List of Soros Politicians ‘Bought and Paid For’ Includes Republicans

If the creator of the James Bond spy novels, Ian Fleming, were alive and writing a new thriller today, it wouldn’t be a stretch to believe he’d base his diabolical, untouchable villain on the life and activities of George Soros, including allegations of his being a Nazi-sympathizer (see video below).
According to a reliable source,, the list of politicians who accepted cash from multi-billionaire provocateur George Soros includes several Republicans who were already suspected of being RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) or out-and-out liberal-left collaborators or “useful idiots.”
The list includes the who’s-who of the Republican Party “establishment” who campaign as conservatives but legislate or govern as the progressives who are members and who control the Democratic Party lock, stock and barrel.
Besides the names of politicians listed below, Soros — who is believed to be worth about $25 billion — has contributed financing for hundreds of left-wing groups through his so-called “philanthropic groups” the Open Society Foundations.
As a political operative he personally supports environmental activism, disarming of American citizens, increasing the number of Third-World immigrants, and the New World Order movement.
He had openly shown his opposition to voter ID laws and support for anti-police groups like Black Lives Matter. It’s been alleged that Soros spent $33 million to canonize Michael Brown and vilify the police officer who shot the rampaging 6’8″ 300 Lbs. attacker in the city of Ferguson, Missouri. Soros also paid for many of the protesters imported to provide an intense violence and destruction.
One surprising revelation on the below list is the fact that Soros claims he “donated” the same amount to the Republican Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, R-Wisconsin, that he gave to far-left New York Senator Chuck Schumer the new Senate Democrat Minority Leader. Also on the list is the news media’s favorite Republican, Arizona Sen. John McCain, as well as Ohio’s Republican Gov. John Kasich, who remained anti-Trump until the very end.
All those politicians; Republicans and Democrats, who were bought and paid for by wealthy George Soros, should have been FIRED and replaced. SHAME ON THEM ALL!
Impeach all and every one . Where’s the Doj Fbi in his medeling. Even r.ussia has band hid hateful ass.
Until those who claim to love liberty have a deeper understanding of mankind’s real war between individualism and collectivism, we will continue to be played as fools and divided.
Here Here!
:/You are so right! Leftist groups talk about equal rights, but people, and specifically, George Soros have politicized the legal system. He has spent millions of dollars to elect the feckless prosecutors who consistently refuse to enforce the law against domestic terrorists, but will prosecute (and persecute) anyone who defends their home and family. It has left many ordinary citizens with a sense of helplessness and increasingly, anger. I hope for the best, but I am preparing for the worst. These two ideas are not mutually exclusive. I do what is available to me. I vote, I have contributed funds to candidates I believe in, President Trump being first on the list, I spend time at the range, and I have discontinued financial support of my alma mater which now lists twenty or more full time positions described as “diversity” and now offers courses in gender studies. We as a great nation are rapidly moving down a path of national suicide. During Watergate, the mantra was “follow the money”. If you follow the trail of money funding domestic terrorists, you will arrive at George Soros’ front door. I keep asking myself why this is not treason and why it is tolerated, sedition, to my knowledge is NOT a first amendment right. A good start to ending violence would be to arrest Soros and deport him, and then follow by convicting his accomplices under RICO. I rest my in
We the People of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA have the opportunity and the mandate to enact Term Limits in the Voting Booth! Two years and out regardless of which side of the aisle they are on. Congress will never pass an Amendment to limit or fire themselves after 2 terms. It’s time for the Government from the People, by the People and for the People to take back our Constitutional right and oust these avaricious government abusers.
Prosperity of America in Illinois gathered 600,000 signatures in 2012. Yet Speaker Michael Madigan got them overturned.
Communism has come to Illinois!
The cabal running Illinois will remain intact until we seize the reigns of power from them. However, the likelihood of that happening is about as possible as the state legislature abiding by their own constitution, and passing a balanced budget. In other words, fat chance.
why people keep voting these crooks in I will never know!!!!!!
I agree 100% – Term Limits is the only answer – neither house of congress is capable of ethical and unbiased behavior — both sides have been bought off by people like Soros or big pharma and insurance companies,, etc. They have all stopped representing the American Citizen and this country. It also explains why the Republicans aren’t more supportive of President Trump and why they aren’t condemning the obscene behavior of the Democrats more loudly.
This is not exceptable..i never trusted macain..or paul ryan..but a couple others suprises me..this should never be allowed..they are getting rich and selling out our Country..are representing big business and filling their pockets..needs to be investated
Sadly. Congess would never vote for term limits and vote our their power. If the majoriy (unlikely) could be educated and stop believing these lying dirty politicians, we could vote these life time anti American world order asses who want the US to fail, go broke, starve, ruin it so we will be forced to live by a communist world at survive at the mercy of the world. Also why they atta k Christians and stand by doing nothing while they are slaughtered every day – there is no God if gov is to become the people’s God and salvation
Another 100% Agree as long as we continue to let them rule and line their pockets and become even more wealthy while the real engine of America keeps running smoothly it’s never going to end! WE MUST TAKE BACK THIS COUNTRY even if it means all out War Our Ancestors did it why cant we, If Our kids are going to have any chance in hell of living any kind of life we better get off of our behinds like…… Yesterday!
No, shame on those that elect
Numerous states have answered by joining a movement for constitutional convention, a means set forth to allow the people to override congress. I sent letters to my two reps in southeast nc with no response. They know their feeding at the public trough will end.
It’s called a Convention of States as stated in article V of the Constitution.
No one working on the COS has any clout in Washington DC. So they can meet all they want on webinars and talk to each other. But because of no funding people are not being informed. It’s dead before it gets to the floor..lack of clout
thank u
Every damn one of them should be given a seat in old sparky !!!!!
Or at least take away any pension and health care for life! Then we shall see those who truly want to serve!
Great Idea and don’t let them have any SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS.
Government employees- Congress- do NOT pay into Soc. Sec. they pay into federal retirement. If they had to pay into Soc. Sec. instead, they would not be taking out pork belly $$’s for pet projects. They should return to pre Congress occupations- not eligible for lobbyist until 10 years later. They also pay into federal healthcare not what we the people can access.
that’s been my thinking for quite some time!!!
Do you know if the PM TROUDEAU FROM ???????? NAME’ is on t hat list???? Gosh I hope so!!!!!!!
Please remember, as our blood boils, who is in complete control of it all. Pray fervently for our country. Prayer works, and God hears, he will protect this country, and bring demise to all of them. The Bible is full of how he handled these things in the past, he can and he will.
I agree. We have become a me first country. Our Universities are full of
Socialist teachers. I believe in the Convention of the States. It is the only way we can bring America back to what our forefathers wanted this country to be. A God honoring, loving people who put our country first.
Sadly. Congess would never vote for term limits and vote our their power. If the majoriy (unlikely) could be educated and stop believing these lying dirty politicians, we could vote these life time anti American world order asses who want the US to fail, go broke, starve, ruin it so we will be forced to live by a communist world at survive at the mercy of the world, we could stand a small chance. Also that’s why they hate why they attack Christians and stand by doing nothing while they are slaughtered every day – there is no God if gov is to become the people’s God and America isn’t even mentioned in the last days in the Bible. I suspect it won’t be herr – destroyed by the Demoncrats working to create a poverty suffering America who can’t stop what happens. Pray for the souls of the nom unbelievers and ” do not be weary, for my time is comimg”
Amen! God will save us as we turn back to Him: stop killing babies, return sex to its sacredness between man and woman, love God and follow His ways of love. Pray.
