While Illegal Aliens Kill Cops and Americans, CPAC Holds Special Presentations During Friday Session
The American Conservative Union (ACU) founded and hosts the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), the birthplace of modern conservatism. CPAC combines ideas with action to leverage the strength of thousands of grass-roots activists to break through the resistance of Washington’s powerful elites. Donald Trump Jr. and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz are set to appear. During Friday mornings session featured session, a panel that included Donald Trump, Jr., his girlfriend, former Fox News anchor and Los Angeles Prosecutor Kimberly Guilfoyle, FNC’s Sara Carter, and President Trump’s White House spokeswoman Kellyanne Conway.
Sen. Cruz was scheduled for a conversation about the crisis at the southern border with Rich Lowry of the National Review. Later in the morning, Donald Jr. spoke with Rev. Jerry Falwell of Liberty University, the host for this year’s ACU event.
The immigration crisis at the southwest border was a key topic, especially since the Democrats under the leadership Sen. Charles “Chuck” Schumer and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi arw refusing to protect Americans from drugs, violence, murders, rapes, vehicular homicides.
For example, Democrats in congress spoke so bravely from the safety of the Capitol Building that illegal alien crime is being hyped by the White House and conservatives. the illegal alien fugitive wanted for the murder of a California police officer was captured in a statewide manhunt on after being on the run for more than two days, according to the Newman Police Department a part of the ultra-Sanctuary State in which politicians are calling for the termination of the Homeland Security Department’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

Police officers arrested the man who was identified by the Stanislaus County Sheriff’s Office as being Gustavo Perez Arriaga. The cop-killing suspect was captured about 275 miles from Newman, where Arriaga shot and killed Newman City Police Corporal Ronil Singh early Wednesday. The arrest was also confirmed by both the Fresno County and Kern County Sheriffs’ Offices.
Stanislaus County Sheriff Adam Christianson, whose department is credited with successfully handling the case, told the media during a news briefing that Arriaga is an illegal immigrant from Mexico who crossed the Arizona border. Christianson told news outlets that the suspect had been living ‘in the shadows” in the United States for a number of years and was seeking to cross back over the border before the shooting occurred.
The suspect had known Latino gang affiliations, as well as two prior Driving Under the Influence (DUI) arrests, Sheriff Christianson noted.
The suspect was stopped by Officer Singh for an apparent DUI investigation. Without warning Arriaga pulled out a firearm and engaged in a gunfight with the police officer, during which Singh attempted to defend himself, Christianson said at a separate news conference Thursday.
The announcement of the cop-killing was delayed for nearly 24-hours after which Newman Police Chief Randy Richardson made a heartfelt request for Arriaga to to end the bloodshed and surrender to police.
“A coward took his life,” Singh’s commanding officer said. “We need closure. His [Singh’s] family needs closure.”
According to one of the officials from the National Association of Chiefs of Police, the suspected shooter may have ties to a violent Mexican-American street gang.
In addition, there was an image of the suspect circulating on a social media website that was confirmed as authentic by investigators early Friday.
The photo (shown above) shows the alleged “cop-killer” posing with a metal chain necklace draped around his neck and a large flaming skull tattoo visible on his right arm. Underneath the tattoo is the word “$ur3no$,” which, according to gang crime expert Det. Rafael Norasia, is Spanish for “southerners”.
“The gang known as Sureños are a group of Mexican-American street crews or ‘cliques’ with origins in southern California,” reads a profile on the group in a police gang recognition guide. “The gang has allegiance to the [California] prison gang, Mexican Mafia, aka “La Eme.”
“Sureños (Spanish for “Southerners”) are a group of Mexican-American street gangs with origins in southern California (south of Bakersfi eld). The gang has allegiance to the CA prison gang, Mexican Mafi a, aka “La Eme”. Sureños identify with “13”, “XIII”, “X3”, the letter “M” – 13th letter in the alphabet – as homage to the Mexican Mafia. They typically use the color blue but may use other colors as well such as black or brown, dependant on the clique. The “cholo” type of dress was adopted but nowadays is far less observed as anonymity of gang affiliation has become more commonplace. Their biggest rivals are Norteños but it is not uncommon for Sureños sets to fight each other.” – Gang Recognition Guide
In a televised conference in the Oval Office for a meeting with President Trump and Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Sen. Chuck Schumer, the New York senator appeared afraid of looking at Trump in the eye. In fact, he appeared to be staring at the floor with an uncomfortable smile on his face.

The gang — considered as deadly and brutal as MS-13 gangbangers, although not as large in number — was recently blamed for murders and human smuggling crimes along the U.S.-Mexico border. “The unsecured border is a two-edged sword: it is a location with huge amounts of drugs and killings by the cartels, such as Los Zetas, coming from the Mexican side, while Sureños are on the American side of the border running weapons and contraband into Mexico while also killing those perceived as threats,” said Mike Snopes a former intelligence operative and police detective.
During one of his press briefings, Christianson told reporters that police have the truck believed to have been driven by the suspect in Singh’s killing. Forensic specialists are going over the vehicle with a “fine tooth comb.”
The man appears to have at least five Facebook profiles, each with a different alias. Four of the pages say he is from Mexico’s Colima State on its Pacific Coast and contain images of him with the “Sureños” tattoo and silver chain necklace visible. Some of the pages are Facebook friends with one another.
One of the profiles purportedly belonging to the individual contains numerous images of pistols and weapons, and several images of him crossing his arms while holding a pistol.
Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-New York, the Senate Minority Leader, boasted in his message to the President Donald Trump and all of his supporters that the Democrats on Capitol Hill will never pay to properly secure America’s borders, so Trump may as well just give up on any idea that they will. Schumer standing on the Senate floor told all who would listen that he and the far-left in this country have absolutely no interest in preventing illegal aliens from entering the United States.
Then I guess we are in for a long shut down because I sure don’t want Trump to back down.
The Democrats would rather hate Trump rather than keep America safe. Build The Wall.
PS I WILL BE WORKING WITHOUT A PAYCHECK but this is important enough to me to do so .