Federal Agencies Began Gearing Up for Civil Unrest with Ammo Stockpile, Paramilitary Training

Those who’ve studied national politics and security believe that President Obama and his consortium of left-wing radicals — now known as the “Deep State” –radical Islamists, and those who support a One World Government are hoping that American citizens will take to the streets in droves and armed and ready to be heard by an oppressive government.
Such a scenario would offer the Washington elites the desired “excuse” to deploy the government agencies and the military which seems to be the opinion of Gov. Bobby Jindal and others.
Gov. Jindal also spoke in Washington, D.C, at the annual Faith and Freedom Coalition conference.
During his presentation he accused Obama, his minions and sycophants of waging war against certain American values “The Pelican State governor is right on,” said John Snyder, who is also on the board of advisers for the National Association of Chiefs of Police and a former NRA magazine editor.
Although news stories and op-eds on the Internet for years predicted the mysterious and foreboding purchase by Homeland Security of billions — that’s right, not millions but billions — of rounds of ammunition, stories appearing in News with Views, the Drudge Report, Fox News and a few other news outlets appear to be drawing more and more attention to federal agencies militarizing their workers. A perfect example is the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) stockpiling handguns, rifles, shotguns and other firearms for use in an “emergency.”

Most disheartening is the enormous number of weapons and ammunition being purchased and stockpiled by federal agencies that aren’t even law enforcement or military in nature.
Federal agencies not usually associated with civil unrest are stockpiling weapons and ammunition.
For example, the Social Security Administration, are trying to put a damper on the speculation — noting the ammunition is “standard issue” and simply used for mandatory federal training sessions.
When asked about their buildup of weapons and ammunition, the Social Security Administration stated: “The SSA is processing more applications than ever, which means more traffic in SSA offices. Employee and visitor safety is the highest priority for OIG, which, together with the Federal Protective Services and local law enforcement, has jurisdiction over SSA workplaces.”
The SSA also claimed, “Our special agents need to be armed and trained appropriately. They not only investigate allegations of Social Security fraud, but they also are called to respond to threats against Social Security offices, employees, and customers.”
Ammunition purchases have drawn widespread attention as the web site Infowars.com published several stories on them that were linked off the widely read Drudge Report and other sites.
Infowars.com catalogued a string of recent purchases — first by the Department of Homeland Security, then by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and then the Social Security Administration.
A new Homeland Security purchase order listed on FedBizOrg also raises an eyebrow or two, given the heated and divided political and social climate at hand. Just look at what happened in Ferguson.
The purchase information reads:
“U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) intends to solicit responses to Request for Information (RFI) 20082225-JTC for Less Lethal Specialty Munitions (LLSM) for use by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). CBP is interested in incorporating commercial and industry practices that support this type of procurement. To accomplish this, CBP intends to make industry a partner in all facets of the acquisition process, specifically by considering existing market capabilities, strengths and weaknesses for the acquisition of this commodity.”
The hardware build-up has been called a domestic arms race, and it is starting to gain credibility with mainstream media journalists.
The 1.6 billion rounds of ammo being purchased by Homeland Security represents a stockpile that would last DHS over a century.
To claim that it’s to ‘get a low price’ for a ridiculously wasteful amount is an argument that could only fool career civil servants and bureaucrats.
This huge arms race of weapons, ammo and armored vehicles by the federal government began taking place right in the middle of the President Obama’s claimed “sequester” which the government claims has sharply curtailed its ability to spend money on military and law enforcement equipment and accessories.
So while Obama and his minions threaten to release criminals onto the streets of America, behind the scenes the government is actually building up an ammo stockpile so huge that it could wage a 20-year war against the American people.
Government Buildup
The new Defense Authorization Act all but erases decades of U.S. government compliance with the letter and the spirit of the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, a law that prohibits the use of the U.S. military to perform law enforcement functions within the United States, according to police officials and others opposed to the militarizing of American law enforcement.
Provisions in the new authorization act allow military reservists — Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines — to be called to duty and deployed in the event of a natural disaster or other emergency within the homeland, as well as mobilization of reserve units to support counterterrorism and security missions overseas, according to the American Forces Press Service’s Donna Miles.
Originally, such deployments were the duty of National Guard, which are under the control of state governors who would call in guardsman as needed to support civil police forces, fire departments and other emergency personnel.
However, when Hurricane Katrina fiercely struck the Gulf Coast in 2005, especially the city of New Orleans, active-duty service members became “the federal default force,” according to Miles.
But the reason for that deployment was the inability of Louisiana’s governor and New Orleans’ mayor to command and control the police and emergency responders. Now the U.S. Congress and the Obama Administration have acquired the authority to use military resources in such emergencies, including deploying soldiers during an insurrection.
“Is anyone surprised at this latest disregard for the constitution and tradition? The military forces in the U.S., Canada and Mexico have been training in urban warfare and response to terrorist threats such as weapons of mass destruction (WMD) scenarios,” said police lieutenant Walter Ingram of the Morningside, N.Y., police department.
Ingram also noted that “the Bush Administration and congress toyed with the idea of practically militarizing FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Administration), which is basically a ‘bean-counting’ agency. But that idea went nowhere. However, with Obama in the Oval Office, the news media became more willing to cover up abuses to patriotic Americans.”