Ambushing The Donald: Koch Bros. and GOP ‘swells’ plot to sabotage Trump campaign
GOP political strategist and author Roger Stone reported that participants at a meeting between the Democrats’ favorite bogeymen, the uber-wealthy Koch Brothers, and presidential hopeful, Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Florida, somehow leaked their plans to sabotage the election of Donald Trump.
The two brothers, Charles G. and David H. Koch, met with other Republican millionaires and billionaires on Thursday night to and arrived at a immense $75 million figure to be spent exclusively on terminating Trump’s successful political race.
According to Stone, they also discussed how they would use the already-defeated 2012 President Barack Obama opponent, Mitt Romney, as their ‘Plan B’ if Rubio’s also ends up a loser on Super Tuesday.
“$75 million to stop Trump and $25 million to Marco Rubio, but they gave Rubio a condition: he’s got to win the Florida primary or he’s out and Mitt Romney’s in,” Stone said during a TV Interview (See video below).

“First they’ll ramp up an enormous, negative campaign on TV against Trump and they’re going to hit this phony Trump University issue,” Stone said. “They claim to have personal dirt on Trump — I doubt that — and they are also going to try and delve into his business affairs, but if Rubio fails to grab the Florida primary, then Rubio’s out and Mitt Romney’s in.”
“The plan is for Romney to file for the New Jersey, New York and California primaries in an all-out ditch effort to stop Donald Trump and you heard it here on”
“The power structure’s desperate, the Rubio and Cruz teams are going back and forth but they can’t agree as to who will be the candidate,” he said. “I still believe Mitt Romney is totally dressed up, already made up, waiting in the wings… to step in as the last, best hope of the ‘stop Trump’ movement, and frankly I think Trump will bulldoze him as well,” Stone claimed during his interview with Alex Jones.
This week, Roger Stone was also “banned” by officials with Cable News Network (CNN) for infractions committed during his interviews and on his Twitter postings. He also alluded to a conspiracy by CNN, a supposedly legitimate news outlet, and the Internet propaganda website Media Matters, which is allegedly funded by George Soros and in the tank for the Hillary for President Campaign.
“I’ve only been on CNN three times since August, so it’s not a real ban,” veteran political operative and one-time advisor to Republican frontrunner Donald Trump told Breitbart News. “CNN never called me. I was blindsided,” Stone added. “This is a private transaction between Media Matters and CNN.”
“A cable news network that folds on the demands of the Clintonistas on who and who not to interview is not an unbiased news organization,” Stone tweeted Tuesday, after learning of the ban. The “ban” was announced Tuesday in a statement from CNN to Media Matters, the result of a series of Stone tweets that attacked CNN commentator Ana Navarro as a “moron,” “borderline retarded,” and a “Bush stooge.”
Can’t we drop the childish name “The Donald” already?
If this is true, it just validates the Trump supporters as to why they have washed their hands of the Republican Party as it stands now. They want control of the candidate and if they can’t have control, then they must derail his campaign. They want the voting public to be so discouraged, they just won’t vote at all. It matters not to the Washington establishment whether Hillary wins or another as long as they are bought and paid for. Both sides want the same result they just have different means of obtaining it. Trump is the only man who might get us out of the mess we are in and that’s only if he can stay alive long enough to do so.
How come so few people these days KNOW what the words “natural born citizen” means? Obama was never eligible, even if he had been born in the WH, simply because his Kenyan father was not a citizen. Cruz was born in Canada (which would make him the FIRST POTUS ever, born in a foreign country) to a citizen mother and non-citizen, alien father. He is a “naturalized by congressional statute” citizen.
Rubio was born in the U.S., in Miami, but his Cuban immigrant parents didn’t become citizens until Marco was 4 years old. If he had been born prior to the 14th Amendment’s passage, he would not be a citizen at all, but the 14th only gave him “citizenship” NOT natural born citizenship. NONE of these men meet the qualifications to be a “natural born citizen”, BIRTH IN the U.S. to parents (plural) who are themselves, citizens (again, plural!) owing allegiance to no other nation, and no other nation that could claim them as a citizen, or demand loyalty from him/her. All of them were born with dual citizenship, NOT sole allegiance to the U.S. Haven’t we learned our lesson the last 7 years?