Get with It, GOP, says Gun Dean, Go Trump, and Smash Democrats
“It’s past time for GOP leaders to get with it, abandon asinine internal conflicts, support Trump, and concentrate on smashing Hillary and other Democratic candidates in November, just a little over six months from now,” gun dean John M. Snyder said on Thursday.
“A united Republican Party behind presumptive presidential nominee Donald Trump can accomplish great things this year,” Snyder added. “Trump’s success in primary elections, in adding millions of voters to party rolls, and in rising to a statistical tie with Clinton in the most recent Battleground presidential preference poll indicates this.
“What we are witnessing now is a sea-change in American politics, probably more historic than anything since the campaign of Abraham Lincoln in 1860, or at least the campaign of Theodore Roosevelt in 1904. A short while ago, few would have thought that a candidate who had never held political office or military command could be approaching the chair behind the desk in the Oval Office.”
Snyder said that, “If the hot dogs in the Republican Party can get over their shock at what’s happening and unite behind Trump, the GOP in this election could take the White House, throw out a number of Democrat incumbents, and lay claim to an untold number of gubernatorial, senatorial, congressional and state legislative seats as well.
“It’s really sad to see some Republicans persist in their opposition to Trump. Their diehard opposition to him makes one think of the anti-Christian, anti-western, anti-Jewish hatred of Muslim suicide bombing jihadists out to destroy themselves along with their opponents.”
“Unfortunately,” Snyder noted, “a number of Republicans would rather blow up the GOP and themselves along with it than see Donald Trump elected President. Some even have said they would rather see probable Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton elected.
“They can’t stand Trump because they can’t control him. The blue collar billionaire is not part of the ‘club.’ However, he enjoys the support of average American voters. With their ‘anybody but Trump’ attitude, the hate Trump Republican insiders are putting themselves before party and country. What arrogant insolence!”
Snyder said, “The statesmanlike thing for Trump’s primary opponents to do would be to propose his nomination by acclamation.
“Second Amendment champion Trump can beat gun prohibitionist Clinton this year. Trump has his finger on the pulse of the nation.”
Snyder said, “People favor Trump over Clinton because of their disgust with Clinton’s support for NAFTA, the WTO, MFN for China, amnesty and citizenship for illegal immigrants, and the Iraq and Libyan failures. To the people, Trump’s correct on these and other matters. They think he will reverse policies that led to the destruction of American manufacturing, the loss of millions of factory jobs, the lowering of wages, the massive influx of illegal immigrants, and domestic radical Muslim extremist activity.

“As the Republican presidential nominee, Trump could excoriate Clinton like nobody else, smash her campaign, and assist any number of down-ballot GOP candidates.”
Snyder said, “Some may not prefer Trump for a number of personal reasons, but his financial independence, stated positions on a number of issues, in-your-face campaign style, unique persona and identity with voters make him the best available presidential GOP candidate this election cycle.
“On the other hand, the Democrats appear ready to put up a promoter of gun prohibition, abortion on demand, same-sex marriage and the LGBT agenda as their nominee. Republicans have got to save the nation from a malignant entity. With Trump as their standard bearer, they can do it. That is their destiny.”
“Trump haters fear the people and their significance. They nit pick with distracting issues in an attempt to get people to pay more attention to these matters than to the central ones. Trump wants to dump trade and immigration policies that undermine our middle class. Elitists want to keep these policies and to keep the people down. By supporting Trump, voters can smash them.”
Snyder said, “Republicans should stop their ridiculous infighting. They should unite behind front-runner Donald Trump. They should concentrate their time, energy and resources on defeating presumptive Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.
Snyder said, “Republicans have a golden opportunity this year to defeat the Democrats. Unfortunately, their nonsensical, idiotic and hateful anti-Trump elements could blow it for them. Hopefully, these elements will come to their senses. If they don’t straighten up and fly right they will be remembered for wrecking their country’s future.
“Second Amendment champion Trump can beat gun prohibitionist Clinton this year. Trump’s turning out new potential GOP supporters by the millions in
primaries and rallies, far more than his Republican opponents. Trump has the pulse of the nation. Pessimists who cite polls to support their hesitancy should remember that Ronald Reagan was way behind Jimmy Carter in polls at the beginning of the 1980 campaign. He won in a landslide and became one of our greatest presidents.”