Iranians expected to donate more cash to Hillary for President campaign
Hillary Clinton, of all presidential candidates, is having campaign finance difficulties even with her “cash-cow” partnership with her husband former President Bill Clinton in the multi-million dollar “charity” the Clinton Foundation, according to reports that came out on Saturday from primaries in South Carolina and Nevada.
The long-touted heir apparent to the presidency is being dwarfed by self-avowed socialist Bernie Sanders with the Vermont politician collecting three times as much as Clinton.
While she is still willing and able to bargain with donors and use her husband’s name to attract contributors, she still must struggle to finance her so-called ground game and her TV and radio media blitz. The problem for her presidential campaign is that most of her loyal donors already gave the maximum amount allowable by law.
“That means the election watchdogs, both government and non-profits, must keep their eyes on the already suspected ‘money laundering’ involving donations from suspicious contributors to a Canadian branch of the Clinton charity. And then there are secret transfers of cash from Canada to the Clinton Foundation,” said former police detective and international crime investigator Jack Blassett. “Last we heard; the FBI subpoenaed records from the Clinton Foundation,” noted Blassett.
But according to journalist Robert Spencer, Mrs. Clinton may have discovered another source for funding her billion-dollar campaign for the White House and no one in Washington, D.C., including members of the capital press corps, is saying boo about it.
“A pro-Iran lobby group that is working against US interests and is actively trying to kill new antiterrorism laws will be at a fundraising event with her this weekend,” according to Spencer in Jihad Watch.

Hillary Clinton is expected to attend a fundraiser being hosted by one of the nation’s most powerful businessmen, social media giant Twitter’s executive chairman Omid Kordestani and his wife Gisel Hiscock. Kordestani was born and raised in Iran. Also participating will be National Iranian American Council (NIAC) board member Lily Sarafan and Noosheen Hashemi, who serves on the pro-Iran advocacy group Ploughshares, a major funder of the pro-Iran agenda.
The pro-American, Iranian freedom activist Hassan Daioleslam “documented over a two-year period that NIAC is a front group lobbying on behalf of the Iranian regime.”
NIAC counts the United States’ pro-Israel community as its enemy and the group opposed the Iranian sanctions. With what are described as “close ties” to Barack Obama and his State Department minions such as John Kerry, NIAC successfully pressured the White House and the Democrats to abandon sanctions, and they spread propaganda the same way Iran’s Press TV does.
For example, Spencer shows that In 2013, they promulgated the big lie that Iran’s President Rouhani was a moderate compared to his predecessor, Iranian “wildman” Ahmadinejad. Hillary Clinton frequently called Rouhani a moderate the same as she did the Eqyptian radicals from the Muslim Brotherhood.
Ploughshares partners with NIAC and with the White House to pressure the Jewish community and others to back the Iran nuclear deal.
The National Iranian-American Council (NIAC) since was recognized as “Iran’s lobby” in the U.S. despite the link between Iranian improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and the Iraq War, with some of those Iranian IEDs killing Americans fighting the insurgency.
I thought it was illegal for foreign nations to donate money for candidates in a US Presidential election.
Oh ! I forgot . This is THE Clinton’s ! NOTHING touches either of them.