Battle at the Border: Homeland Security Chief Corrects Democrat, Media Lies and Deception

Despite the advancements of feminism, the news media still values women and children more than it values men. For proof, look no further than media’s insistence we help the refugees based on the false narrative the migrant caravan is full of women and children. Except an MSNBC reporter got so carried away that he let the truth slip out that the Central American immigrant caravan is predominately male adults (watch MSNBC video posted below).
After pushing their false narrative and making outrageous accusations, the head of the immigration enforcement agencies spoke out to correct the misleading statements emanating from the likes of CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times and the Washington Post.
“This morning, CBP [Customs and Border Protection] was forced to close the San Ysidro Port of Entry [in San Diego] to ensure public safety in response to large numbers of migrants seeking to enter the U.S. illegally. After being prevented from entering the Port of Entry, some of these migrants attempted to breach legacy fence infrastructure along the border and sought to harm CBP personnel by throwing projectiles at them,” according to Secretary of Homeland Security Kristjen Nielsen.
Secretary Nielsen, who heads both the U.S. Border Patrol and the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) said in a press statement: “As I have continually stated, DHS will not tolerate this type of lawlessness and will not hesitate to shut down ports of entry for security and public safety reasons.”

On January 16, 2018, Secretary Nielsen testified before the United States Senate in favor of merit, rather than family, based immigration. She was questioned about an earlier meeting at the White House in which press reports and Senator Dick Durbin related that the President had used the word shithole to describe African countries, as well as disparaging remarks about Haiti. Nielsen said, “I did not hear that word used, no sir,” although she said she heard “tough language” that was impassioned.
It turns out that the only person at that White House get-together who heard Trump use the word shithole was Durbin, who will be remembered as the senator who called U.S. Marines at the Guantanamo Bay terrorist detention center the Gestapo, American military prisons “gulags,” and has frequently criticized white police officers.
“We will also seek to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law anyone who destroys federal property, endangers our frontline operators, or violates our nation’s sovereignty,” said the 46-year-old graduate of the University of Virginia’s School of Law..
“[Customs and Border Protection] CBP agents along with other DHS law enforcement, federal law enforcement such as the DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration), U.S. military troops and state and local law enforcement, will continue to have a robust presence along the Southwest Border and at our ports of entry to prevent illegal entry or violence,” she noted.
“We continue to stay in close contact with Mexican authorities and we remain committed to resolving this situation safely in concert with our Mexican partners,” added Nielsen.
Mexico’s Interior Minister Navarrete Prida speaking on national radio confirmed that criminal gangs have infiltrated the caravan. Minister Prida said on-the-air: “I have videos from Guatemala that show men dressed in identical clothing, sporting the same haircuts, handing out money to women to persuade them to move to the front of the caravan.”
“We know, for a fact, that some members of the caravan threatened [Mexican] Migration Institute personnel and we have images showing many of them preparing Molotov cocktails,” said the Mexican official.
“I’ll tell you one thing: I’d rather face tear gas or pepper-spray than be the target of a Molotov cocktail,” said former police sergeant Thomas Wiggens.