I really believe you hit on something here. saved this article and just went back and read it. I thought the people were supposed to have more power over corrupt government than we do
People have gone insane. They stare at their phones and don’t even know how to interact with other people anymore. It’s like a twilight zone episode. Nobody cares that we’re losing everything this country was supposed to mean. But what can we do?
Absolutely! Have you signed the Petition with the Convections of States for this very purpose?? If not, sign up!
How do we do this? Whom do we contact? Where do we get the answers?
If you read article 5 of the a Constitution you’ll find the Convention if States allows Congress to change the Constitution. They posted the petition on the social media misleading people to believe it would protect the Constitution
I agree!
Convention of states
I so agree!
Long overdue our Founders envisioned citizen legislatures NOT career politicians????
Stop voting for politicians and start voting for working people.
How do we do that
Vote. . . Take these names and voice your opinion.
VOTE Vote. VOTE. Change history. Declare your voice
Well said.
Amen, lets make it happen
We the people have to take them out.
I totally agree with that. They just need to serve their 2 years and then go back to what they did before without all the pay and medical care they currently get.
That is a real need in the political future 2 terms, no more lifetime politician
The only recourse we as citizens of a dying nation have is to call a ‘convention of states’. It was the one failsafe the founding fathers built into the Constitution that could wrest control from an overpowered federal government. Only problem is a certain number of states would have to ratify it (I think ratify is the word) and it would require a TON of legal action(s) but there seems to not be much (if any) mention of it by fellow patriots.
AGREEMENT WITH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But the People must be informed so they can make good decisions. Unfortunately, the republicans have allowed the dumbing down of society through the educational system and media. I’ve never been so afraid for this country. And, I hate those Republicans who misrepresented themselves. LIARS. All of them.
Look into the Convention of States movement, and make sure your state joins Texas and the fourteen others.
Clean the swamp SOON
start a new agency by people fbi cia nasa justice dept by the people donald trump president devils throw out
You are correct. Hillary is like cancer. The longer it goes untreated, the worse it gets.
Absolutely !
Turns to crap on everyone else.
She always comes out smelling like
a rose!
Or 6 feet under.
You know, I was thinking this country will never be united until there is equality of justice for EVERYONE including politicians. The right is outraged and angry that Clinton and the deep state get a FREE pass on everything, while poor Mike Flynn and Roger Stone are in jail. We cannot see high up officials getting away with breaking our laws. And, then the media is PAID to LIE LIE LIE about Donald Trump and incite big time anger and rioting in the liberals who do not understand they are being used, useful idiots by the left. They are pawns in their game of thrones. It’s unbelievable that this has been allowed to happen in the USA. This experiment needs adjusting. Free speech should not include hate and inciting violence.
:/You are so right! Leftist groups talk about equal rights, but people, and specifically, George Soros have politicized the legal system. He has spent millions of dollars to elect the feckless prosecutors who consistently refuse to enforce the law against domestic terrorists, but will prosecute (and persecute) anyone who defends their home and family. It has left many ordinary citizens with a sense of helplessness and increasingly, anger. I hope for the best, but I am preparing for the worst. These two ideas are not mutually exclusive. I do what is available to me. I vote, I have contributed funds to candidates I believe in, President Trump being first on the list, I spend time at the range, and I have discontinued financial support of my alma mater which now lists twenty or more full time positions described as “diversity” and now offers courses in gender studies. We as a great nation are rapidly moving down a path of national suicide. During Watergate, the mantra was “follow the money”. If you follow the trail of money funding domestic terrorists, you will arrive at George Soros’ front door. I keep asking myself why this is not treason and why it is tolerated, sedition, to my knowledge is NOT a first amendment right. A good start to ending violence would be to arrest Soros and deport him, and then follow by convicting his accomplices under RICO. I rest my case.
The FBI is useless and the DOJ is working on it.
i agree. But it seems like we have absolutely no power over any of it anymore and nobody to protect us. Even Donald Trump will be gone in 5 more years. This Democrat socialism mess and sanctuary cities, the illegal immigrants getting extremely bold. People it’s spreading like an aggressive cancer and has already consumed half of our supposedly God fearing country. I don’t even recognize it anymore. What can we do? If there’s anything, anything at all we can do to even slow it down, we better do it fast or all hope is gone of ever seeing it as it once was people caring about each other, love in people’s hearts. I just don’t see it in most of the younger people anymore. They act like robots with no compassion, no feelings, no morals, God please help us! We have to do something!
I couldn’t have said it better myself. God help us. If anyone can bail us out of this devastation its our amazing President. I’ve never seen anyone like him. He never sleeps and has the stamina of a 16 year old. Im also seeing there is a lot to be said for never drinking a drop of alcohol.
He’s bought and paid for many in the FBI & DOJ & CIA as well… these are the type of people Trump is trying to get rid of! Takes time and evidence. That’s also why they are attacking him so hard with all the fake investigations, they know he’s looking for all their secrets and corruption. They cannot be exposed.
More than banned. They have an outstanding warrant against him. If we would only extradite him to Russia, Hungary, or Indonesia h’ed probably see the hangman’s noose. But he’s too well protected here.
Is there any way anyone can get that done? I think president trump would if he could, if somebody could put a bug in his ear quick, like yesterday? This sanctuary city mess is spreading across this country like a wildfire out of control! We gotta do something fast, I any ideas?
YOu mean that the famous Marine General Hero Blutothal was suported by Soros???
They are only there for money and not for the people
Gov Kate Brown In Oregon I was told 25,000 & she is destroying our State .
The list is missing plenty more names!
And plenty more donations. Soro’s gave several, several million to Hillary Clinton. And you know, she believes she is so smart, and yet, she had Soro’s hanging around at every photo opportunity she could…. knowing that some of the American people knew exactly what he was after! That is one of the reasons, besides shooting off her mouth, that she was never considered a real candidate!
they keep it in the family. did you know Chelsey married his nephew???
That’s for sure! She is evil to the core and yes she is destroying the beautiful state of Oregon! It’s a shame and what I don’t understand is how in the world did she ever get “elected” with all of her destructive policies or did she keep them secret and lie about them? Such a beautiful state; such a horrible so called leader!
The democrats outnumber republicans 3 to 1 in Oregon. Soros doesn’t need to support Brown she has the democrat numbers. One county in Oregon rules. Multnomah county rules.
Have any of the Democrats turned yet? Is there any of them on the fence we could talk to, maybe show them some facts over coffee? You have to get personal on a different level first , let a lot them get to know you as a person, then start talking to them about this slowly, a little at a time. If you show them a lot of facts and start moving too fast, they get real defensive. Ive changed a few minds I think, but it’s not easy. Good luck. We gotta hurry. This country is going to hell fast!
They all should be replaced and NO RETIREMENT NO HEALTH CARE NO BENEFITS AT ALL !!!!!!
Absolutely!! ALL corrupt, unethical politicians should be prosecuted, harshly punished & lose all benefits & pension. Drain the swamp!
