Former Navy SEAL Seeks to Battle Anti-American Forces in Congress and On the Streets
Featured photograph: Former Navy SEAL Derrick Van Orden and the son of the U.S. President, Donald Trump, Jr.

Derrick Van Orden has shown his deep love for his state, Wisconsin, and for his country. He is showing the people in Wisconsin that he passionately believes there is no higher calling than serving the American people, which he did overseas fighting the jihadists as a decorated U.S. Navy SEAL Team member.
Derrick no longer fights on the battlefields of Iraq or Afghanistan, but he continues his service by utilizing the leadership skills, drive and tenacity he gained in the SEAL Teams to help restore peace and prosperity for the citizens and “legal residents” of Wisconsin.
Derrick Van Orden stands for commonsense conservative policies that ensure our nation’s prosperity and security, represent our foundational values, and give Wisconsinites a reason to once again be proud of their history and their leaders.
The following is an interview between Congressional candidate Derrick Van Orden and Conservative Base editor, former law enforcement commander and director of security Jim Kouri. Also included are segments of Van Orden’s media appearances such as his television interview with Fox News Channel’s Fox & Friends hosts.
Jim Kouri: How would you introduce yourself to the American people, especially to Wisconsin residents who are weary of today’s destructive political atmosphere?
Derrick Van Orden: That’s pretty much a simple task: I’m a decorated U.S. Navy SEAL who is running for the U.S. Congress. I am a proud veteran, husband, father, grandfather, and Christian. Most importantly, I am a battle-tested leader who is prepared to take on – what President Donald Trump calls – The Swamp.
I enlisted with the U.S. Navy when I was 18 and served for more than 26 years as a sailor answering the call during our country’s darkest hours. I always fought with honor and distinction as I kept America safe from those who wished her harm.
JK: What is the difference between the enemy forces in the Middle East and the recent enemies we face?
DVO: Once, America’s worst enemies were found in the mountains and deserts of the Middle East. Now, her greatest adversaries can be found on the streets in U.S. cities. This insidious, America-hating enemy exists even within the halls of both houses of the U.S. Congress. The far-left radicals in Congress are mounting the worst assault on American freedom and democracy since our war for Independence from the British monarchy.

JK: Do you have a plan for dealing with the mayhem and senseless killing or police officers and civilians especially the murders of infants and young children?
DVO: Quite simply, I refuse to standby idly as this nation I love comes under attack from those supposedly entrusted with her safety. We need to stop the far-left forces from the likes of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) and Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez band of radicals (AOC’s Squad). I have buried too many friends who died in the service of our Nation, and I will not allow their sacrifice to be meaningless.
This is not a war that will take place on just any battlefield – this fight will take place in the Halls of Congress. What is at stake? Our nation’s future!
When the American people elected Donald J. Trump as President, the so-called Democratic Party went ballistic and showed signs of what conservatives came to call “Trump Derangement Syndrome,” a mental illness they share with a majority of “fake news” journalists.
Over the past three years, Democrats have embarked on a scorched earth campaign with the sole aim of tearing down our Democratic ideals and replacing it with socialism, and now they have opened a new-front on their offensive – to defund the police and our Department of Homeland Security which will make us victims of the anarchists with the heavily funded ANTIFA, Black Lives Matter and other groups.
JK: I think we’re all aware of what’s occurring in our homeland, but what can conservatives do to stem the tide of radical violence, terroristic threats and fake news narratives?
DVO: As conservatives, we need to rally our forces and mount our counteroffensive now! We need to target and take down every Democratic opponent who has embraced Pelosi’s America-killing ideology, and we must send them to defeat in November’s all-important election day.
The news out of Washington is not good. From the selection of progressive darling Kamala Harris, the lunacy of AOC’s Green New Deal to the fight over the stimulus relief bill, America needs a change in direction before Democrats run this Nation into the ground.
We have a House of Representatives full of entitled narcissists hell-bent on destroying the American dream just because it requires hard work and sacrifice. Like you, I’ve had enough of this new generation of Democrats – a group of “Participation Trophy” millennials who think that the “ultimate sacrifice” is going vegan or using paper straws.
These Democrats don’t have a clue about the concept of service before self, and they all place personal agenda and their party ahead of the needs of the American people.
And the news out of Washington is not good. From the selection of progressive darling Kamala Harris, the lunacy of AOC’s Green New Deal to the fight over the stimulus relief bill, America needs a change in direction before Democrats run this nation into the ground.