Tom Perez as DNC Chair: A slick move for the Democrats by Pamela Geller

Tom Perez’s victory as DNC Chair is a slick move. He was the lapdog for hardcore Muslim supremacists when he was Obama’s Assistant Attorney General, a gutless tool doing the bidding of the terror-tied groups.
As Assistant Attorney General, Perez had a shameful record of pro-sharia initiatives and craven accommodation to Islamic supremacists at the DoJ. Perez sought to impose sharia blasphemy laws under the guise of hate speech laws. He refused to answer questions whether DoJ would advance a proposal to criminalize speech against any religion. He refused to commit to the House Judiciary Committee Subcommittee on the Constitution that it would never advance a law criminalizing the right to criticize any religion.
In a FOIA request I made to the Obama DoJ on collusion between the Department of Justice and the Muslim Brotherhood groups, the documents I received show the DoJ operating as errand boy and de facto legal arm of Islamic supremacists in America. The servile demeanor of the Civil Rights Division officials and the demanding condescension of Muslim Brotherhood operatives was astonishing.
Letters from Perez touted all of the DoJ’s actions on behalf of Muslims, including a suit against the city of Lilburn, Georgia for resisting the expansion of a mosque, and amicus participation calling for dismissal of a suit brought by Murfreesboro, Tennessee patriots against an Islamic supremacist mosque there.
Now he has the whole if the Democrat Party behind him, and the money that comes with it. There is a collective sigh of relief that he beat the Muslim Brotherhood-linked Congressman Ellison coming from the last vestiges of any reason at all in the Democrat Party, i.e. Dershowitz, but how really different is Perez from Ellison?
Perez serves at the pleasure of the Islamic supremacists. And just to prove my point, the first thing that Perez did when he won was announce that Ellison was his Deputy Chair — and then he handed the mic over to Ellison, who proceeded to make a long speech.
Pamela Geller is the founder, editor and publisher of The Geller Report and President of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) and Stop Islamization of America (SIOA). She is the author of The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War on America (foreword by Ambassador John Bolton) (Simon & Schuster) and Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance (WND Books). She is also a regular columnist for numerous publications.
Geller’s activism on behalf of human rights has won international notice. She is a foremost defender of the freedom of speech against attempts to force the West to accept Sharia blasphemy laws, and against Sharia self-censorship by Western media outlets. Her First Amendment lawsuits filed nationwide have rolled back attempts to limit Americans’ free speech rights and limit speech to only one political perspective, and exposed attempts to make an end-run around the First Amendment by illegitimately restricting access to public fora. Her free speech event in Garland, Texas led to the capture or killing of several murderous jihadists, smoking out terror cells, leading to an increase in the threat level to BRAVO and to the consequent arrests of jihadists in several states.