It angers me that we are being made to pay taxes for all these free loading millionaires & billionaires, who do not even respect themselves let alone a lower class of people…so to speak! I am now refusing to pay for my own demise!! I will not support these jerks & hope & pray that the people in these other states find someone else to run against them & win!! I’m so sick of “People” these days. They are all getting to be so Evil! Lord God, please keep me simple & centered to ur needs, protect the common class & the Christians thru out the world! amen! I say Christians because they are those who believe in God!
We also pay for those Super Pensions as I understand. Traitors!
Many Traitors.
Amen! We have to pray and not stop
People have turned crainto uncaring robots with their faces stuck in phones or playing those awful violent games! And they want to know why they crack up and shoot up schools! They do the pretend mess on those games for a while, and if something is not right in their head they start wanting the rush they’ll get from the real thing, yet with all the talking about the reasons for the shootings, nobody has ever even considered this possibility? Am I CRAZY? THEY CAN’T EVEN INTERACT WITH EACH OTHER. A DATE IS TWO PEOPLE SITTING ON EITHER END OF A COUCH TEXTING EACH OTHER! Have I lost my mind or is that totally upside down and wrong? Anybody feel like we’re living in a really twisted nightmare yet? I do! We gotta do something and fast or it’s all over. It’s spreading like wildfire with the hate for police and sanctuary cities in just the last year!. Donald Trump will be gone in 5 years, then what will we do with no voice at all? Better start praying and keep praying!
wish it would happen but it never will
I sure don’t see President Trump on that list
TRUMP is not on the list because he has absolutely ZERO ties to that evil demented piece of ????
Why do the names Ryan Kasich and McCain not surprise me
All the ones with the R are RHINOS not real republicans.
No, shame on those that elect
I absolutely agree.
I’m wondering about the 8 House Republicans who aren’t running next year. Got paid off?
Except it does seem honorable that Lindsey Graham is doing the right thing lately. He seems less likely a part of UN AGENDA 2030.
Don’t let him fool you….he is much like Obama if his mouth is moving he is lying!
Lindsey Graham Is doing Nothing. He isn’t Helping TRump in the Least. Check this out>
Anybody who actually believes spreading $288,500 between 58 politicians, an average of less than $5,000 apiece, has bought and paid for them says more about the person believing it than it does about Soros, unless that for a man with his wealth he is pretty cheap when it comes to political contributions.
Unless he is using stolen taxpayer dollars and there are more puppet masters dancing for the devil.
What is the explanation for what’s happening to the country then, and why it’s spreading so fast. I read he started doing the same thing in other countries, getting people to sell out, bringing great masses of people from other countries to theirs etc. and was banned from a few for it, for causing unrest in the country. I don’t know if it’s him, but something big is definitely happening fast in this country, and it’s not good at all. Evil.
Agreed!! They dont have OUR best interests at hear they have his agendas now. Guaranteed he donated ALOT more than those small amounts
If you want to rid ourselves of them there is two ways we can do it thru recall petitions, and vote if we do either then lets arrest them and try them for treason and hang. Can you imagine the first one we do this to what the rest of them would do. The would run and hide like rats. Any time and elected official violated the constitution it treason and they can be tried for their crimes and treason offence is hanging
Absolutely!! they shouldn’t be in the Congress.
These figures are misleading the amount is in millions as is most donations by someone like this. So Hillary received 2.2 billion.
yes get them out
This list tells us who not to vote for in any election. Donald Trump is the only name we must vote for!!
George Soros and his open Society tried to kill me on August 4th after the weekenders left for the weekend and no one was around. They went to every room looking for me or flashlights from dusk till Dawn. I had taken the battery out of my phone and they could not accurately locate me. It was the most terrorizing night of my life completely freaked me out and I did not eat for three days and I had very little water. And now they proved that he is funding the illegal immigrants please read Michelle malkin’s new book called open borders Inc. Soros IS THE DEEP State and he believes is he has some sort of a messiah. He is stated it is necessary to devalue the dollar and that the greatest obstacle to a new world order is the United States
Omg! What can we do?
They can be. Every damn Republican needs to get off their asses and go to the polls and vote against every Democrat. Every Republican who took money from Soros, needs to be replaced by a Republican rival.
Agreed they should all be outed????
Because they are a bunch of people that have achieved an office of power and influence. But they are only faithful of the pocket book. Do anything (accept actually working for the American people) . TERM LIMITS are the answer , to keep the corrupt out of our government! Such as Soros, more money than brains.
Hell if it only takes couple grand to buy a politician I think I’m gonna buy a couple. Some of em are down to 3 00 who the hell sales out for that.
Just to play the devil’s advocate, has anyone thought about the fact that Soros knows the reaction conservatives would have upon the discovery of these “donations”/payoffs?
I believe that politicians can refuse/return monies to questionable sources if they are alerted to them.
That said, our government is so compromised by leftist operatives and muzzles, that it is almost impossible to know if these so-called conservatives are actually in bed with this piece of human waste or if one of their staffers is responsible for the “oversight” in order to help Soros get them out of office.
Songbird McCain, Paul Ryan, John Kaisch, Chuck Grassley are all believable to me but I am uncertain concerning Lindsey Graham.
I agree Linda Tremonti~
I suppose it’s safe to say that Grassley, Graham, and Johnson probably won’t really accomplish anything of substance from their “investigations” currently underway.
that is only the money on record. believe me there is way more backdoor money going to these people. and that excludes his funding of antifa, blm and occupy……arrest him, try him and execute him for intentional attempts put the american citizens in danger through elected officials who ignore their oath of office to protect and serve.
Soros is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations which has members from the FBI, DOJ, DOD, our current and former politicians, the media, businesses, educators, military, people like Mark Zuckerburg (which isn’t his real name), Facebook, etal. This group is a branch of the Illuminatti started in 1921 whose agenda is to destroy the United States and its sovereignty.
I am wondering how much he has paid for AOC Tlaib & Omar
AOC actually bragged that Soros was backing her. As for the other two, I don’t know about as far as Soros is concerned, but check into their actions with CAIR and other muslim terrorist organizations.
Oh I wonder that myself. But I really want to know how much he paid the Hill and Ohomo
AOC is doing a bad job for Soros, with her stupidity, she is causing a lot of people to switch to supporting President Trump. Keep her going Soros.
Check this out>Please He Talks about & tells you what to do even gives Phone #’s To Them All!!!
Great question. I would love to know the answer.
Good question
So do I. How is the president supposed to brief the house before taking out a terrorist with the enemy sitting in the room? Nancy Pelosi has been there 30 years! She’s got to know what’s going on!
Good question!!!
If these RINOs took money from soros (the amounts were not large donations) who else did they take money from that does not support conservative ideas.
Oh I wonder that myself. But I really want to know how much he paid the Hill and Ohomo. I knew Paul Ryan and McCain took money and did his bidding. I had already heard that. I want to know WHO THE REPUBLICANS were that did his bidding.
Yes, would like to know also~
Good question. I noted the amounts were small for some. What is that about?
The smaller amounts to some maybe due to the presumption that those “representatives” can’t fulfill his plan according to his will, but the contributions are enough of a leash to keep them quite and in check.
I agree with the above comment, where are the investigations on this guy??? If we can find a cow with disease in some isolated farm in the state of Washington, we can nab this guy and put him in prison.
