Obama and Texas Democrat mayor sneaking Muslim refugees into ‘sanctuary city’
While the news media provides wall-to-wall coverage of President-elect Donald Trump and his family — most of it negative stories — and continue to portray a failed president as having eight-years of achievement, they are once again purposely ignoring the federal government breaking laws, regulations and agreements regarding immigration.

After Governor Greg Abbott of Texas clearly stated that Texas is stopping the resettlement of so-called Syrian asylum-seekers, the President Barack Obama and his minions went behind Gov. Abbott’s back secretly colluding with the Democratic mayor of Texas’ most liberal city.
Austin, Texas, Mayor Steve Adler offered illegal aliens continued sanctuary and the Syrian Muslims are being provided with a welcome mat, according to a top nonprofit, non-government organization (NGO) based in the nation’s capital. The plan is said to entail the continued sending of unvetted Syrian Muslims to the Lone Star State, according to the government watchdog group Judicial Watch.
Gov. Abbott, who previously served as the Texas Attorney General and is no stranger to large-scale litigation, initiated a court action to end the flow of Syrian and other Middle Eastern-North African Muslims. During Christmas week, Judicial Watch successfully obtained records of the administration’s secretive program to send more Syrian Muslims to Texas, in spite of opposition from state officials over the security threats created by refugees from an Arab nation that’s a hotbed of terrorism.
“As is common for President [Obama], he is welcoming Muslims by the thousands into the United States but the number of Syrian Christians is fewer than 1% of the number of Muslims,” said former police anti-terrorism unit member Daniel Fierstein, “And Obama knows that the majority of Americans oppose his actions,” he added.
According to officials at Judicial Watch: “The White House looked to Austin [Texas] Mayor Steve Adler, going around the governor to confer with a city leader who espoused the controversial Syrian resettlements, the records show.”
Following Gov. Abbott’s announcement to Texans and the rest of the American people — that the state would no longer accept any more Syrian refugees — the Obama administration responded by colluding with ultra-liberal Adler, according to records of a conference call between the mayor’s office and the White House.
“The administration also furnished Adler with “talking points” involving the refugee resettlement and the parties discussed Abbott’s lawsuit. It seems bizarre that the feds would discuss legal action with a town mayor operating in the state suing them,” said officials with Judicial Watch. .
“Texas and California resettled the overwhelming majority of refugees in 2016, according to federal data, and Texas has absorbed the most Syrians. More than half of the nation’s governors oppose letting Syrian refugees resettle in their state for security reasons. Among them are Michigan, Arizona, Illinois, Florida, Maryland, Massachusetts, Georgia and New Hampshire,” Judicial Watch said in its statement.
A recent national poll revealed that the a large majority of Americans are opposed to the Obama administration allowing Syrian Muslim refugees into their neighborhoods. Only about 36% claimed they are for their country accepting more Syrian refugees into the United States, the poll found. The Judicial Watch survey shows a large decline in citizens accepting Syrian refugees in the last year and a half.
Muslims Allowed Sanctuary Despite Texas Citizens and Texas Laws
When advocates for these asylum seekers discuss the religious beliefs held by Muslims, they begin or end each of their arguments with a sympathetic pull at the heartstrings with “facts” that the U.S. has a history of providing asylum to those endangered by foreign enemies or domestic despots
But such statements are not germane to the issue. For example, according to Judicial Watch, the Islamic terrorists who carried out the deadly attacks in Paris had come into Europe as Syrian refugees, who originally entered Greece by posing as refugees fleeing from the Syrian conflict.
“The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) has confirmed that individuals with ties to terrorist groups in Syria have tried to infiltrate the United States through the Obama refugee program that has admitted more than 12,000 Syrians and counting. FBI Assistant Director Michael Steinbach has also conceded that the U.S. government has no system to properly screen Syrian refugees,” noted a Judicial Watch press release dated December 20, 2016.
