Madness on the Left: Has the politically-correct orthodoxy reached the level of absurdity?
“Malignant narcissism is a psychological syndrome comprising an extreme mix of narcissism, antisocial personality disorder, aggression, and sadism. Often grandiose, and always ready to raise hostility levels, the malignant narcissist undermines organizations in which they are involved, and dehumanizes the people with whom they associate.”

Have millions of Americans lost their collective brain? It appears so in New York.
The wall tiles at a busy subway station in New York City are being replaced because the design appears to be a Confederate flag to some people.
The Metropolitan Transportation Administration is modifying the tiles at the 40th Street entrance to the Times Square subway station. The original design for decades symbolized the city as being the “crossroads of the world.

An MTA statement says it is crystal clear that the tiles do not depict the confederate flag. The red, white and blue design was installed decades ago.
“A lot of the Democrats appear to have gone insane with their hatred of their own country. I was a cop in New York for 25 years and I wish I had a dollar for every time I’ve walked past that subway station. Do these knuckleheads know that New York was part of the Union fighting the Confederacy?” quipped former New York police detective Samuel Green, a member of the Guardians, a black police officer association.
According to reporter Tiffany Gabbay, “The MTA did not indicate how it proposes to modify the tiles or when the process will begin. Amazing. This nation has lost its collective mind. Perhaps we should just take a sledgehammer to anything and everything that pre-dates 2008, or any other year deemed pure enough by the zombified thought-police.”
Well, you know that none of the grammar schools or high schools teach history anymore to their students or civics either from what I have read the past few years. I don’t know how long this has been going on but this is the reason that these loony liberal left don’t know much about anything connected to the US past history. They don’t know that there were many hundreds of blacks that fled to the northern states before the civil war for protection from their slave owners and stayed after the civil war was over. The only reason that there wasn’t fist fights going on in Boston today is because there was enough police on hand to keep one group from meeting up with the other group an the police would take anything that might be used for a club was taken away from the person that brought it to the march.