George Soros and his banker buddies are all into this together and have the power and the money to control just about anyone because very few politicians are honest any more. They are also the Federal Reserve and control all the money thru worthless money and then charge the nations of the world interest on it. Problem with this is you cannot create debt with worthless money and they know that. The are all also the one world order folks who wants to bring the world into one government, one world order economy, and one money system totally under their control. Question are we going to let them do this? this is treason against every country in the world and we can make a stand and demand they be arrested and tried for treason and hung. So what are we waiting for?
Freeze all of George Soros’ Assets here and abroad. Including funding to his over 187 groups he sponsors to bring upheaval and racial divide, now!
Wish that would happen too!
David Horowitz Explains How George Soros and the ‘Shadow Party’ Rule Over Democrats via @epochtimes
Join the FB #StopSoros
Here is a list of Corporations and Globalist who are funding so called “New America” Because they have money they think they can enslave the world! This are all globalist!
Wake Up America!
Why did the jew’s let this rat live. Why haven’t the jew’s arrested him.
He would buy his way out!!! Another Hitler walking among us.
You mean like Hitleresque Donald Trump?
You’re a troll.
There’s a VERY good question! !
Why hasn’t anyone? Why do you ask just about the Jews?.
Why hasn’t anyone? Why do you ask just about the Jews?.
I was just told by you that I already responded and this is duplicate comment. ?????
When? What did I say? That’s amazing!
Because he is one of their own.
Good question!
This is all corruption, needs to be dealt with and fixed, so it doesn’t happen any more.
How do we Americans get these politicians impeached and end this war against their own country
when someone gets the solution to this problem let me know and i am with you one of the best things that could happen to OUR AMERICA
vote and try for treason and each state start a recall on them and then try them for treason
Think why does our house of representatives work so hard to take our second amendment rights .The people won’t be able to defend against the tyranny that the socialests will bring to The Republic of the United States of America . Which is a free republic .
as far as OUR gun rights remember the dick act and these words are not for fun there really is a dick act to preserve OUR gun rights look it up never can be resinded !!!!
Americans want to rid the country of Deep State Politicians, Communist Democrats and the few Communist Republicans! Not surprised Congress never got anything accomplished when Paul Ryan was Speaker of the House…Soro’s was his money backer too!
Ryan is only one in along list of Congress members owned by George Soros and the New World Order. Most are still covert but working on a daily basis to defeat the Trump Agenda we elected him to accomplish. It will get worse very soon as the NWO will do everything short of assassination to defeat President Trump in 2020. When they loose again, only God knows what they might do.
I figured someone was paying him.
Bohner too.
Personally they would all be charged and arrested on the charge of treason and then hanged. They have turned their backs on the American public and must pay for this. It does not matter were you start clearing them out but start now. Any amount accepted in this is a charge that fits the crime.
totally agree
Keep in mind, the New World Order through the Democrat Party has half the country brainwashed to believe they are the good guys and Patriots are bad. Yes, the Presdent needs to wake up and smell the coffee, out the New World Order and eliminate all of their top leadership people. If he does not, with their wealth, power and reach, they will get him first. It is time for the President to go on a full court offense and quit playing defense. Just one man’s opinion.
remember also to add sedition of a sitting president
The total amounts given by soros to our elected representatives would be extremely helpful as would the business interests, corporations, multinational companies etc. would tell the tale of soros intransigence and anti AMERICANISM HE FOISTS ON US WITH HIS MILLIONS AND HIS MINIONS!
They don’t have any integrity since they sold out for such a mere pittance! And they’re supposed to be representing the voters!
Is it any wonder why there is such a mess going on right now? I truely wonder how all these idiots sleep at night. It’s disgusting! !!
If you take off the blinders and look at the big picture, Soros and his New World Order have been operating a Strategic Plan to take down the country for fifty years. They operate from behind the scenes with their clones and agents embedded in powerful positions across society. Doubt their success, merely look at the sorry state of the Nation ranging from violent racial turmoil, hostility over income disparity, dysfunctional Public Education System, invasion of illegal immigrants pouring across the border, half the country on entitlements/welfare and directly under control of government, social media and Public Communications owned by the NWO and a weakened military, until President Trump took office. These are all pillars of the NWO Strategic Plan to take down the country from the inside out. They sleep well at night knowing that they almost have the country on the one sway street to oblivion.
Soros’s list is way short
he has many more neverTRUMP politicians on his enslaved list
BUT I will not blame george soros for those corrupt politicians being on
his list
those corrupt politicians were just catered to that’s
corrupt had something that they desired, and so, all those politicians
WE see their names and the politicians that do not want to be revealed
they all then ran to george soros to be a part of his buying our USofA Lawmaking powers
but those US politicians didn’t care for they have received a desire(s)
that couldn’t be somehow acquired from their US Lawmaking powers or
from their salaries or from however the powerful standings given to them
by Us US citizens, and WE all now see that
all the US Lawmaking powers & salaries could never be enough
but being on george soros payroll is
WOW that’s just hateful & sad
and yet those US politicians haven’t had enough until the day they die
when they’ve all done their worst to destroy our USofA, Us US citizens and our
US way of life of humanity God Given Freedoms
What a shame!!!
Just spinning our wheels was what was going on. Thank God he’s. Out. And God help us with demon Pelosi.
SOROS needs to be taken down alonf with his empire. He is evil and a treasonous traitor to jews everywhere. I want him and every childs U.S. citizenship revoked and forced out of the United States
Chelsea Clinton is married to his grandson or nephew. He has his son and the rest of his family groomed to take his place. He is a Jew and ratted of his peers to the Nazis to save his own hide and has financially gained immensely from it. He has destroyed the British pound and several other monetary systems! And as the question has been asked before “How is he allowed to live in our country as much as he hates us?”
I haven’t done the full tree at this point because Chelsea’s husband’s family ties into mine . So I can’t completely refute you on this as yet but the rumor that Adam Schiff is married to the daughter/grand daughter/niece of Soros also floats around and it is the wrong Schiff family. I suspect the same is true on Chelsea’s husband. To give you some research material to start you off, Marc Mezvinsky is Chelsea Clinton’s husband. Marc is the son of Marjorie Margolies (former pro abort Dem congresswoman) and Ed Mezvinsky. (former congressman, UN ambassador etc who was convicted of doing the Bernie Madoff sort of thing and sentenced in the early 2000’s to prison). I haven’t gone back further on Mezvinsky as yet but am reading old newspaper articles on the couple as Marjorie Margolies is the daughter of Herbert Margolies and to be filled in mom and Herbert is the brother of Bernard Margolies and Jean Fleisher(who is my third cousin). I have contact with the offspring of Bernard and Jean who is my fourth cousin. We have discussed the Clinton connection before but Soros had not entered the discussion. While that Margolies is my 4th cousin and the whatever cousin of Chelsea’s husband, at this point in my searches, the Fleishers trace back to Bavaria etc but George Soros is Hungarian. Either way, my line brushes elbows with the relatives of Chelsea’s husband and I don’t know about the line of the of the Margolies or the Mezvinskys but in time , I’ll do a historical run on all because the history is always entertaining. In reality, if you have anyone who has any Ashkenazi jewish roots, eventually everyone is related before we even get back to Abraham. You have sparked my interest in seeing where George Soros might tie in to the other families – I have Ruth Bader Ginsberg to follow already to see our relationship. But the ultimate message here is likely you know someone related to George Soros. I’ll keep you posted on those Mezvinskys as I discover the truth. LOL. (And yes, I too wonder why someone has not eliminated George Soros and his evil offspring. But I wonder about a lot of people in that respect. Thank God we know who is really in charge and in the long run, it will all work out for good . In the meantime, we will all continue the struggle against evil, with George Soros, the Clintons and many others certainly illustrate.) And try to squelch the Soros relation stories as they take away from what we know to be true which is that Soros is a wicked man.
