the NYPD’s specialized squads, the District Attorney’s Office in each borough have assistant district attorneys assigned to a special sex crimes unit.
However, the vast majority of this nation’s law-enforcement agencies do not possess that luxury. They must rely on all officers, sergeants, lieutenants, captains and, yes, even the police chief to possess a working knowledge of sex crimes investigation. Even a two or three man police agency should at least have a fundamental understanding of procedures to be followed in rape cases. It’s more than likely that county or state police will be called and they will provide the experienced investigators.
The clothing worn by the victim at the time of the sex crime may offer a wealth of evidence and should be secured as soon as possible without embarrassing the victim. This clothing must be sent to the crime lab immediately in order to prevent tainting through a number of mishaps (you’d be surprised at how much evidence is lost or loses its value because of laxity on the part of the officers transporting the evidence to the lab).
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