Judge Jeanine Pirro to John Brennan: You Are Swamp Scum!

In a previous opening statement, Judge Pirro had compared the Democrats’ own crime scene cleaner to the iconic fiction character in the landmark motion picture Pulp Fiction:
“You know, when things go terribly wrong and a crime scene cleanup is needed, the mafia calls in the cleaner. The one who disposes of the body after the hit or covers up the evidence after the crime. Now, in the movie ‘Pulp Fiction’ the cleaner brought in to dispose of the corpse is Harvey Keitel.
“When covert missions go wrong, the government calls in its own cleaner, and when things go terribly wrong for the Democrats, they don’t just call in the cleaner to get the job done, they call in someone who has been in the cleanup business for a long time. They call in the serial cleaner, former FBI Director and now special counsel Bob Mueller.
“Now, the latest details this week of a continuing cover up by the Trump-hating deep state, as if we needed further proof that Donald Trump was being framed was evidenced that Bruce Ohr, the fourth highest ranking DOJ official back channeled forbidden information to the Department of Justice,” Pirro said.
Former FBI Director James Comey — who was eventually fired by President Donald Trump — provided lawmakers with a closed-door interview that revealed to Republicans and Democrats that there exists a major contradiction to claims made by his former intelligence counterpart, John Brennan.
When the alleged liar and leaker Comey said the so-called “dirty dossier” was used in an intelligence community assessment in January of 2017, he claimed it was his duty that dictated his actions against President Trump and his top advisers.
During an interview on NBC TV’s Meet the Press, rabid anti-trump host Chuck Todd asked Brennan, who now works for MSNBC as a security analyst, if the so-called “dirty dossier,” — now believed to be a complete hoax– is the evidence the FBI used as corroboration to get a FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) court judge to issue a search warrant to investigate President Donald Trump.
It’s become an accepted fact that the discredited dossier, which the Democratic Party and Deep State conspirators paid for was part of their overthrow of the Trump presidency. “Here we have two of the top deep state operators seemingly turning on one another after knowingly trafficking in documents that contain descriptions of some of the most debasing and sordid sex acts committed by Donald Trump,” said Jillian Baylord, a former staff detective for a criminal prosecutor.
“The sources who provided ‘evidence’ against Trump are believed to be perpetrators of a hoax meant to destroy Trump’s chance to beat his Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton. Once she lost, they began to implement their “Plan B” to have Trump recalled or impeached,” Baylord said.
The dossier was built-up as serious research funded by the President Trump’s opponents at the Democratic National Committee, the Clinton campaign, George Soros and others.
When Chuck Todd asked his media company’s national security analyst Brennan about George Papadopoulos, who served as a low-level adviser to Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign, and his alleged ties to Russia, the question should have been a simple one to answer, for anyone who has been following the twists and turns of the Russiagate narrative.
For over a year, press reports had proclaimed that the FBI’s July 2016 investigation into the Trump campaign’s Russia connections had originated with a dossier compiled by an impeccable British intelligence source who alleged that Russia had compromising material on the Republican candidate.
Further, the document alleges that Trump aides had committed serious crimes in coordination with Russian officials. But the so-called Steele dossier, named for the former British spy Christopher Steele, who allegedly authored it, proved to be opposition research that the Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee paid the Washington, D.C. strategic communications firm Fusion GPS millions of dollars to produce and distribute to the press.
In a 2018 edition of the nationally syndicated talk show Crosstalk with Jim Schneider, the guest — Jim Kouri, editor of Conservative Base — and the host looked at the 4-page Foreign Intelligence and Surveillance Act (FISA) memo that was declassified. That was the GOP intelligence memo that sheds light on what some believe are subversive, behind the scenes actions of the FBI and the Department of Justice in their alleged war on the Trump campaign.

During the run-up to the 2016 presidential election, then- President Barack Hussein Obama’s senior intelligence and Justice Department officials utilized what now appears to be illegal spying against the Trump campaign.
They are highly suspected of knowingly using DNC and Clinton campaign-generated materials to obtain secret FISA warrants to interfere with the election and provide an “insurance policy” against a Trump presidency with the false allegations of Trump-Russia collusion on the DNC’s hacking which eventually was published by Julian Assange’s Wikileaks, all the while hiding the political origins of these lies from the FISA court.
There was a lot wrong with the dossier that was used to obtain the FISA court warrant. So Robert believes the fact that the charges against Paul Manafort, Richard Gates, Michael Flynn and George Papadopoulos haven’t been dropped is rather outrageous and is clearly a violation of the Fourth Amendment because there was no probable cause. It was based upon lies. ‘Facts’ were being submitted that were not facts.
According to Robert, it looks like they took what they thought were travel records of Trump officials and then filled in the blanks with falsehoods. Robert gave the example of Michael Cohen who was supposed to be in Prague in August of 2016 (according to the Steele dossier) speaking with Russian agents about cleaning up the mess per the WikiLeaks disclosure. The problem with this is that Cohen has communicated that he’s never been to Prague. So, if he wasn’t in Prague in 2016, then he couldn’t have been there speaking with Russian agents cleaning up the mess dealing with WikiLeaks and the dossier. This means that whoever Steele’s sources were that claimed he was there and having such conversations should be called into question.