The only surprise I see on this list of dirt bags is Chuck Grassley.
Lindsey Graham and Rubio too!!!????
Not one Texan!
Jeb Bush is from Texas.
Money it is said to be the route to all evil combined with the evil minds or the weak minds how easy it has been to destroy vast numbers of people.This is not a spur of the moment scenario it has been well thought out and getting people into positions over long periods of time. The people who have thoughts and ideas of doing something really good and beneficial for the people on this planet are never encouraged nor funded to that end but the destabilization of countries and people is seemingly much more rewarding to pursue and is it possible that many are head hunted because they care nothing for people who are no more than a means to an end and once they seek that elusive freedom of speech and an end to the never ending lies. Then along comes the means to destroy vast numbers of people yet again.Just thinking out loud.
Because no-one does anything about his undermining into our country (that he hates) causes the unbelievers to think this is all fake news…And because of this nothing is done because they cannot see the truth….Vicious Circle… Exactly the same thing with the Muslims… Congress needs to go-they have broken many laws…and changed others to not help us but enhance the take over by the New World Order
The bad news is, before the New World Order can achieve their objective they have to first gain back the power they lost when President Trump was elected. If they get that power back, look for a rapid escalation of their Strategic Plan to create chaos, rioting and burning of cities across the nation. Their President then declares Martial Law and in the blink of an eye, the Constitution is gone, Congress is gone, Courts are gone and people no longer have Civil Rights or freedom. They then come for our guns and the second Civil War starts. The New World Order has grossly underestimated the number of armed and trained Patriots in this country and how resolved we are to uphold the Constitution. When the War starts, there will be no place the New World Order members and their clones can hide. Will not be a pretty picture, but may be what is needed to clean up this country and get us back on track.
That’s not fair…. it’s also because he bribes the MEDIA colossal amounts of money and they are losing money naturally.
He gave $200 MILLION to Vice News this year alone… let that figure sink in… $0.2 billion… if you are a newspaper, you write for your customer. If you are getting $0.2 billion, then Soros is your customer.
Guess what, Soros hates Trump… this is why US media is SO polarized against Trump, simply they are being bribed.
Soros sold out his fellow Jews to the Nazis.. and as the were loaded on rail cars headed to the Nazi Death Camps, he and his Nazi buddies were busy looting their homes .. Soros didn’t start out with nothing .. he’s not the “poor boy makes good”. He used loot from those he turned in to finance his future. As for those politicians he provided funds for.. no body on this list is a surprise. That they are “career” congress members is our fault.. our lethargic attention to elections, our complacency and apathy… we let people stay in congress for 40 some 50 years. No wonder they believe they rule the deplorables…. they do. As ignorant as some of these libs/Dems and their supporters are.. we take the cake. Yes… Democrat supporters still think they will get… free medical, free college, more money for reparations because their Great great great grandparents were slaves. That there were ever slaves in the history of the world was probably one of the top worst parts of history… that the Romans, Egyptians, Chinese, Africa, Central Asia, Middle East, Eastern Europe and Dozens of African Countries were ..and some still use slaves. Those that determined it sucked, got rid of it. Period.
That many Americans continue to beat us up for having slaves…. note to Jim Kourt no slaves and only 5 -10 percent of Southerners owned slaves. Again, there is no logic to continue the racist comments directed to any White person. shows a clear case of ignorance. blacks slaves in the northeast were actually owned by a former slaves.
No wonder nothing every gets done in Congress. The little gnome is the puppeteer that is trying to destroy America and paying off duly elected individuals to tear down the Constitution and what America stands for. It is time for those he finances to be kicked out of Congress. This explains to me that Obama was his stooge in charge of beginning the New World Order take over which he tried to do and almost did. Next Old Hillary, who is also in his pocket caused the up roar when she didn’t get elected and messed up his scheme to the chagrin of his bought off groupies. The “groupies”, I believe are running scared and tying up Congress for fear of being exposed. Thus we have over investigated Russians, questionable investigations into investigations trying to cover their tracks
Term limits!
screw these dumb asses… look at the groups and the millions he gives them to over throw this country.
I wrote the names down from Florida I won’t be voting for them!!! ????
God these polls are cheap
a disgraceful display of money buying votes and the representatives who took the money
The list only includes “reported” donations to the clones Soros owns. If you were to take into consideration the illegal contributions, personal loans and other gratuities, you would see a lot more Democrats and Republicans on the list. Want to see more of Soros bad actors merely Google membership lists of the Council on Foreign Relations, Tri-Lateral Commission and Bilderberg Group. All are front organizations for Soros New World Order. Remember folks, these people have been in control, behind the scenes for fifty years and have their agents embedded in powerful positions in all Government Agencies, the military, Public Education top to bottom and they own all the Media outlets. The New World Order is the greatest threat this country faces today. The Barbarians are not just at the gates, they are already inside the city and looking to destroy us.
This list must have more names on it, that aren’t being shown! Some names surprise me, and some, I could have told you! I’m going to call these people….”The Swamp!” original hey? They have no reason to be in OUR government! I am enraged more by the minute! They should all resign….given no benefits of any kind! To think, that these people had a say, in how our country was run!!!
I also want to investigate the newer members of congress…asap! I will not mention names, but I think everyone knows whom I’m talking about. It’s not at all healthy to have people in congress that have ties, to anti-American views.
This is a good thing, that this list has come out. I hope that eyes are opened, and that good will come from it. Any more names to be added to it? Now, let’s find out why some people want the infiltration of so many illegal immigrants to our country?? When at one time, they didn’t want it? I want my country back! What happened to “WE THE PEOPLE” ! I am also scared of the Trojan Horse. You know that story is very real. The amt. of people, in the United States right now, that would fill a Trojan Horse, are here in unbelievable amounts!! bowling, going to fb and bb games with you, school pta meetings with you, next door neighbor, bbq’s, ..until the time is right for them! We must be cautious, and very aware. I want honorable, and trust worthy people in my government. I don’t want phonies! What has gone on with our country for years now, is a disgrace! Sometimes I think, that an angel sent Pres. Trump here to help us!! He loves this country! I hope that people start to ‘see’ this more and more. We also need to find out where Jesus Christ went? I haven’t lost HIM, but many have! So…what, can we do? Do we just sit and watch the news, and shake our heads? Look at the people that donated so a wall could be built on the border! Did you follow that? It was great! That’s what I mean here……talk about it…….T h i s i s o u r c o u n t r y !!! God bless our country, and God bless us!!
You mean like Hitleresque Donald Trump?
