OANN Report: Muslim Refugee Allegedly Raped and Murdered Daughter of Govt. Official

A Muslim asylum seeker from Afghanistan was arrested on Friday in Germany for the rape and murder of the 19-year-old daughter of one of the European Union’s top officials, One America News Network (OANN) disclosed in one of the few news reports by major media outlets that described the brutal murder case.
Maria Ladenburger, a 19-year old medical student who had volunteered at a refugee charity center in her spare time, was found dead in Freiburg, Germany, located near the German border with Switzerland. The abduction, rape and murder occurred in mid-October, 2016.
According to German estimates, there are more than one million Muslim refugees in their country, with hundreds suspected of being members of “sleepers” for the terrorist group Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. Public anger over the refugee arrivals has been intensified due to violent crimes involving Islamic refugees. There have been reports of rapes and other sex attacks at public swimming pools and other violence in Germany attributed to the refugees.
Miss Ladenburger’s father, Dr. Clemens Ladenburger, is a lawyer who works for the legal director of the EU’s European Commission.
According to former police homicide detective Benny Cardona, the case received very little attention in the West’s news media, especially in the United States, where the Democratic Party and the news media are in agreement with President Barack Obama’s desire to bring tens of thousands of Muslim refugees with no plausible method of “vetting” the asylum seekers.
“While President Barack Obama’s sympathies lay with the Muslim refugees, he and his media sycophants want to public to buy into their narrative of desperate Muslims asylum seekers. They don’t wish to explain why out of thousands of Syrian and Iraqi refugees less than 60 are Christians? Or why 70% of the refugees are males? Or how do they conduct background checks to prevent terrorists and criminals from entering the U.S.? asked Det. Cardona, a decorated police officer.
While liberal-left Germans – like those in the United States — have welcomed refugees, there has been strong opposition from a vocal citizenry. A string of sexual assaults and robberies on New Year’s Eve in Cologne blamed primarily on foreigners also fed fears, as well as accusations that the media were slow to report on such incidents.
According to German news media, Chancellor Angela Merkel has condemned the rape and killing of the young student calling it a “tragic event,” but she

spent more time making excuses for her decisions and downplaying the perpetrator’s religious background and that of the million Muslim immigrants she allowed into Germany.
“If it turns out that (the perpetrator) was an Afghan refugee then that needs to be condemned, absolutely, just like with any other murderer,” Merkel stated. “But that shouldn’t be combined with a rejection of an entire group, just like we don’t draw conclusions about an entire group from (the actions of) one person in other instances.”
“Sounds as if [Merkel] believes she did nothing wrong by bringing thousands of Islamic people from countries knee-deep in terrorism and anti-Western actions without even the semblance of a background investigation. Sounds as if in Merkel’s world, the poor student is just unlucky that she crossed the path of a sex-crazed murderer, and Merkel and her supporters have no blood on their hands,” said Det. Cardona. “That’s nonsense! She’s as guilty as our own progressives who believe Americans might be killed as a result of their immigration agenda,” he added.
The victim disappeared while on her way home from a party in Freiburg. Her body eventually discovered floating in a river. German police officers said that the suspect, is connected to the crime through evidence such as DNA and a video shot from a nearby CCTV camera.
Freiburg police formed a task force of about 70 officers who questioned more than 1,400 people and checked more than 1,600 clues. DNA of the perpetrator was found among other evidence on his bike, which was discovered 200 miles from the crime scene.
Rainer Wendt, head of the German police union stated, “This and many more victims would not be, if our country would have been prepared for the dangers that are connected to mass immigration.”
Meanwhile the German police chief, Jörg Meuthen, said: “We are shocked about this crime, and realize at the same time, that our warnings of the uncontrolled immigration of hundreds of thousands of young men from patriarchal Islamic cultures were depreciated as populism.”
The rapist-killer, who entered Germany last year as an unaccompanied minor, hasn’t made a statement. His arrest, however, has played into ongoing tensions about the arrival in Germany last year of hundreds of thousands of immigrants from Muslim nations. His name hasn’t been released to the public.
That ilk in DC and pix above, is a very, very sick person..investigate long enough, you will find he is a pedo also