Advice for Trump: Revise U.S. Military Manuals Corrupted by Obama’s Pentagon
Featured Photograph: United States Army Lt. Gen. John Kimmons with a copy of the Army Field Manual, FM 2-22.3, Human Intelligence Collector Operations.

One of President Donald James Trump’s and Secretary of Defense James “Mad Dog” Mattis’ primary endeavors should be to rollback the damage done to the Pentagon’s military manuals, curricula for training of officers and enlisted men, and the other material compromised by eight-years of political correctness seeping into the military.
As part of former President Barack Obama’s mission to “win the hearts and minds” of people who despise the United States of America, including those who live in the U.S., the Pentagon released new military manuals that pleased groups such as the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), an organization some allege is a Fifth-Column for radical Islamic terrorist organizations (see video below).
According to the blog on the web site of a non-profit watchdog group that investigates government corruption and misconduct, in this new era of rampant political correctness, the U.S. Army had published a special handbook for soldiers that appears to justify Islamic jihad by describing it as the “communal military defense of Islam and Muslims when they are threatened or under attack.”
Because radical Muslim groups consider Islam to be perpetually under moral, spiritual, economic, political and military attack by the “secular west” they consider military jihad a “constant necessity” and use it as a “rallying cry to resist and attack all this is un-Islamic,” according to the new Army manual.
Judicial Watch’s blogger wrote that the handbook was created to help soldiers become “culturally literate” ambassadors with sensitivity and understanding of Islamic civilization. The goal is to help them understand how vital culture is in accomplishing military missions. Military personnel who have a distorted picture of a host culture make enemies for the United States.
At least that’s what the publication (“Culture Cards: Afghanistan & Islamic Culture”) says. An organization of scientists dedicated to national and international security issues discovered the new Army tool and published it on its web site a few days ago.
However, the Army manual on Islamic culture fails to address some issues that may not appeal to the progressives in Washington or the members of CAIR.
As reported earlier this year by the Conservative Base, one issue that’s avoided is the widespread sexual intercourse between Afghan Taliban men and young boys. In non- diplomatic terms, Afghanistan is a haven for child rape.
While Muslims in Iraq have on several occasions stoned homosexuals for their sexual activities, not all Muslims believe pedophilia is a violation of Shariah law. Those who believe in the sacredness and infallibility of the Koran adhere to the teaching that women are sub-human and quasi-slaves, and therefore Muslim men will look for relationships — even sexual relationships — with others of their own gender.

According to Reuters, there is a lot of homosexuality going on in Afghanistan, but those engaging in it don’t think of themselves as gay, so that makes it okay since Islam officially disapproves of the gay and lesbian lifestyle.
“They regard themselves as non-gay because they don’t “love” the sex object so Allah is happy. These are the men who avoid their wives as unclean. Apparently there is very little love of any kind in Afghanistan, which explains a lot,” according to Reuters.
Sociologists and anthropologists say the problem results from a perverse interpretation of Islamic law. Women are simply unapproachable. Afghans cannot talk to an unrelated woman until after proposing marriage. Before then, they can’t even look at a woman, except perhaps her feet. Otherwise she is covered, head to ankle, according to columnist Joel Brinkley, a professor of journalism at Stanford University, and a former Pulitzer Prize-winning foreign correspondent for the New York Times.
The manual has nearly three dozen informative chapters dedicated to subjects such as Muslim taboos, the five pillars if Islam, Jihad, the Quran and Muslim festivals. There are also sections on ethnocentrism, cultural relativism and social norms and mores. The lengthy introduction defines cultural competency — awareness and sensitivity of another group — and social norms and mores in Arab countries.
The portion on jihad is especially interesting because it’s described as a wide-ranging term that includes the everyday spiritual and moral struggle to live a life submitted to God, the attempt to spread Islam by education and example, and the communal military defense of Islam and Muslims when they are threatened or under attack, according to the Judicial Watch blog.
Today radical Muslim groups consider Islam to be perpetually under attack by the “secular West” — morally, spiritually, economically, politically and militarily, the Army handbook says. They thus consider military jihad as a constant necessity, and use jihad as a rallying cry to resist and attack all that is un-Islamic.
At the end of each section there is a question that’s supposed to stimulate “critical thinking.” At the end of the jihad section the question is: “How can the concept of jihad add legitimacy to the claims and aims of Al Qaeda and others?
“It would certainly be interesting to see how most enlisted men and women, or American civilians for that matter, would answer that particular question,” states Judicial Watch’s blogger.
The Army manual concludes by revealing all the things that make soldiers “culturally literate.” Among them are appreciating and accepting diverse beliefs, appearances and lifestyles, understanding the dangers of stereotyping and ethnocentrism and understanding Islamic and jihadist cultures.
Hopefully, these manuals and other mind numbing training materials will find their way into the dustbin of history during the Trump restoration.
WHy would you think the military is going to dump the PC islamic garbage when mattis has clearly delineated a position in line with the “islam means peace” narrative?
Funny that we needed Christianity to fulfill Judaism, and in fact, Christianity remains as eternally true, while Judaism continues to flounder until the very end, when many will suddenly declare Jesus as God. Meanwhile, Islam is a perfect example of what is NOT true about God, or anything else, except when people conquer others in the name of religion. It has the same forms, but it is Satan’s ideal religion.
BIG JOB needs a special committee !! Perhaps retired Military and Civilian combined !!
Needed ASAP !!!!
That’s a great idea. Just have to make sure no retired military officers are deranged like the Democrats. LOL.