What ED are you a communist like the rest of them and so blind that you can’t see the good that President Trump has accomplished, even with all the corruption he is surround by
Don’t even start that mess! It’s a lie from hell! Look at what’s going on in all our states. Are you blind?????? Somebody just went into a police station in NYC and tried to assassinate them! Is that normal to you? Wake the hell up before we lose what’s left of our country, because buddy when we lose it, there’s no place left to go! We are the last free nation on the planet, president trump is about the only one I see fighting for us and is mocked and abused every day for it! Stop! Just stop and ask yourself when the dust settles just what kind of country is gonna be left? You need to remember what all the ancestors fought and died to keep alive, just a handful of pioneers against the greatest army in the world! That’s what a free, God fearing safe country for our children meant to them and they won! Doesn’t their shed blood so we can have the freedoms only dreamed of by others mean anything to you? Maybe it will when you look around and it’s nowhere to be found anymore! Not far off at all! Spreading like a cancer, so a precious few can sit back and laugh at the rest of us suckers for just handing the country over to them and sealing their destiny as the ultimate rulers of us! We’re gonna be the HUGE LOSERS IN ALL THIS! THERE’S STILL TIME FOR YOU TO STAND UP BESIDE YOUR GREAT GRANDFATHER, GRANDFATHER, AND FATHER AND TELL THEM HELL NO THEY’RE NOT GETTING THIS COUNTRY BECAUSE IT BELONGS TO US! THAT MY FRIEND IS WHAT YOUR GRANDPA, ABD DADDY DID! THAT’S WHAT PRESIDENT TRUMP IS DOING SO UNTIL YOU CAN PROVE DIFFERENTLY. PLEASE DON’T BADMOUTH OUR PRESIDENT BECAUSE RIGHT NOW HE’S ABOUT THE ONLY ONE THAT IS GUTSY ENOUGH TO SAY ENOUGH! HE’S BEEN IN ALL THEIR FACES ALL HIS LIFE AND HE SEES WHAT THEY’RE DOING, WHAT’S HAPPENING, AND REMEMBERED WHAT THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA USED TO MEAN TO IT’S PEOPLE AND THE WORLD! HE’S FIGHTING FOR YOU!
There are more names that need to be added. Isn’t he behind all the democrats running for president?
yes we are not sheep we are lions god says in his army
What like note is that a lot of the comments seem to be from pro Trump folks, people who support Conservative issues, folks who do not support Liberal issues. Might l guess it came from a Republican source.
Do pro illegal immigration politicians care about animals? Then they should care that illegal aliens are involved in wildlife trafficking, a $10 billion industry that harms vulnerable animal populations and brings various endangered species closer to extinction. The most commonly trafficked endangered animal seizures into the United States are coral parrots and lizards Of the 4,968 live endangered animal seizures, 257 have been of animal species that face a threat of extinction. What other animals do illegal aliens crossing US border smuggle in? They smuggle in rare breed puppies, kittens, wild jungle cats and kittens torn from the mothers in the wild, sea turtles, baby bobcats, snakes, spider monkeys, praire pups, Iguanas, exotic bats, Toucans, baby Anteaters, Margays, capuchins, armadillos, etc…But yeah, sure, go ahead and support these intelligent Politicans who think there’s nothing wrong with illegal immigration. Tell that to the defenseless animals smuggled across the desert or drown in rivers during the journey. Who speaks for them? Do the research into animal trafficking over the US border.
In May 2018, for example, three aliens crossed the border into Texas with a black duffel bag, which they abandoned when they realized there were Border Patrol agents nearby. When agents searched the bag, they discovered an UNCONSCIOUS JAGUAR CUB. Imagine how many other vulnerable animals are smuggled across US borders daily without anyone knowing!! Everyday in the USA, on our borders, it happens. And politicians do nothing about it by doing nothing to stop illegal immigration. Makes no sense, right? Then there’s this: According to the New York Daily News a 52 year old illegal immigrant who was supposed to be deported, raped his girlfriend’s dog to DEATH. Savor that one pro illegal immigration open border no deportation advocates.
Wanna hear more reality of how wonderful illegal immigration is or do you close your hearts and minds while animals suffer? Mar 20, 2017 – Cockfighting in Detroit leads to arrest of several undocumented immigrants. Oh, it’s just their culture, right? We should respect it. Viva illegal cockfighting who cares, we support illegals, right? We let them come here illegally. We encourage their law breaking behavior, so why would they care if they break more laws hurting animals? It gets even crazier: A deported U.S. Marine veteran returned to the U.S. Thursday after 15 years in Mexico thanks to an official pardon by DEMOCRAT Gov. Jerry Brown, prompting the reinstatement of the man’s green card. Why was this Marine, who was not yet a citizen deported? For FELONY animal cruelty. That’s why. So good bye and we don’t care if you were a Marine. Get out. Yet, Democrats championed his return for “humanitarian purposes.” Insane, right? What about the rights of the animal this pos tortured? Oh, who cares, animals don’t vote, think liberals gone mad.
Have you ever heard Pelosi give a damn about trafficked animals across US border? Nope. She’s so disconnected from cause and effect reality she wouldn’t know. Just another barricaded elite grandstanding to media while she lives behind her fenced and gated home with her animals safe and bodyguards proteting her. Living in an ivory tower. Far away from reality. Looking down at the dumb Americans who vote for people like her. The Democrats and Republicans have done nothing to stop illegal immigration. But it’s mostly the Democrats who don’t want to stop it because the controversy generates votes. How sick is that? This hurts animals. Does Pelosi, AOC or any of these champions of illegal aliens care about these animals? Nope. That’s why we need an effective border wall, more mass deportations (to discourage further illegal crossing) and more border patrol officers to stop attempts to cross illegally into USA. The animals are depending on us to do something.
Still more, Illegal aliens throw their trash in the cacti among the desert turtles. Desert Turtles have been exposed to batteries, cell phones, clothes, human food, homemade weapons, human waste, jeans, medications, radios, razors, ropes, soap, and water bottles, according to Daily Star reporter Tony Davis. In short, desert animals and plant life have been trampled and harmed by illegal aliens. But CNN won’t show that, right? Fox news doesn’t even show it. Who is speaking up for these defenseless animals!? Politicians don’t care about the animals involved in illegal immigraiton because animals don’t vote. Do your damn jobs politicians! Quit wasting time in front of cameras and manipulating voters with your phony, fake emotional sob stories. Illegal immigration is hurting animals daily. Stop illegal immigration into USA.
no devils arrest them along with there masters clean house we own military we pay devils want to control them we are the goverment they stold from us?
He can’t allow in Austria, he can’t support or send any money to Austria. He should be investigated, people who took money, should return the money plus fine, and quit their job. Soros should get a big fine and freeze his accounts.
Vote them out of office. Stop bitching about what we have we are the ones who put them in office. Vote them out!!!!!! I am not always happy with Trump and his mouth but I sure like his policy. Vote a stright rep. Ticket to help him put good policy in effect.
The more blackmail dirt, the less cash required to hold the POS…. it sure don’t mean he got less from them….could certainly mean he got even more from the POS’s
not a lot of money contributed for a man with $billions….and whose foundations are taxpayer funded…
Do all these cheating ASSHOLES report this income on their tax forms for the year to the IRS or do they cheat on that?
Did you forget the real Manchurian Candidate? The non American born or approved/earned Citizenship Obama?
The list is incomplete. one of the missing is Bernie Sanders name isn’t on it.
John McCain isn’t on there.
Read it again. McCain is on the list.
The Meats On The Table????No supprises here, Except, the list is incomplete????puts a lot of pegs in their proper hole, dosen’t it????
Pingback: Ocasio-Cortez’s Strong Ties To George Soros Exposed – Conservative Base
It’s time for the American people to realize that these politicians aren’t for the American citizen. They are for anything that enriches them. They become millionaires in a few fee short years in Congress on a 170,000 a year salary. That’s not possible if your an honest or very lucky person. They are so greedy they don’t care if they destroy our country as long as their rich. We need to vote them out and start this next election.
