California jihad? San Bernadino suspects linked to Islamist’s conviction?
A bloody attack on innocent civilians in California that left dozens dead or wounded is suspected by some to be linked to the conviction of a California National Guard member who was convicted of a terrorism-connected crime in federal court. That suspect was caught through the monitoring of social media websites.
Allegedly two gunmen and one gunwoman burst into a Christmas holiday party at the offices of a social services agency with guns blazing leaving 14 people dead and 17 others wounded then fled the building located in San Bernadino, California, on Wednesday. The murder spree led to an intense police dragnet for the suspects who witnesses said escaped in a black sports utility vehicle. According to former Los Angeles police detective Peter Webley, eventually two suspects were killed — one male and one female — by police in an intense shootout. A third person, Sayed Farooq, was seen running away from the scene of the shootout, and he was captured is being detained and questioned by special agents with the Federal Bureau of Investigation
Webley said that reports of the suspects wearing military camouflage were untrue, and they were in fact wearing dark, police-style overalls with body armor and their weapons were not military rifles but semi-automatic rifles and handguns. .
Several police sources claim there may be a connection between Wednesday’s shootings and the conviction on Tuesday of another California terrorism suspect who is facing up to 20-years in federal prison.
Nicholas Michael Teausant of Acampo, California, pleaded guilty on Dec. 1, 2015, for his attempt to provide material support or resources to a group listed by the U.S. State Department as a terrorist organization, according to Assistant Attorney General John P. Carlin. Carlin heads the National Security Division at the Justice Department.
According to Carlin’s statement: Teausant was arrested trying to enter Canada on March 17, 2014, and planning to travel from Canada to Syria to join the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). Nine days later, the 22-year-old Teausant was indicted by a grand jury on one count of attempting to provide material support or resources to a terrorist organization. Surprisingly, the wannabe jihadist entered a guilty plea to the single count in the indictment without so much as a plea agreement in place..
“Nicholas Michael Teausant attempted to travel overseas to join ISIL and to provide material support to the terrorist organization,” said Assistant Attorney General Carlin. “The National Security Division’s highest priority is counterterrorism, and we are committed to stemming the flow of foreign fighters abroad and holding accountable those who attempt to provide material support to designated foreign terrorist organizations.”
“This case, like others in communities across the United States and around the world, is an example of how a young person from any place and any

background might make the terrible decision to try and become part of a terrorist organization,” said U.S. Attorney Benjamin Wagner of California’s Eastern District near San Francisco.
“Fortunately, the FBI intervened in this case before any harm could be inflicted upon innocent persons. We hope that this case will be a reminder to us all to stay vigilant and involved in the lives of our youth, and in particular with respect to the dangerous influences they may be subject to on the Internet where these organizations are very active,” Wagner said on Tuesday.
What made Teausant a valuable asset to ISIS was his being a member of the California National Guard. However, the federal government claims Teausant’s National Guard “training was minimal,” and “due to his lack of required academic credits, he never attended basic training,” the complaint alleged. He was in the process of being released by the National Guard, but he has not yet been officially released and remains a reservist with the rank of “private,” according to the complaint.
Teausant is scheduled for sentencing in front of Judge John A. Mendez of the U.S. Eastern District of California on March 8, 2016.
Muslim extremists have already infiltrated our country since before 9-11 and 2 of the hijackers were from San Diego. San Diego and El Cajon are 2nd only to Michigan in Muslims living in our country.
The rest of the Muslims tend to be “followers” who claim they follow the Quran, but are “moderates” and do NOTHING to oppose the extremists.
I have had personal contact with all kinds of “Muslims” who do NOT practice Islam properly, pray to the East towards Mecca 5 times a day nor do they know how to pray.
It seems there are a lot of lies that are believed and it is a racist belief system.
Malcolm X (Little) was assassinated by the black members of the Nation Of Islam because Malcolm X exposed the Lies by the Black leaders like Elijah Muhammad who was having sex with under aged girls, etc…
Malcolm X went to Mecca and saw that there were “White”, Asian, Black, Brown, etc…Muslims when American Blacks were lying and manipulating large populations of blacks just because they could get the following and use it against whites.
The “Moderates” need to be involved if they truly love Peace and claim to follow God under the 99 names of which Allah has.
Unfortunately, a lot of the Muslims practice “Taqiyya” (Lying to “Infidels”) to further their own agendas.
I have studied this Muslim issue carefully for years and there is no other purpose except to take over a community and then move out the local nationals.
Islam is a “Military Ideology” and NOT a true “Religion”. There are so many contradictions in the Quran that a regular scholar can spot all the contradictions.
What’s interesting is that it states that they believe in Jesus , son of Mary as a great prophet. If they followed the teachings of Jesus, they would not be Muslims. It doesn’t make sense.
If we get into Muhammad and the innocent people HE killed, you can NOT mention him in the same context as Jesus. There is no comparison. Jesus performed “Miracles” and was the son of God in most teachings.
Muhammad was a Pedophile, who killed men, women and children and raped a Jewish female “captive” by the name of Safiyah who husband was killed earlier int he day by Muhammad.
Muhammad then kept her as a slave and she cooked his meals etc..
What’s interesting is that Safiyah poisoned Muhammad within 3 years before Muhammad finally succumbed to poisoning.
It is said that if a “Female” kills a Muslim male, he cannot go to Paradise. Or if he is exposed to pork etc…
If this is true, Muhammad did NOT got to Paradise, nor is there any proof that he or anyone else was given access to “72 Virgins”. The Muslims I have asked nor is it spelled out in the Quran what “kind” of “virgins” they are. They could be sheep for all we know.
I make these statements to educate and not to insult anybody who is sincere, but there are lies being told in the name of Islam as it is a “Military Ideology” and not a real religion.
I have studied Eastern religions since college and done further studies since 1971.
People need to educate themselves and realize that killing in the name of any “god” is wrong.
There is one Creator or God, with many names but Humans tend to steal and want to have control over the names of a Creator. There are many prophets who are good people, but I find it hard to believe a person who is a “warrior” who kills innocent men, women and children is a “prophet” to a Loving God.
Pingback: Saudi Muslims Lead Suspects in the San Bernadino Slaughter - Dr. Rich Swier
Pingback: California jihad? San Bernardino suspects linked to Islamist’s conviction? | News4Security
I wonder if Obama has ever noticed the Muslim terrorist killers never try their dirty work in towns like Compton or any ghetto in the US ? The reason why is because the general population is better armed than they are.
While watching this last night my family and I said it was a plot, where was the screaming? Where was the blood. We knew it was a staged act! ( 🙁 How stupid do the Democrats think most of us Americans are? These are planned incidents, they just don’t happen.