Sen. McCain betrays Joe Arpaio and slams Trump’s mercy on Arizona cop
“If anyone believes Sen. John McCain is a conservative, they are either oblivious to politics or just plain out-of-touch with reality. McCain is a leftist who once pretended to be a conservative when necessary, but his rhetoric reveals he is quicker to condemn Republicans than his friends in the Democratic Party.” — Det. Lt. John Jay Patrick (Ret.)

Sen. John McCain, R-Arizona, decried President Donald Trump’s pardon of a former Arizona sheriff who was accused by the Obama administration — and investigated by Attorney General Eric Holder for over five years — of leading his deputies in the racial profiling of suspected illegal aliens.
A politician many conservatives claim is a liberal-left Democrat at heart, McCain released a public announcement on Saturday morning that gives its readers the lawmaker’s opinion on President Trump’s full pardon of former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio.
“No one is above the law and the individuals entrusted with the privilege of being sworn law officers should always seek to be beyond reproach in their commitment to fairly enforcing the laws they swore to uphold,” McCain said.
“Mr. Arpaio was found guilty of criminal contempt for continuing to illegally profile Latinos living in Arizona based on their perceived immigration status in violation of a judge’s orders.”
McCain said, “[Doing] so at this time undermines his claim for the respect of rule of law as Mr. Arpaio has shown no remorse for his actions.”
This isn’t the first time McCain has blasted Trump or a Trump decision. In fact, a number of law enforcement officers believe Sen. McCain is part of the Deep State’s Resistance Movement, an organized effort to remove Trump from office.
For example, Sen. John McCain said he did “what any citizen would do” in turning over to the FBI a so- called dirty dossier, that allegedly contained unconfirmed secrets about then president-elect Donald Trump. The Arizona Senior Senator has gained a reputation as a “reasonable conservative” but his critics say he is “neither reasonable nor is he a conservative.”
“If you look up the political term RINO in a dictionary it should carry a picture of McCain with the definition ‘Republican In Name Only,’” said police adviser for the National Law Enforcement Legal Defense Society, Charles Coultner.
A former intelligence officer told the Conservative Base that the left-leaning British newspaper, The Guardian, described how the dossier came to be and how McCain got his hands on the super-secret documents.
“I first heard about this mysterious dossier when I was checking out an Inside the Beltway private detective and security firm. The firm allegedly tapped Trump‘s campaign staff and his allies hoping to find negative ammunition against the true Republican Maverick, Donald Trump,” said former military intelligence operative and New York police detective Michael Snopes.
“I know… I know… Senator John McCain is the guy the Democrats love to use to slam the GOP because most of the time he has cooperated with the Democrats, especially now,” said Iris Aquino, a former police official and now a director of security for a major corporation.
Shortly after the election — that left Donald Trump the winner and Hillary Clinton the loser –John McCain attended a Canadian conference and spoke with a ‘former senior western diplomat’ who knew of the dossier’s existence, claims the United Kingdom’s Daily Mail.
Sir Andrew Wood described to reporters his dealings with McCain: “I would like to stress that I did not pass on any dossier to Senator McCain or anyone else and I did not see a dossier at the time.” However, its what Wood did not say that was interesting: He didn’t deny telling McCain about the dirty dossier.
On Tuesday, the Wall Street Journal exposed the ex-spy who actually obtained the documents as being British subject, Christopher Steele of the British security bureau MI-6, which handles foreign operations (MI-5 is Britain’s internal security and intelligence agency).
Steele’s spy agency discovered a Democratic Party insider who wanted dirt on the Republican nominee to be released in the U.S. news media. The unnamed contractor was later identified by the Wall Street Journal as being Christopher Steele. He and another ex-British diplomat, Christopher Burrows, run their own company, Orbis Business Intelligence.
Senator John McCain is a Traitor and should be removed.
Though he often acts that way, McCain is not senile; he knows exactly what he’s doing. And what he’s doing is what he did in Vietnam: selling out his country to the enemy. The man is a despicable traitor.
Washington Cartel -the Long Term Elected “MILLIONAIRES” Democrats & FAKE GOP funding each other and VOTING TOGETHER further to enrich only themselves PRESIDENT to PRESIDENT.
including Sen Flake and McConnell.