What really Surprises Me is the Dollar Amounts depicted on the list. If the list has NOT been edited than ALL these Traitors SOLD us all out for CHUMP CHANGE in Reality Way, Way down the River a LONG, Long time ago. Killery Clinton- $22,000 ??? 22 Large wouldn’t even buy her Lunch ! All of this Garbage with Soros has been going on for over 50 years at least. He has been playing this game of World Domination since he was a NAZI turning all his Friends in to steal ALL their Wealth. Yeah, he’s a real Stand Up Guy alright. This is ALL a Superbly Well Thought Out plan Orchestrated by the Elite One World Dictatorship Illuminated Ones who are compelled to RULE every aspect of our Petty little Lives because they are So Much Smarter than we are and They don’t EVER want that Power to be Lost to ANYBODY else except their own Insane, Inbred Blood Lines that have CONTROLLED ManKind since we have been here. Divide and Rule has been their Strategy all along because it NEVER Fails. They are so close to Fulfilling their Dream of One World Everything that they can almost Taste It. Their getting Impatient now after Wiesshaupts Plan was cooked up a couple of Hundred Years ago and NOW they have the Technology that we paid for to ENSLAVE us forever if we Don’t STOP them Now, of which they are Well prepared today to Protect themselves with. They FEAR us retaliating against them if Everybody Wakes Up at Once (Like that Would EVER Happen). We have a small Window of Opportunity now to possibly STOP Them but, that Window is Closing Fast. In my estimation we will be Damn Lucky to EVER pull that off if that is at all possible.
Those payments were very likely not a one-off but regular? Am I correct? Otherwise certainly a small price to pay for treason also we cannot count out the insane allegiance to an idealogue then most would have done it for nothing.
Payments will be paid when service is rendered.I’m taking Emily to dr. Ur mama will watch baby. The New World Order is watching. I’m
The money is misrepresentation. They don’t give details in exact somes like that. So who would contribute 2,800dollars. Come on wow Soros paid half my electric bill for the qautre. No. Statements by mutli billionaifds are in millions or thousandz or billions. This is more likely Hilary got 2.2million or 2.2 billion or even worse 22 billion which I doubt but possible to launder money through her campaign. Looking at the smaller donations I reckon the ,1,700s etc are wrote like u see audits. So that would be 1.7million
A billionaire has no need to give.someone 1700 in a office of the policy makers. that’s the amount he,d chuck at the homeless guy using his stairs in his office as a bed every night. For real!!
I noticed that all the republicans that George Soros bought are RINOs. the Democrats do not surprise me as they have proven that they hate America.
Then they should leave this country or shit the F up
Losers, greedy bastards, should be hung.need to start individually and show them this is wrong and treasonist to this country and pay the price of there actions. Only way it will be stopped
But what piddling little amounts – It seems traitors come cheap these days
Excellent article. We in the UK need you to publish the list of politicians here on the Soros take please.
It is a horrible thought that so many people that said an oath to support the people of the United States and you decide the money that Soros promised you is more important than standing up for your constitutes. You should all be totally ashamed of yourselves. And you all should be voted out for siding with the enemy, you have committed Terrorism, he will kill the people of this country any time he wishes and you are letting it happen, Shame on you all.
I believe that there are a few men on the list that didn’t know that the contribution was from the very infamous George Soros. But finding this out, I would like them to give the exact amount back by giving it to a worthy charity. And I would like them to tell all of America what this poisonous person namely George Soros is doing to these United States of America!
The love of money is the root of all evil ????
Not one Republican named here surprises me, nor should surprise any of us…
What does surprise me are thowse who aren’t…..
Kelly Ayotte, Senator of New Hampshire
Robert Bentley, Governor of Alabama
Jaime Herrera Beutler, Representative of Washington
Bradley Byrne, Representative of Alabama
Jason Chaffetz, Representative of Utah
Mike Coffman, Representative of Colorado
Barbara Comstock, Representative of Virginia
Michael D. Crapo, Senator of Idaho
Dennis Daugaard, Governor of South Dakota
Rodney Davis, Representative of Illinois
Deb Fischer, Senator of Nebraska
Jeff Flake, Senator of Arizona
Jeff Fortenberry, Representative of Nebraska
Darryl Glenn, Running for Senate from Colorado
Cory Gardner, Senator of Colorado
Scott Garrett, Representative of New Jersey
Kay Granger, Representative of Texas
Cresent Hardy, Representative of Nevada
Bill Haslam, Governor of Tennessee
Joe Heck, Representative of Nevada, running for Senate
Gary R. Herbert, Governor of Utah
Jon M. Huntsman Jr., Former governor of Utah
Will Hurd, Representative of Texas
David Jolly, Representative of Florida
John Kasich, Governor of Ohio
John Katko, Representative of New York
Steve Knight, Representative of California
Mike Lee, Senator of Utah
Frank A. LoBiondo, Representative of New Jersey
Mia Love, Representative of Utah
Susana Martinez, Governor of New Mexico
John McCain, Senator of Arizona
Patrick Meehan, Representative of Pennsylvania
Lisa Murkowski, Senator of Alaska
George E. Pataki, Former governor of New York
Erik Paulsen, Representative of Minnesota
Tim Pawlenty, Former governor of Minnesota
Rob Portman, Senator of Ohio
Martha Roby, Represenative of Alabama
Tom Rooney, Representative of Florida
Brian Sandoval, Governor of Nevada
Mike Simpson, Representative of Idaho
Chris Stewart, Representative of Utah
Dan Sullivan, Senator of Alaska
John Thune, Senator of South Dakota and chairman of the Republican Conference
Fred Upton, Representative of Michigan
Ann Wagner, Representative of Missouri
Pingback: List of Soros Politicians 'Bought and Paid For' Includes Republicans | SOLOMON'S OPINION'S
Pingback: List of Soros Politicians ‘Bought and Paid For’ Includes Republicans - SOLOMON'S OPINION'S
That isn’t even a full list of names. We need term limits to get rid of the corruption in our government. Insist on the arrest and prosecution of the Soros family. Investigate all corruption of our government and non-government bodies bies by outside independents. There are too many rich politicians that started out either poor or middle class, where did they receive all of their riches, who is influencing their votes, it’s time these criminals go to jail. The only reason why they are trying to get Trump out of office is because he is exposing their wrongdoings. Find anybody on the list of members of the Council on Foreign Relations and you’ll find a traitor to our country. Their members are politicians, the media, businesses, some military, educators, George Soros. Their agenda is to take down America, open its borders, destroy our freedoms, and our Constitution.
Pingback: List of Soros Politicians ‘Bought and Paid For’ Includes Republicans - WPTheme
Soros May have been a Jew in a concentration camp but he came out a nazi. Right up there with Hitler. I wouldn’t vote for one person one this list and that goes for the republicans too. This guy gets away with donating millions when there’s supposed to be a cap of 32,000. So any republicans who want my vote then do not accept money from him or Bloomberg. Our freedom is at stake and we’re heading for a civil war while he sits back and laughs with China and Iran. Any good snipers available. Don’t arrest me only rhetorical. But seriously the world would be a better place without his evil. He is definitely satan along with a whole list.
He was never in a concentration camp.