Gov. Abbott cited the French case in his own lawsuit, which was dismissed by a federal judge in Dallas who ruled that the state didn’t have grounds to sue the federal government. According to Judicial Watch:
In the complaint, Texas accused the federal government of breaching its legal duty because the state was prevented “from receiving vital information to assess the security risk posed by the refugees in advance of their arrival” and that federal authorities refused “to consult with the state in advance on placement of refugees in Texas.” The state appealed the ruling to the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals but quietly withdrew it a few days after a separate appellate court rejected a similar appeal from Indiana.
Adler, who has served as Austin’s mayor since 2014, has proudly boasted that Syrian Muslims would be welcomed by the city’s close to one-million residents. In his official press statement — “Syrian Refugees are Welcome in Austin” — Adler promises Texans living in Austin, which is the state’s capital city, that “any Syrian refugee coming to the United States faces the most stringent background checks of anyone entering the country.”
But according to more than a few law enforcement officers who spoke with Conservative Base about Obama’s obsession with Muslim refugees, even the FBI Director Jim Comey told congress during his testimony that he has no idea how one goes about vetting people who have no documents and come from war-torn nations that barely have a functioning government bureaucracy.
“Obama is proven liar. Adler is repeating lies. And the federal judge in this case, is a political hack. That’s how I see it,” said Nickolas Patranos, a former civilian police officer and military police member.
“This mayor claims the U.S. investigations of refugees’ backgrounds entails screening by the inept United Nations followed by vetting by the FBI Terrorist Screening Center and other federal agencies. Texans and Americans are being sold another fraudulent bill of goods by a administration famous for making empty promises,” said Patranos.
Jim – If you have a viable, workable, acceptable solution for the problem or a way to get us to a viable solution we would love to talk with you on one of our Saturday morning radio show. Past shows can be heard by going to http://www.mmunited.org then to the “Last Call” archives http://mmunited.org/last-call-radio-archive-2016/
If you are interested give us a call and God speed brother.
BJ Edwards
“Last Call”
Any city official that supports the ‘sanctuary city’ misnomer is being dishonest and unsupportive of all citizens across America. When is it acceptable to “sneak” refugees from countries whose people hate us into our hometowns. There is no doubt that it is serving the Mayors or other politically motivated groups that care only about how they can satisfy their greed for more power and wealth. We see the results of what happens when more and more refugees, some who are terrorist that use this pathway into America, are settled into communities without ever have been vetted. Probably the most egregious example I find is the declaration of Chicago’s Mayor, Rahm Emmanuel that he will protect his ‘sanctuary city’ even though there are areas of the city that are extremely unsafe and overwhelmed by drug activity, with numerous murders daily. How often had we heard the reports of babies and toddlers being shot dead by stray bullets fired in the streets by rival gang members, when the bullets penetrate through walls, killing these innocent children while sleeping in their bed? Chicago’s Mayor cares more for Muslim refugees, some who are members of ISIS than he does for the children who will never get the chance to fulfill what God had sent them here to do. Tell me where there is any other country on earth that opens their borders to people that hate us and wish to convert or kill us? I just watched a report by a National Security Analyst on the news this morning entitled ‘The Rise of Islamic Extremism’. Unknown to me and I would guess most others in my state, there is one of the five ‘Muslims of the America’s Enclave’ right here, very near to where I live. It comes as no surprise that the Governors and Mayors in each of these states (NY, VA, TN, TX and SC) are supporters of sanctuary cities. They are taking money from our citizens to provide everything needed to the very people who plan to kill us. The expert analyst stated that the timeframe is imminent since these US compounds are in final preparations for Jihad. I am praying that our new administration will come in with a plan to immediately halt the attack of the Jihadist that we welcomed in with open arms and blind eyes.
Pingback: Texas Mayor Colluding with Obama to Sneak Syrian Refugees into Texas, Despite Governor’s Orders | T-SPAN.TV
what they care for if for the muslims to become democrats so they can vote against us. The governor needs to deport all these unvetted illegals.