Pro-Life Activist Norma ‘Roe’ McCorvey Dead at 69
“I am deeply saddened at the loss of our dear friend Norma McCorvey. She spent the better part of the last 25 years working to undo the terrible Supreme Court decision that bears her name,” said Newman. “Her work was not in vain. Norma became an inspiration for so many, and we at Operation Rescue work every day to achieve her goal of ending abortion in America,” said Newman.

Meanwhile, Operation Rescue’s founder, Randall Terrry said in a press statement: “The first time Norma and I met was at an Operation Rescue event in the early 1990s in California. Norma was with the pro-choice crowd, screaming at me and blowing a whistle in my ear.
“After her conversion to Christ, we became close personal friends, spending much time together over a 15 year period. She stayed as our guest in our home for nearly a month on one occasion. On other occasions, we traveled around the country for various pro-life events, or just hung out with friends, shooting pool. (She was a closet pool shark.)
“She was a tough, Texas woman, who did not take crap from anyone. She would call someone a liar or a damn fool to their face. She never wavered in her repudiation of Roe vs. Wade, and the subsequent death of millions of innocent babies.
“Make no mistake: she wanted Roe v. Wade overturned, and she wanted it to be a crime under law to kill any unborn baby by abortion.
“May God have mercy on her soul, and grant her eternal life through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Right after Norma McCorvey’s conversion to Christ, she wrote, “I’m Norma McCorvey, the former Jane Roe of the Roe v. Wade decision that brought legal child killing to America. I was persuaded by feminist attorneys to lie; to say that I was raped, and needed an abortion. It was all a lie. Since then, over 50 million babies have been murdered. I will take this burden to my grave. Please, don’t follow in my mistakes.”
Operation Rescue/Operation Save America is pleased to report that she did not go to the grave with that burden. She went to the grave with the salvation of her Lord. He took the burden, her debt of sin upon Himself and through His crucifixion and resurrection, redeemed Miss Norma’s guilt-ridden soul. The old Norma died (Pre Roe) and a new Norma emerged (Post Roe).