He was on the “other side of the fence”.
He was in the Hitler Jugend – the actual Hitler Youth. He describes it fondly as the happiest time of his life. Him and his uncle went around looting Jewish houses and looking for hidden Jews. Search around, a lot of information on this – and a little misinformation too. He despises Jews. That’s why all his organisations are anti-semitic.
Apparently though technically Jewish, George’s mom despised them and was heavily anti-semitic and blamed them for his family having to flee, so they paid some rich person to pretend to be George’s uncle.
Wow, Politicians are really cheap!!!! I wouldn’t sell my soul for pennies.
ROFL! Good one, Cecelia!
Once Trump announces N.E.S.A.R.A. we won’t have to worry about these bastards anymore. Our government will go be going back to Constitutional law, and you’ll be see many conress members going to jail. It was a law passed by Clinton and Congress in the 90’s. It was supposed to be announce on September 11, 2001. G.W. Bush put a gag order on it.
My money is on Mitt Romney Senator Republican Utah,as being a RHINO !
Yeah, your odds on that are going to be almost nothing.
Well, okay. But $22k is the biggest payment? Hillary Clinton could find that up her bum. It’s nothing.
I would expect these numbers to be at least 1000x bigger to have any influence. $22k is the cost of a new Honda. Are these just a snapshot of one moment or is there more going on? because this isn’t real news.
IT is possible this article is just a cover to make people think Soros doesn’t have that much influence.
October 2018 to February 28, 2019 Soros came to North Carolina in order to run damage control on the North Carolina Administrative Office of the Courts negotiated the forced resignation of the Republican Party’s Justice Mark Martin. From November 7th, 2014 to resignation February 28th, 2019 the illegal-acts, activities G.K. Butterfield, FBI\DOJ, U.S. Intelligence Agencies, Intelligence Communities (private\public), DHS-ATF, DHS-USCIS, network informants, local-criminals, Goldsboro Police, foreign government, foreign nationals, Nigeria police operating in Raleigh, NC covert schemes pre election to gain Justice Martin’s seat by the Democratic Party’s dangerous AOC by and through their weaponized politicized Eighth Judicial District Judiciary under the reigns partisan illegal-immigration legal-terrorism Chief District Judge David Brantley, by and thorough “agreed to political use of judicial office” with his fanatical Democratic judiciary Judge Elizaebeth Heath, district attorney Matthew Delbridge whom for the Demo Party and congressman Butterfield, BIVENS FBI\DOJ, U.S Intelligence Agencies\Communities,”politically” concealed BACKDOOR illegal-immigration RING and\or schemes K-1 Fiancee VISA by FBI\DOJ’s “honeypot informant” mother Altonisha Kenyahtta Edwards and ex husband GYASI RALAMECCA EDWARDS (aka) Kevin Lamont Edwards both of Durham, NC discovered by another black-father Howell son by the “government paid murderous honeypot” Altonisha and foreign nationals are\were engaged in the 2013-2020 illegal acts, activities illegal-immigration BACKDOOR RING. — Here upon the father “life threatening” discovery “reporting” such 2017-2018 resulted in governments, law enforcement and the judiciary under Brantley attempted murder of black father. In retrospect the added discovery Soros paid money to gain justice Martin seat due to the implications that discovery of Eighth Judicial District’s “federal and state obstruction offenses” would be discovered as well as the governments connection to the attempted murder of the black father Howell for being firsthand witness\victim reporter. Howell had to flee into hiding from the judiciary, district attorney and FBI\DOJ in and of itself criminal. Judge Mark Martin retired 2/28/2019 blind sided by the dangerous Democratic Party weaponized politicized judiciary and the three 2014-2020 continuing chief district Judges Brantley, Turner, and currently Elizabeth Heath in furtherance of RICO predicated acts to gain Party’s 2019, 2020 elections special favorable position. Brantley retired [fled murderous office] March 28, 2018; appointed the co-conspirator Chief Judge R. Les Turner whom December 31, 2014 “agreed to” political use judicial office” did in fact aid-abetted “immigration attorney” Natarlin Best, and honeypot to illegally or unlawfully file invalid-instrument 14CVD305 NEW YEAR EVE December 31, 2014 violating North Carolina General Assembly District Court Rules Procedure “required ex-parte hearing and audio-recorded.” Due to this illegal immigration, and obstruction invalid-instrument attorneys\informants had filed; in furtherance of concealing their federal offenses illegal-immigration and attorneys November 7th break enter the fathers home theft federal\state HP-USB laptop media-evidence unfavorable to honeypot, the informants and governments, Agencies, foreign nationals et al, as well as the New Year Eve fraud instrument they directly\indirectly caused or had to be cause the Greene County clerk office February 20, 2015 ARSON FIRE RICO predicated act with criminal-intent to conceal above, and cover-up for their December 31st, 2014 ex parte 14CVD305 invalid-instrument filed with its underlying criminal intent to gain the witness\victim\Reporter father “planned false-arrest and incarceration murder also “co-planned” by judiciary. Hence, justice Mark Martin forced resignation by Democratic Party supplemental schemes that would reflect of Republican Party, as well as impact 2016, 2019 and 2020 elections. Clearly Donald Trump affected as well.
He looks at things in his life just like any other Sociopath…Nothing bothered him when he went with his adapted father to take property from Jews who had been sent to death camps and he was better off for doing this.. This man is evil, corrupt and a huge problem for our system of government that we love so much and he will destroy that system any way he can…and the people that are being paid to do his bidding should also be removed from office and then removed from this country…PEROID…
most of congress sold their souls to satan (through Soros)
The Republicans on the list will not get my support. Of course we see how Lindsey Graham becomes a weathervane. Whenever Soros pulls his strings he goes.
I think the voting machines are compromised by the company that makes them and runs the whole thing.
There has got to be a MAJOR CHANGE in the voting process this year – for integrity and indepedently verifiable monitoring of our vote casting, counting and completing process. A trusted way to do it, so corrupted people are not anywhere near the entire process. I don’t know how to expplain it, but it must happen. I know that it’s currently not in the hands of honest people.
There’s a solution to our biggest problems but not enough true patriots to carry out the mission. I ve said for years that the assassination of members of Criminal Congress, especially the ones with more than 12 years tenure and the leaders of the monopolies such as Big Oil and Big Pharma would solve a lot of the criminal activity, and it wouldn’t take but a few , probably 25 to 50 to get the attention of the rest and they would straighten up or resign. When one fears for their life they begin to think and act differently.
This type of plan would be far less bloody than a civil war, which is where we are headed if something isn’t done soon. A civil war would bring about untold destruction and thousands if not millions of deaths and more misery than one can imagine.
This plan would require true patriots willing to die for the cause and with the right organization in place I would be more than willing to be the first sniper and get the ball rolling.
I love my country but I fear my government greatly, and a citizen should not have to live in fear of his government. WE NEED TO WAKE UP AND ACT LIKE AMERICANS BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE, AND TIME IS RUNNING SHORT.
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When the government fears the people there is a healthy balance, but when the people fear the government there is trouble. We are at the crossroads, when the likes of George Soros,bill Gates and Anthony Fauci are pulling the strings you know you are being fed nothing but lies. Do your own investigations into the facts be it the real origins of the corona virus, the real reason there’s a push to wear a mask,riots and who’s sponsoring them. Know what you believe, and stand with true conviction. Thanks