Producer of film Hillary Clinton blamed for Benghazi terror attack interviewed by CB editor Jim Kouri
Following the Islamist terror group’s attack on the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya on Sept. 11, 2012, Conservative Base’s editor, Jim Kouri, interviewed one of the principles involved in producing the motion picture that Secretary Hillary Clinton blamed for the terrorist attack that killed four Americans including a U.S. ambassador. Kouri interviewed former U.S. Marine Major Steven Klein for in May 2013. Below is that interview:
As U.S. lawmakers continue to peel away layers of the Benghazi cover up, the partisan politics involved during the Congressional probes that have been twisted and maligned by members of the news media appear to be the only stories most news organizations are covering.
For example, little attention is being paid to the mysterious filmmaker who created the motion picture, “Innocence of Muslims,” which President Barack Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and other administration minions blamed for the deaths of a U.S. ambassador and three other Americans in Benghazi, Libya, according to a former U.S. Marine, who worked on the now famous motion picture, in an exclusive interview with
While the filmmaker was first identified as Sam Bacile immediately following the terrorist attack in Benghazi on Sept. 11, 2012, it was later learned, through court documents from a 2009 indictment and conviction for bank fraud, that the filmmaker’s real name is Nakoula Basseley Nakoula.
Sam Bacile is a pseudonym and he uses aliases — Mark Basseley Youssef, Yousseff M. Basseley, Nicola Bacily and Malid Ahlawi — to avoid being victimized by Muslims from his homeland, which many believe is Egypt, according to former Marine Captain Steve Klein in an exclusive interview with NewsWithViews.
Klein said he was the military consultant for the movie project and that he and Bacile the filmmaker wished to make a film that would expose the truth about the Prophet Mohammed to radical Muslims throughout the world.
“The Obama administration is using “Innocence of Muslims” as a smokescreen to hide the fact that al-Qaeda and its affiliates are as strong as ever. Obama, Clinton, Panetta and the rest knew the film was not responsible for the deaths of four Americans,” said the decorated Marine veteran.
Klein said he had promised to help Bacile produce the feature film but cautioned him that “you’re going to be the next Theo van Gogh.” Van Gogh was a Dutch filmmaker killed by a Muslim extremist in 2004 after making a film that was perceived as insulting to Islam.
“We went into this knowing this was probably going to happen,” Klein said.
In trailers posted on YouTube in July 2012, there were scenes of the Prophet Mohammed portrayed as a womanizer, ruthless killer and child molester. While Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama said the film was “disgusting,” most Americans are aware of its truthfulness, said former police detective Mike Snopes.
“The facts are that Mohammed married a nine-year old girl which makes him a pedophile and rapist if he consummated that marriage with the child. He took part in the slaughter of infidels — non-believers — which makes him a ruthless killer. And during his era, what Arab leader had only one wife?” asks Snopes.
While intelligence officials and others working in the field of counterterrorism were aware almost immediately that the Benghazi attack had nothing to do with Bacile’s film, here’s how CNN reported the story two days after the Benghazi attack.
Protesters aired their anti-American anger in Egypt, Yemen, Tunisia, Morocco, Sudan, Iran, Iraq, Israel and the Palestinian territories. Violent mobs attacked the U.S. Consulate in the Libyan city of Benghazi leaving the ambassador and three other Americans dead.
As outrage spread, the film’s origins still remained murky. Whose idea was it? Who financed it?
During his NewsWithViews interview with former law enforcement official Jim Kouri, Steve Klein reiterated what many have been saying about the Muslim film:

That it did not spark rioting in Libya which news reports have blamed for the deaths of U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other diplomats in Libya. Klein said, “Sam Bacile and the movie “Innocence of Muslims” had nothing to do with Banghazi. If anyone is responsible for the deaths of four Americans it was — and still is — Obama and Clinton. They are using the film and anything else they can find to cover up their culpability.”
“Hillary and Obama tried to hide behind Sam, they promised to punish him. I am convinced that Hillary and Obama demanded he be prosecuted as far as possible – still trying to shift blame from them to Sam,” Klein stated.
According to Klein, following the attack on Sept. 12, 2012, federal agents arrested Bacile saying he violated his probation. After that arrest, FBI agents were dispatched to provide protection for Klein – protection that basically lasted about six months.
“They confided in me that I was the bait and if any Islamists attempted to kill or harm me, they’d be able to swoop in and nail them,” Klein noted during the telephone interview with NewsWithViews.
Klein believes Muslim extremists control most of the mosques across the United States and that his intention is only to tell the truth.
In fact, The American Muslim Online (TAM) calls Klein an extremist and then attempted to paint a picture of conspiracy between the Marine veteran and well-known terrorism experts Pam Geller, Robert Spencer and Daniel Pipes.
The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) claims on their web site that they have been tracking Klein for several years and have labeled two organizations with which he is affiliated as “hate groups.” SPLC is considered to be a left-wing front group for neo-Marxists that has displayed anti-Semitic and anti-American beliefs while defending true hate groups.
“Hillary and Obama used and [continue to] use the Southern Poverty Law Center to set the pack of Main Stream Press, ‘dogs’ loose on me,” said Klein.
And according to former detective and intelligence officer Mike Snopes, The American Muslim is an extremist publication funded by radical Islamist groups and individuals.
“I put TAM in the same class as the Southern Poverty Law Center — an anti-American group that views Christians as evil and counterterrorists as radicals,” said Snopes.