Attorneys sue feds for details of Clapper Intel meeting with FBI regarding security threats linked to Hillary Clinton, Dem operatives

A public-interest, government watchdog group announced this week that its attorneys filed a federal lawsuit against the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) demanding the disclosure of the details of a “private meeting within the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) with regard to alleged lapses in U.S. national security” thanks to actions linked to former Secretary of State and presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s “private” email system.
“No matter what the Mueller Report says about President Trump, the Russians and other unproven accusations, the fact is that the Clinton State Department and her presidential campaign continue to hide and cover up the shenanigans by the likes of Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Loretta Lynch, James Clapper, James Comey, John Brennan and a number of other ‘players’ from the Deep State,” said former police detective and intelligence operative Michael Snopes.
“How about the Republicans starting to play hardball with the Democratic Party establishment who spent more than two years and millions of dollars harassing a legitimately elected Commander in Chief,” retired Det. Snopes added.
The non-profit, public interest group, Judicial Watch, directed its team of attorneys and investigators — led by Chris Farrell, chief of investigations — to file this latest lawsuit after the ODNI failed to adequately respond to a July 13, 2018, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request (Judicial Watch Inc. vs Office of the Director of National Intelligence (No. 1:19-cv-00807)).
Most of the information being sought by the organization is material in the ODNI accumulated by former President Obama’s intelligence minion James Clapper when he served as Director of National Intelligence, who had been caught lying to House and Senate panels a number of times yet paid no price for his deceits.

“Actually, rather than being charged by congress with perjury or having his case referred to the Justice Department for investigation, Clapper has been rewarded with a cushy job at the anti-Trump media outlets MSNBC/NBC News,” noted former NYPD police official Iris Aquino. “His Deep State partner, former CIA Director John Brennan was rewarded with a position with the once-highly rated Cable News Network (CNN) that squandered its credibility with the hiring of political hacks pretending to be journalists,” the former undercover cop added.
According to the group’s president, Tom Fitton, Judicial Watch investigators are seeking:
Any and all records regarding, concerning, or related to the meeting between Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG) official Frank Rucker, ICIG attorney Jeanette Macmillian, former Federal Bureau of Investigation Deputy Assistant Director Peter Strzok, and other[s] regarding security threats associated with the private e-mail server utilized by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
This request includes, but is not limited to, the following:
- Any and all reports, notes, briefing materials, presentations, or similar records created in preparation for, during, and/or pursuant to the meeting.
- Any and all related records of communication between any official, employee, or representative of the Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG) and any other individual or entity.
For purposes of clarification, the meeting in question was referenced by Rep. Louis Gohmert during the testimony of the disgraceful Peter Strzok at a House of Representatives hearing on July 12, 2018.
Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, said during a hearing with FBI official Peter Strzok that the ICIG reportedly found an “anomaly on Hillary Clinton’s emails going through their private server, and when they had done the forensic analysis, they found that her emails, every single one except four, over 30,000, were going to an address that was not on the distribution list. It was a compartmentalized bit of information that was sending it to an unauthorized source.”
Gohmert said the ICIG presented the findings to Strzok, but that the FBI official failed to take any action based on the disturbing findings, including communications between Strzok and his FBI attorney paramour.
Gohmert: “Let me refresh your memory. The Intelligence Community Inspector General Chuck McCullough sent his investigator Frank Rucker along with an IGIC attorney Janette McMillan to brief you and Dean Chapelle and two other FBI personnel who I won’t name at this time, about an anomaly they had found on Hillary Clinton’s emails that were going to the private unauthorized server that you were supposed to be investigating?”

“Our lawsuit could further expose how anti-Trump activists like disgraced FBI official Peter Strzok bent over backwards to protect Hillary Clinton from having to answer for her national security crimes,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton in a press release this week. “The scandal of the illicit Trump spying is directly tied to the Deep State protection of Hillary Clinton.”
According to Fitton and Judicial Watch’s press statement:
Judicial Watch had a separate lawsuit against the ODNI that would have required it to conduct, as required by law, an assessment and prepare a report on how and whether Hillary Rodham Clinton’s email practices as U.S. Secretary of State damaged national security.
Judicial Watch received 47 pages of records from the DOJ, including email exchanges between fired FBI official Peter Strzok and FBI attorney Lisa Page, revealing that FBI officials used unsecure devices in discussing how the U.S. could improve the sharing of sensitive data with the European Union top executive governing commission.
Strzok was removed from Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation and fired from the FBI after his bias against President Trump was revealed.