British PM releases anti-ISIS strategy while Obama combats bad weather
U.S. Lawmakers this week will be pushing the Pentagon and other administration officials to come up with a tougher policy against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) even though President Barack Obama refuses to make any adjustments or revision following the Paris Islamic terrorist attacks. Meanwhile, the head of Britain’s government, who always appeared to be decisive in contrast to Obama, promulgated the United Kingdom’s strategy for both ISIS and Syria’s oppressive regime.
The government of the United Kingdom on Thursday released a strategy detailing the arguments for why it would be “militarily, legally, and morally right for Britain to join the U.S.-led coalition in attacking Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) targets in (President Bashar al-Assad’s] Syria,” according to Friday’s Homeland Security News Wire.
The 38-page dossier was released just before Prime Minister David Cameron delivered a speech in front of the House of Commons in which he called on all House members to vote for authorization to conduct the proposed anti-ISIS campaign that includes the removal of Assad and his regime.
Cameron noted that ISIS posed a “very direct threat to our country and our way of life” and that inaction by the United Kingdom posed even greater risks for the country. Cameron also said, “If we won’t act now, when our friend and ally France has been struck in this way, then our friends and allies can be forgiven for asking: If not now, when?” Cameron said during his speech.
Security chiefs repeatedly claimed that the British Isles are one of the nations being targeted by ISIS. As a result, Prime Minister Cameron has told Parliament that the U.K. will “never be safe” until the Islamic terrorist group is decisively defeated. While not in his speech, Cameron has verifiedin the past that most European ISIS recruits are coming from Britain, numbering as many as 800 British citizens or legal residents.
In Paris for Monday’s kickoff of an international climate change/global warming summit, President Obama stopped at the Bataclan concert hall, which was one of the primary targets of the Islamists who killed over 125 people including one American woman.
Following his arguments for Britain to join its allies in bombing ISIS targets in Syria, the Prime Minister said the advice from senior intelligence officials was clear that the “risks of inaction are greater.” The Prime Minister hopes to persuade Members of Parliament (MPs) to back military action before calling for a vote in the House of Commons.
According to a number of critics, President Obama treats his own fellow American as if they are his enemy rather than the Islamists, the Iranians or the Russians. In fact, many believe he wants a global climate deal framed so that it can be imposed by executive authority without approval from Capitol Hill.
“Obama is again trying to do an end run around both houses of the U.S. Congress. And his deal proposal is just a secretive as Obamacare and the Iranian nuclear deal,” claims political strategist Mike Baker. “I wouldn’t be surprised if after the summit in Paris Obama looks into the TV cameras and tells Americans ‘if you like your weather, you can keep your weather,” quipped Baker, in a reminder of yet another Obama deceit.