Anti-Semitic Congresswoman Omar Should Face Indictment, Arrest and Deportation: Government Watchdog
Featured Photograph: Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minnesota) was "honored" by former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke with this photograph dedicated to Omar on Facebook and Instagram. It should be noted that the KKK was established after the Civil War by the South's Democrats.
Minnesota Freshman Congresswoman Cavorts with Terrorist Connected Groups and Committed Immigration Fraud: Could Lose U.S. Citizenship. Complaint Filed with Secretary of Homeland Security Calling for Investigation and Remedies. House Also Requested to Take Action.
The founder and former president of highly successful government watchdog, Judicial Watch, who now serves as the top gun at Freedom Watch USA is calling upon the leaders of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and/or Department of Justice (DOJ) to investigate anti-Semitic and terrorist-connected freshman U.S. Representative Ilhan Omar (D-MN) for immigration marriage fraud and to initiate deportation proceedings as supported by a factual investigation.
Her links to terrorist connected groups, as demonstrated by her speaking engagements, also requires an immediate and thorough investigation, according to Larry Klayman, a former DOJ prosecutor.
Klayman is also demanding that committees within the House of Representatives conduct a real investigation of Rep. Omar and consider taking action in response to Freedom Watch’s DHS complaint, embedded below, which the organization filed against Omar. Klayman said in a separate statement that he fears another “toothless” and “cowardly resolution of disapproval” over Rep. Omar’s overt anti-Semitic remarks. Even that approach taken by the Democratic Party-led House turned out to be a meaningless exercise and it is now on hold as radical Democrats try to insert a so-called “Islamophobia” provision.
“The Democrats are attempting to keep their Jewish constituents happy while not making Islamists in the United States and overseas fear anything from the United States’ Democratic Party,” said Joseph Frascane, a former police terrorism task force member.
In order to avoid being ignored, officials at Freedom Watch sent a copy of the group’s DHS complaint to Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office and her relevant committees. Larry Klayman called upon the House to formally consider these charges.
Legally and traditionally, the House judges the qualifications, censure or expulsion of its members, noted Klayman.

Klayman graduated from Duke University with honors in political science and French literature. Later, he received a law degree from Emory University. During the administration of President Ronald Reagan, Larry was a Justice Department prosecutor and was on the trial team that succeeded in breaking up the telephone monopoly of AT&T, thereby creating competition in the telecommunications industry.
Between Duke and Emory, Larry worked for U.S. Senator Richard Schweiker (R-Pa.) during the Watergate era. He has also studied abroad and was a stagiaire for the Commission of the European Union in its Competition Directorate in Brussels, Belgium. During law school, Larry also worked for the U.S. International Trade Commission in Washington, D.C.
Larry speaks four languages—English, French, Italian, and Spanish—and is an international lawyer, among his many areas of legal expertise and practice.
“Rep. Ilhan Omar, according to extensive reporting by investigative journalists, married her own brother in a sham marriage constituting immigration fraud (while still with her first husband). The basis of Omar’s citizenship remains murky, yet her own U.S. citizenship could also prove to be invalid. The sham marriage certainly invalidates her brother’s citizenship and Omar could be prosecuted. Conviction of a crime — or ties to terrorist organizations — could also cause Omar to lose her naturalized citizenship,” claims the man who became President Bill Clinton’s gadfly before, during and after the volatile impeachment proceedings..
The newly-elected Omar – who represents a district in Minnesota that is populated by Somali Muslims some of whom are secret members of Al-Shabaab — supports an economic boycott of Israel to destroy the Jewish state financially and has reported ties to terrorist groups which seek the total destruction of Israel.
According to Klayman’s reports, leftist Jewish groups in the United States irresponsibly and ignorantly supported the election of Omar to Congress in Minnesota and incredibly donated heavily, along with radical Muslims to her campaign.
On April 30, 2019, at the “Black Women in defense of Ilhan Omar” rally in Washington, DC, organized by Black Lives Matter, communist Angela Davis, and Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.), freshman Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), 37, the bigamist who married her brother, said:
“The occupant of the White House…and his allies are doing everything that they can to distance themselves and misinform the public from the monsters that they created that is terrorizing the Jewish community and the Muslim community. This is not going to be the country of the (sic) xenophobics. This is not going to be the country of white people. This is not going to be the country of the few. This is going to be the country of the many.”

Klayman explained: “Rep. Omar’s repeated anti-Semitic proclamations are not ‘slips of the tongue.’ Indoctrinated in radical Jihad since a child, Omar’s U.S. presence and election are part of Jihadi infiltration tactics.”
Klayman concludes: “Muslims who are legitimately American citizens or permanent residents have constitutional rights and these rights must be respected so long as they obey the law and do not seek to undermine our country. If Muslims are elected to Congress or other government positions, this also must be respected under our democratic traditions, so long as they do not violate our laws and do not have terrorist connections, such as Omar. However, Omar is not one of these law-abiding and decent Muslims: she is a hateful, dishonest and terrorist-connected threat and scourge on not just Congress but the nation as a whole. Those who support her, including those on the Jewish Left who run interference for her, must also be held to legally account! She must be removed from the House, prosecuted and/or deported.”
As Attorney General William Barr spars with Democrats in Congress, he is also beginning his investigation of Obama-era officials who spurred the Russia probe. One America’s Jack Posobiec sat down with a former Bush official to learn more.