FBI Messages a Slap in the Face to Cops Who Endorsed Trump
FBI Attorney #2 was “numb” following Donald Trump’s victory and “stressed about what [he] could have done differently.” Does he mean, done differently to influence the outcome of the election? “FBI Employee” consoled Attorney #2 that “Trump’s supporters are all poor to middle class, uneducated, lazy POS that think he will magically grant them jobs for doing nothing” and are “stupidly wrapped up in his unmerited enthusiasm.” Attorney #2, when asked if he contemplated leaving the Bureau rather than serve under Trump, said, “Hell no. Viva le resistance.” Attorney #2 soon transitioned to a job with the Mueller witch hunters, but was forced out last February when the IG provided Mueller with texts that “raised concerns of potential bias.” – Department of Justice, Office of the Inspector General, Report Release Date

According to the controversial and disturbing Justice Department’s Office of the Inspector General’s report on Thursday, an unnamed Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) attorney assigned to the ongoing, never ending investigation into an alleged Trump-Putin plot to sabotage Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign as well as Russian meddling in the 2016 election was quietly forced off that politically-charged case.
The Justice Department’s internal watchdog, Inspector General Michael Horowitz and his team discovered Internet instant messages showing “statements of hostility toward” Donald Trump, including one stating “[sic]viva le resistance,” according to the new report.
The highly anticipated report from the Justice Department’s Office of the Inspector General, released Thursday, disclosed text messages and instant messages sent on FBI devices by five FBI employees who were assigned to the Clinton email probe.
“We found that the conduct of these five FBI employees brought discredit to themselves, sowed doubt about the FBI’s handling of the midyear investigation, and impacted the reputation of the FBI,” the report said.
“I could not believe how bold these make-believe law enforcement clowns were in their statements about the President, the American voters, the Republicans and the more than 500,000 police officers and commanders,” said retired detective and police union delegate Christopher K. Laughlin. “They actually used the acronym POS which means ‘piece of shit’ on the web. That’s who these guys think pays their salaries? President Trump should fire these fake lawmen!” Laughlin exclaimed.
Despite the FBI and DOJ agents and attorneys disrespect for Americans who voted for Trump to be President of the United States, the fact of the matter is that a clear majority of police unions, law enforcement fraternal groups and professional organizations endorsed Donald Trump.
For example, the first organization to openly endorse Trump was the rank-and-file special agents with the U.S. Border Patrol. The surprise Border Patrol endorsement of Donald Trump is the first-ever in a presidential primary for the National Border Patrol Council (NBPC). The agents’ statement makes clear that Trump’s campaign promise to secure the U.S.-Mexican border by turning over control to border agents is an opportunity never-before-seen and one that may never be seen again, according to a April 5, 2016 column in the Conservative Base.
The NBPC officials wrote, “Mr. Trump will take on special interests and embrace the ideas of rank-and-file Border Patrol agents rather than listening to the [Administration] yes-men who say whatever they are programmed to say. This is a refreshing change that we have not seen before – and may never see again.”
President Obama is making the lives of citizens worse, not better, along Arizona’s border with Mexico, Pinal County, Arizona, Sheriff Paul Babeu said Tuesday. Sheriff Babeu is not the only lawman to complain about the Obama Administration’s handling of border security and overall crimefighting. He’s joined by Milwaukee’s Sheriff David Clarke and the membership of the U.S. Border Patrol’s union.
In his official 2016 statement, the leader of the border agents union Brandon Judd wrote:
“The National Border Patrol Council is the official organization representing our nation’s Border Patrol Agents. We represent 16,500 agents who selflessly serve this country in an environment where our own political leaders try to keep us from doing our jobs.
“Unlike his opponents, Donald Trump is not a career politician, he is an outsider who has created thousands of jobs, pledged to bring about aggressive pro-American change, and who is completely independent of special interests. We don’t need a person who has the perfect Washington-approved tone, and certainly NOT another establishment politician in the W.H. Indeed, the fact that people are more upset about Mr. Trump’s tone than about the destruction wrought by open borders tells us everything we need to know about the corruption in Washington.
“There is no greater physical or economic threat to Americans today than our open border. And there is no greater political threat than the control of Washington by special interests. In view of these threats, the National Border Patrol Council endorses Donald J. Trump for President – and asks the American people to support Mr. Trump in his mission to finally secure the border of the United States of America, before it is too late.”
The largest police union in the nation — the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) — with over 300,000 members was also enthusiastic about their endorsement of Donald Trump, as were the Police Benevolent Association (PBA), the Detectives Endowment Association (DEA), the National Sheriffs Association (NSA), the Sergeants Benevolent Association (SBA), and many other national and local police-affiliated groups.
“Here we have a bunch of armed politicians with badges running around the country harassing real cops, investigating real conservatives and imprisoning real businessmen on trumped up charges, perjured testimony and expensive budgets and they’re wondering why so many Americans don’t trust them,” said former attorney and political strategist Mike Baker. “It’s not just the FBI either. It’s the other federal cops with the DEA, ATF and IRS. Each one of these agencies have Deep State ties to the radical-left Democrats including Barack Obama,” he added.
Well said Jim. Amazing how deep a Swamp can become.