If Hillary won she’d have been impeached at the outset: Homeland Security Committee chairman

Even before the votes were counted on Election Day, a top lawmaker had threatened that if Hillary Clinton were to be elected President of the United States on Tuesday she would have very likely faced impeachment proceedings right after her victory.
Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX) said Hillary Clinton’s actions in exposing classified information to foreign agents amounts to “treason.” According to FBI special agents, there is a 99% probability that her home-cooked email system was breached by a number of intelligence services and hackers.
“In my opinion, quite frankly, it’s treason,” said McCaul.while appearing on Fox News Channel.
McCaul currently serves as the chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, which would be responsible investigating charges against a President Clinton, prior to seeking a vote for impeachment by the full House of Representatives.
McCaul and many other lawmakers, law enforcement officers, military officials and members of the intelligence community believe that Hillary Clinton’s exposing sensitive information to potentially multiple hacks perpetrated by foreign actors amounts to treason. “Clinton showed a cavalier attitude towards information that could cause harm to national security and death to deep cover agents throughout the world,” said Sid Franes, a former police detective and U.S. Marine. “She’s already proven her priority is her personal well-being and success to which protecting American lives takes a backseat. That was proven during and after the Battle of Benghazi,” Franes added.

Congressman McCaul said on the Fox and Friends morning show: “This is why you have security protocols — to protect classified information. She exposed it to our enemies, and now … our adversaries have this very sensitive information that not only jeopardizes national security at home, but the men and women serving overseas.”
“In my opinion, quite frankly, it’s treason,” said the Texas Republican.
McCaul also explained that Clinton would “absolutely” be exposed to potential blackmail from these foreign countries if she were elected president. “She took those devices overseas against the State Department’s wishes and now we find out, as [FBI Director] James Comey told me previously, that it’s very likely that foreign adversary nations got into her private server,” McCaul said.
“Those are the most classified, sensitive secrets in the federal government,” he added. “Many of them covert operations.”
McCaul said that Clinton, had she defeated Donald Trump on Tuesday, would have faced impeachment proceedings right from the outset. But once a President Donald Trump is sitting in the Oval Office, Hillary doesn’t need to worry about impeachment or being ousted from the White House. She does however face a Trump Justice Department run by a true law-enforcement professional such as Rudy Giuliani, who will conduct a real, non-political investigation of Hillary Clinton and her alleged crime family members.