Hillary Clinton’s emails reveal an anti-Semitic streak in Democratic Party
While much is being discussed in the United States regarding presidential hopeful and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s unauthorized email system and the suspicious emails discovered by inspectors general, the Congress, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and non-government groups such as Judicial Watch, nothing is being reported regarding Mrs. Clinton and Israel.

During her highly praised campaign by her news media sycophants, Hillary Clinton is portrayed as a true friend of Israel, despite having scolded the leaders of the Jewish State in her book for their treatment of the Palestinians.
“But like everything else having to do with Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, the truth gives way to wishful thinking and intentional ignorance,” said former police counter-terrorism operative Steven Weinberger. “Hillary as president would just be an extension of President [Barack] Obama’s cold relationship with the Jewish people who are surrounded by Jew haters,” said Weinberger.
Some of the classified emails from Clinton’s private Internet account are eye opening to those who bother to “pass on the Clinton Kool Aid” and seek to learn about her true beliefs and the beliefs of her closest minions especially with regard to Israel.
Although Mrs. Clinton continued her relationship with a friend who was denied a job at her State Department by Obama, her former advisor Sidney Blumenthal frequently wrote about the object of his hatred — Israel.
In the emails released last weekend, several emails written to Clinton by Blumenthal attack Israel. In an email to Clinton, Blumenthal tells her that both the Jewish State and the pro-Israeli organization, the American Israeli Political Action Committee (AIPAC) can easily be handled by her.
A number of columns have been written exposing how Mr. Blumenthal sent articles to Ms. Clinton from his son Max, one of America’s most notorious Israel haters. Ms. Clinton responded very favorably to them. Some of these writings would later be the basis for Max’s anti-Semitic Goliath, whose book launch was thrown by Sid at his own home. The disgraceful writings compare Israel to the Nazis, call for the expulsion of the Jews from Israel and whitewash Palestinian terrorism. For good measure Max also compares the Israel Defense Forces to the SS.
“Blumenthal… has his needle stuck on the Wye Plantation Agreement, and he is convinced that only one person is responsible for the breakdown in the peace process: Bibi Netanyahu. Blumenthal cannot find a single fault on the Arab side worth identifying as even one cause among many for the lack of a resolution to the decades-long conflict,” according to Lori Lowenthal Marcus, who is the U.S. correspondent for The Jewish Press.
According to Ms. Marcus, in his email to Clinton, Blumenthal advises her to: “[R]emind [AIPAC] in as subtle but also a direct way as you can that it does not have a monopoly over American Jewish opinion. Bibi is stage managing USJewish organizations (and neocons, and the religious right, and whomever else he can muster) against the administration. AIPAC itself has become an organ of the Israeli right, specifically Likud. By acknowledging J Street you give them legitimacy, credibility [one wonders why they didn’t have these things before being given a bracha [blessing] by the U.S. Secretary of State’s advisor and create room within the American Jewish community for debate supportive of the administration’s pursuit of the peace process. Just by mentioning J Street (anti-Israeli Jews) in passing, AIPAC becomes a point on the spectrum, not the controller of the spectrum.”
“There’s a good deal more in this treasure trove that the Jewish American public should know about, and the JewishPress.com will continue publishing on this important topic,” Marcus added.
Last year, this writer’s column on Hillary Clinton was published by Accuracy in Media. The article described how a former Department of Justice prosecuting attorney, Larry Klayman, who now works as an independent government watchdog, said that he believes former Secretary of State Clinton was responsible for leaking classified intelligence regarding the military plans of Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Jewish State’s intelligence and military officials with the goal of destroying Iran’s facilities used to create a nuclear bomb.
In a news story published in the Washington Post, reporter Anne Gearan wrote that a possible reason for the release of Israel’s top secret plans to a New York Times reporter was intended to curtail any action by Netanyahu, since President Barack Obama and his minions feared that Israel had the technical and strategic expertise to launch a sneak attack on Iran in order to eliminate their nuclear threat. Unfortunately, as the Russian delivery of an S-300 missile defense system drew near, such a surreptitious strike became improbable.
Both the President and former Secretary of State Clinton should be forced to legally come clean about this serious breach of national security. While whistleblowers like Edward Snowden are held out to dry and prosecuted, higher ups are left alone to release classified national security information when it suits their political purposes.